Cantonment Murder Suspect On ‘America’s Most Wanted’ Tonight

December 17, 2011

A murder suspect from Cantonment was featured on  “America’s Most Wanted” Saturday night.

Pensacola Police are hoping tips will lead to the arrest of 20-year old Dwayne  “Money” Pinestraw. He’s wanted on homicide and aggravated battery charges for the summer shooting death of a Pensacola toddler.

The segment on the national television program included a  re-enactment of the incident, interviews with the victim’s family and interviews with Pensacola Police Department Detective James Reese.

Reese has been the primary detective investigating the July 15 incident, which claimed the life of Ty ‘Quarius Moultrie, 19 months old, and injured Vincent Dennis, 23, at an apartment
complex on Fairfield Drive.

“We have spent many hours working this investigation and trying to find the suspect and hope this will help,” Reese said.


8 Responses to “Cantonment Murder Suspect On ‘America’s Most Wanted’ Tonight”

  1. toni washington on May 16th, 2012 2:07 pm

    this is the grandmother of ty quarius thank every one for their support when they caught him i was hoping to get back to normal but its not every day that goes bye it hurts so much more i miss my baby so bad some times i dont want to wake up in the morning i see his face every day and would give my life to give my daughter her baby back

  2. DJC on December 19th, 2011 12:18 pm

    @ Billy:

    I’d rather support him in prison than out of prison.

  3. billy on December 18th, 2011 6:01 pm

    well……they dont execute killers……so if they catch him you can support him all his life

  4. JK on December 18th, 2011 9:07 am

    The grandmother that was on AMW is a friend of my family. She shared the story in detail with me about a month ago. I hope this young man has to answer for this soon as it is tearing this family up.

  5. Tina on December 18th, 2011 5:31 am

    John Walsh called him a little “PUNK”

  6. music2my ears on December 17th, 2011 8:29 am

    I can’t believe how long a this idiot has been on the run! i do also hope for justice on the toddler that was killed..come forward and give the authorites info sn the loved one’s and family can rest.

  7. kt on December 17th, 2011 7:32 am

    Hope this catches him!

  8. EJ on December 17th, 2011 3:57 am

    With this, he will probably feel like some kind of BIG TIME THUG. Wait and see what kind of “street cred” he’ll have when it’s revealed he murdered a 19 month old toddler. Oh yeah, he’s a real big time coward punk.