Northview Chiefs Quarterback Suspension Appeal Denied By FHSAA

December 1, 2011

Northview High School quarterback Brandon Sheets’ suspension will stand, and he will be ineligible to play in Friday night’s state semifinal game against Chipley.

According to Principal Gayle Weaver, the school was notified of the Florida High School Athletic Association’s decision late Thursday morning. She said that the FHSAA determined that “both acts were perceived as taunting”.  She said the school was working to determine if the suspension is one game as believed by the coaches and if Sheets would be eligible to play in the state championship game on December 9 in Orlando if Northview defeats Chipley Friday night.

Sheets, a senior, was flagged twice in last Friday night’s regional win over Freeport for what the officials said amounted to taunting.

The first flag came after a touchdown when Sheets stopped just across the goal line and dropped the ball near a Freeport defender (see video below). The second flag came on the next play. As a referee was explaining the flag to coach Sid Wheatley on the Chiefs’ sideline, Sheets ran back on the field to run the extra point play. That’s when Sheets allegedly mocked a referee by looking at him and clapping.

Junior Kevin Vaughan will step up as starting quarterback for the Chiefs Friday night against Chipley.

“I hope everyone rallies around the Chiefs Friday night as they go out there and win,” Weaver said.

Pictured top: Northview QB Brandon Sheets (#8, far right) runs the ball in for a touchdown that led to him being flagged for taunting last Friday night against Freeport. Pictured inset: A referee explains the flag to Northview Coach Sid Wheatley. photos, click to enlarge.


57 Responses to “Northview Chiefs Quarterback Suspension Appeal Denied By FHSAA”

  1. NHS player's sis on December 2nd, 2011 5:45 pm

    It is very disappointing that he can’t play…but 1 player doesn’t win by himself….It takes a team to achieve victory….I believe NHS can win without their main QB….


    p.s. Their is NO I in TEAM!!! The chiefs can do just as great w/o Brandon

  2. James on December 2nd, 2011 4:58 pm

    I wonder who has money on Chipley enough to influence refs? I dont care what he said he crossed the line dropped the ball never made any movements in the other teams direction and ran off with his teammates. What ever he said who cares as long as he didnt get in his face to say it. Have we gotten to the point where we cant offend the other team? Football has never been a polite sport thats why we love it

  3. jookyone on December 2nd, 2011 4:48 pm

    It’s just high school football Mr. Sheets. Take pride in your other accomplishments.

    Definitely didn’t look like a good call unless he said something, then “Let go of my leg” was the only acceptable expression.

    Carry on…

  4. NHS FOOTBALL MOM on December 2nd, 2011 4:38 pm


  5. Angela Brown on December 2nd, 2011 2:01 pm

    I have watched this video and all I have to say is “bad call to the ref’s”..This kid wasn’t taunting..hey ref you are doing at high school game; not college or the NFL..stop trying to make a name for yourself ,cause the one your making right now is IDIOT..

  6. another official on December 2nd, 2011 10:12 am

    As an official for many sports, it should be up to the officials to not penalize the player wrongly and take away the opportunity for him to play in the state semi-final. From the video, the officials should have moved in closer to the area to clean up anything that could happen, but unless the qb said something (who knows), then the 1st unsportsmanlike flag was unwarranted.

    From a common sense perspective, at that point, let’s keep the player in the game and not issue a 2nd flag immediately after and keep the player from playing. The game was decided and Northview were the only ones penalized from the officials actions.

    The officials did not issue the ejection on-site, why not? Two unsportsmanlike penalties on the same player are an automatic ejection which should have been handled at the point ot the 2nd unsportsmanlike…not on Monday.

  7. Scott on December 2nd, 2011 8:54 am

    As a High School football official from Michigan, I can say two things. First of all, a player standing over another player and saying anything or dropping the ball IS Taunting. It should have been flagged, which is unsportsmanlike conduct. I was not able to see the player “clapping” towards an official, but if he was, then this should also have been flagged as unsportsmanlike conduct. Any TWO penalties of unsportsmanlike conduct in a game warrants a disqualification and a suspension from the next game. It would be hoped that such an important player and possible captain of a team would lead his team by example. It is hoped that this young man realizes his mistake and will move forward with this life learning example.

  8. 429SCJ on December 2nd, 2011 4:51 am

    I watched the video several times. I saw nothing that appeared offensive. I do not know what this Ref thinks he saw, and I do not understand the FHSSA bias toward the Northview Chiefs. Who are these people, what are their names? I feel that this is all proably a bad misunderstanding, that can be resolved by sane people. These people are proably no different from you and me. A home and family and a day to day life. Just sit down and reason with them. The solution is all in the communication, and how it is delivered. Reason will always prevail.

