Brothers Charged After FWC Seizures In Bratt

December 5, 2011

Two brothers are behind bars facing charges after the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission seized illegally taken deer meat and firearms from a home in Bratt last month.

Marvin Anthony Haynie, 47, and Stanley Haynie, 52, of adjacent addresses in the 3000 block of York Road, were booked into the Escambia County jail on wildlife conservation charges. Stanley Haynie is also facing an additional felony charge for possession of a weapon by a convicted felon; he is a registered sex offender previously convicted of lewd and lascivious exhibition and conduct with a victim under 16, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

In mid-November, FWC officers received information that a firearm was used to kill deer, according to Stan Kirkland, FWC spokesperson, outside of permitted hunting seasons.

Witnesses told officers that the Haynie brothers had gone hunting and several shots were heard. When questioned, the two brothers admitted to shooting three deer — a doe and two yearlings — with a firearm, Kirkland said. Officers located the remains of the deer behind a residence on York Road, off North Pine Barren Road just east of Northview High School.

FWC officers also seized a 12-gauge shotgun and a .30-06 rifle from the home.

Both men remained in the Escambia County Jail early Monday. Bond was set at $1,250 for Marvin Haynie and $11,250 for Stanley Haynie.

Pictured: FWC Officers watch a home on York Road in Bratt November 16 before seizing deer meat and firearms. photos, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Brothers Charged After FWC Seizures In Bratt”

  1. David Huie Green on December 9th, 2011 11:06 am

    “Casey Anthony goes free after clearly murdering her child”

    A jury of her peers found her not guilty of the charge of murder. Therefore, even if she did kill the kid, she is legally not guilty.

    We didn’t absolutely SEE her kill the kid. Maybe somebody else did it for her and she just covered it up. Maybe she killed the kid by accident while wrapping her up in duct tape. Seems unlikely, but juries get to decide, not us.

    She wasn’t charged with lesser crimes which they could absolutely prove.

    These haven’t faced a jury yet and might get as lucky as Ms Anthony.

    Regardless, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon isn’t the same as keeping deer from endangering drivers.

    Maybe we should do away with all game laws and hunt them to extinction, but that is up to the legislatures to decide. Until then, we might consider obeying the laws, even if just for the fun of staying out of jail.

    To act like there should never be ANY law enforcement just because one person got off seems a bit silly.

    David for lighter loads for law enforcement
    and perfect laws and perfect juries

  2. Raye on December 8th, 2011 9:18 pm

    Yes, it’s still illegal to shoot deer on your own property if it is out of season….then there are also the laws concerning where your property is in retrospect to other homes/businesses. Tony and Stan knew the laws and that it was out of season. Not to mention the type of deer they shot. Come on, this is a big part of why we have the problems we do….certain ones think the law doesn’t pertain to them making it harder on the law abiding citizens. My best guess would also be that Stan (possibly both) did not even have a hunting lis. after all, how would one get a lis. when they are not even by law allowed to have a gun or any other weapon. Oh wait, no one ever follows up on these felons because they are too busy worrying about who is giving money to the homeless at a red light. My soap box must be put away for now but not to worry ‘the good ole boy” rules still apply I’m sure.

  3. Opinion on December 8th, 2011 12:28 am

    I think this is pretty freakin dumb Casey Anthony goes free after clearly murdering her child but God forbid someone kill some deer. Deer cause car accidents that kill people every day we gonna start locking them in cages now for being in the road?

  4. WTH on December 7th, 2011 4:17 pm

    Why oh why would they admit to shooting the deer? No one could have ever proved they done it, unless they were caught in the act.

  5. buck fever on December 7th, 2011 8:32 am

    haha trophy deer in bratt man you better start shootin some other deer besides all these trophy deer…im guessing ur not a farmer cause im sure them deer are eatin his crops up….game management an buck to doe ratio is the importance to keepin big game

  6. davis on December 6th, 2011 4:43 pm

    I own the 200 acres to the east of York Rd. We only trophy hunt (8pt or larger). Hopefully my game will be less skitish, since they arrested the fools next door.