  9. Keith on December 1st, 2011 11:45 pm

    OK Boys The Verdict Is In, Now Let’s Dewey This Thing !!!!!

  10. yup on December 1st, 2011 10:11 pm
  11. prediction on December 1st, 2011 10:08 pm

    Kyles #2 is gonna go off tomorrow night! 200+ watch!

  12. NHS MOM on December 1st, 2011 9:37 pm


  13. JW on December 1st, 2011 9:21 pm

    Just watched the video, what a bad call. The refs need to be suspended, whoever threw that flag needs to be fired, horrible call.

  14. wondering on December 1st, 2011 8:36 pm

    To reality,we have known that all our games will be called by miracle strip ,better known to us as Chipley officials.

  15. Ifish4 on December 1st, 2011 8:36 pm

    Mr. Reality, you need to take a reality check, the officials were from the Miracle Strip Officials Association, from Shalimar, FL, only 30 or so miles from Freeport and about 80 miles from Bratt. As someone who has followed football in this area for 50 years, I can tell you that when Northview or Jay plays a team from Okaloosa, Walton or Washington counties, and this association supplies the officials, whether it’s a regular game or playoff game, they WILL favor the school from THEIR area. To be fair the officials shouldn’t come from anywhere this side of Tallahassee. But probably tomorrow night you will hear that the officials are from the Miracle Strip Association again.

  16. Sportsmanship on December 1st, 2011 8:14 pm

    I believe the suspension should b upheld… Sportsmanship is what we as parents and coaches need to teach our children,students and players. He doesnt carry the whole team , im sure they will b just fine without him. A lesson should b taught and learned no matter how u glorify the quarterback.

  17. 24/7 on December 1st, 2011 7:57 pm

    One player doesn’t make a team. Rally behind the player that has to step into the vacated spot. Don’t dwell on what you don’t have. Everyone is wanting to blame the officials and the FHSAA.. A foul was commited and it was delt with according to the rules. You don’t have to like it, but you have to abide by it. It’s like everyone is already making an excuse for a loss. With all the blame it makes it seem like the team is beat before they even take the field. Instead of all the negativity, fans should encourage the team in a positive way. The kid that has to step up reads all the crap that everyone post, support him, he will do fine, but keep putting doubt into it then he is certainly set up to fail. So stop the blame and rally behind the Chiefs… Go Chiefs.

  18. parent/coach on December 1st, 2011 7:47 pm

    You people are so full of it!!!! We raise cane about the same refs but if that helps you sleep at night blaming it on the refs then ok. Also, Chipley is a much, much better team than when we met up earlier in the season too. You people are missing the big picture. No matter who wins…..One of us will bring state chap to northwest Florida! I hate it for sheets. The same group of refs almost did the same thing to us against Bonifay. 15 yards for celebrating over an interception. We hate playing refs as well. I just hope there is good sportsmanship between the teams and fans. Let the refs do what they do. You cannnot beat the refs. No matter who wins I will be proud! By the way wondering…we never played Northview til this year.

  19. randy baker on December 1st, 2011 7:12 pm

    the directors phone # is 352 372 9551

  20. paul on December 1st, 2011 6:25 pm

    Tough break for the team, but it is time to clean up this game at all levels…Lets get the players back to playing football and get rid of the showmanship…

  21. Mr.Reality on December 1st, 2011 6:15 pm

    Everyone relax. The officials for FHSAA playoff games are from several counties away to avoid these type of conflicts. If the kid went to Pace everything would be fine. The officials, during the playoffs expect certain conduct from players. PERIOD.

  22. Angie on December 1st, 2011 5:37 pm

    well i just noticed when i watched it again and close up that the other player was holding him so what was he supposed to do. Let the boy play ball.

  23. REE on December 1st, 2011 5:18 pm


  24. lame on December 1st, 2011 5:16 pm


  25. 9th_grader on December 1st, 2011 4:39 pm

    keep ur head up brandon……. but lets go Kevin!

  26. Wondering on December 1st, 2011 4:09 pm

    To parent/coach, Chipley does have a dog in the fight, last Friday and this Friday, and the dogs name is Miracle Strip officials. They are from the Chipley area.It won’t be the first time they have been here,they have called all three playoff games when Friday night comes around. It also won’t be the first time they have cheated us in a playoff game. About 4 years ago they cost us a game against Chipley where they were calling Chipley players by their first name. We expect the same Friday night. But we are now motivated more than ever so look out and bring your $9.00 to see the beating that the tigers and refs can’t stop.