  7. Julia W. on December 6th, 2011 8:18 am

    I grew up in the country south of Jay. We always had deer in our back yard. We never shot at them. We always enjoyed watching them eat and graze in our yards. They were never considered a problem. I just do not know how anyone can want to eat a deer after they have chased it so far and hard. The meat (TO ME) is not good if the deer has been chased with all the adrenaline flowing through it. I do eat the meat but I get mine from a hunter that has done his hunting legally.

  8. 429SCJ on December 6th, 2011 4:12 am

    You never know who is living down the road?

  9. Molino girl on December 6th, 2011 2:36 am

    Yeah like all good things; people take advantage of it. Hunt out of season; shine and kill animals; harrass wildlife; and the list goes on! I understand why fwc pulls you over and searches you however; I can also remember when it wasn’t nessicarry and it people…well most tried to follow the laws..some were ignorant to the laws but these 2 knew what they were doing was wrong… and to the ones that treat hunting a sport and follow the rules…those will be the ones that are punished!… These men clearly were not hungry and there is absolutely no excuse!! Just my take!

  10. memyself&I on December 5th, 2011 5:33 pm

    I AM a relative. I’m not campaigning for them.

  11. doofy on December 5th, 2011 3:56 pm

    I guess it wasn’t them, we don’t know the whole story yet! Where are all the relatives campaigning for them????

  12. memyself&I on December 5th, 2011 1:31 pm

    These idiots were trespassing on private property. Luckily no one was injured.

  13. ngd on December 5th, 2011 10:06 am

    We love to go shineing….we would never shoot one illegally..we just like to see them. I agree with molino girl, because of the stupid and greedy people that shoot them out of season or after dark, shineing will become illegal…we could shoot one every night off our back porch, but we don’t….that is not very sporting…anyone could do that..It takes a good hunter to shoot one legally..

  14. Bob on December 5th, 2011 10:00 am

    Shining wildlife in Alabama will get you a freepass to the county jail. The charge will be, harrassing wildlife. Florida has laws on the books that are much too liberal. If you get caught you should spend a year in the clink.

  15. aggravated... on December 5th, 2011 9:17 am

    There is nothing wrong with shinning deer, unless you are shinning into people’s homes, barns, personal property, and waking people up at all times of the night. Every year as soon as the weather starts to cool down, we are bombarded with people driving around and shinning the deer. I know they have the right to be on public roadways, but when they leave the road and drive through our planted fields to chase down deer it is going to far. We even had someone shoot at a deer one night and the bullet went through the deer and hit our automobile, just 15 feet from our son’s room. People (mostly teenagers) have no respect for others property. One night at 3:30 a.m. we actually had some kids knock on our front door because they were stuck in our field and wanted us to help them. I helped them alright, I called the Sherriffs Dept. and let them handle it.

  16. OH LOL on December 5th, 2011 8:53 am

    I guess I shine them all the time then. I walk out my back door all the
    time with a flash light at night and when I shine it towards the back
    of my property there are always a big gang of eyes looking back at me. lol

    Of course I am not ever going to shoot them….guess thats why they
    hang at my house…

  17. V on December 5th, 2011 8:44 am

    Shinning a deer is using a flashlight to spot a deer at night.

  18. barrineau on December 5th, 2011 8:35 am

    If you shoot a deer on your own private property,is it still illegal?

  19. I give up? on December 5th, 2011 8:05 am

    What is Shinning a deer?

  20. 429SCJ on December 5th, 2011 8:04 am

    Hello Molino Girl. Searchs are no big deal, just ensure your vehicle and person are clean, before you leave your property. I just smile and be polite. When they lean over to look under the seats, the mud and such on the door rails of my old truck, gets on the front of their shirt, everytime. I did try to warn an officer once regarding the mud, and he became agitated. When dismissed, I just say, have a good day Sir, and occasionaly Ma’am. Be polite, handle yourself.

  21. Molino girl on December 5th, 2011 5:30 am

    Its people like this that have caused the laws to be so strict that every time you “legally” shine a deer your pulled over and searched… Won’t be long and shinning will be done away with in florida like alabama…