  27. Chief Fan on December 1st, 2011 4:01 pm

    @parent/coach Northview is a better team from earlier in the season. Them boys want it bad and they gone go out an fight for victory. The FHSAA done got them boys fired all the way up and they ready for war. So them Tigers better be ready for these Chiefs. We Ready! Kno Dat! I’m done tlkn we will see te outcome when Northview is ahead when that clock say0:00 in the 4th. CANT WAIT!!!!

  28. Chief Fan on December 1st, 2011 3:56 pm

    @parent/coach.. If they beat Northview it will be because of the refs.. Those refs are from Chipley and they will do anything in there power to help Chipley win.. Just like they did in 06′ Northview had 26 penalties an had more penalty yards than total yards. But come Friday nite we will rally behide our chiefs and come out with a victory. Kno Dat!!!

  29. parent/coach on December 1st, 2011 3:46 pm

    To Chiefs fan, I said Chipley had no dog in the fight about the called made in the Freeport game. Yes Chipley has a dog in the fight Friday night and again with or without Sheets Chipley will win!

  30. Bill l on December 1st, 2011 3:46 pm

    Players make mistakes and you live with it and ref may make mistakes and yes you live with that also, most of the time they are right, remember we are human. If it were not for the refs the game would be a big mess. So please move on with life and do the best you can.

  31. Kosherdave on December 1st, 2011 3:28 pm

    OK… I kind of understand the first flag.. But how was he mocking the ref. Maybe he was saying, “Yes, I deserved that flag, thanks for throwing it, You made a good call ref.” Now for the suspension, I do not agree with that at all. Is he known to do this a lot, or was this his first time?

    Either way, GO CHIEFS!!!! WIN WIN WIN!

  32. c.w. on December 1st, 2011 3:13 pm

    So we all see what the fhsaa is. Its fine to tear up private property and still play baseball. It okay to drink and get arrested and still play football. It all fine if you are from pace.
    Northview got screwed and not even kissed. The fhsaa are a bunch of overpaid jerks that needs to go.

    Good luck Northview!

  33. Chief Fan on December 1st, 2011 3:10 pm

    To you who are saying Chipley has nothing to so with it.. They have alot to do with this. They play Chipley Friday and they gne take it on them. And for whoever agrees with this decision to suspended him y’all need to take a second look at the video. He did nothing wrong. FHSAA dnt wanna see them Chiefs make it and they doing everything in there power to bring them down. And y’all haters keep hating cause y’all the chiefs motivators. We gne pull thru this as a team.. We gne win for Brandon. Kno Dat!!

  34. W on December 1st, 2011 2:42 pm

    At what point of the game did this occur? Just wondering if the officials had possibly been warning the teams before this penalty occurred.

  35. Viewer on December 1st, 2011 2:36 pm

    Wow is everyone blind? The video shows clear evidence of him taunting. I would love for the Chiefs to win state, since I am an Alum, but lets be realistic. If you know anything about football it was a penalty. I am active in coaching high school football and something like that should be flagged. Now I did not see the other penalty but like I have stated before, if there is 2 unsportsmanlike penalties on one player in one game he is then ejected and sits the next game. (FHSAA RULES) If you watch the how he drops the ball in front of the player, stands over him, and turns around you can tell he has some attitude with that. I wish everyone would quit saying it is the officials and just realize he made a mistake and he is accepting his punishment for it now.

  36. Jb on December 1st, 2011 2:15 pm

    #8 got a bigger sentence at school than dope heads get in court

  37. Roger on December 1st, 2011 2:11 pm

    Seems like a good call to me. Also, yes Freeport’s coach will have to sit out their first game next year for his ejection.

  38. Raylin Spence on December 1st, 2011 1:51 pm

    YOU CAN DO IT DEWEY! WERE BEHIND YOU (: It better to have a positive attitude than a negative. (: We love us some Chief Football!

  39. **Sara Kyles** on December 1st, 2011 1:50 pm

    Nhs still got this. Lets go boys y’all can do this tomorrow. They just think without Brandon yall will lose. Don’t let this get yall down, keep standing strong boys. There’s no I and Team guys, remember this!!



  40. M on December 1st, 2011 1:34 pm

    Just like to say BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLONY! Northview will still win. GO TEAM!

  41. Tim on December 1st, 2011 1:15 pm

    I’m a Freeport alumnus and that is sooo wrong unless there were other things going on. I’m hoping it was just sort of the straw that broke the camels back kind of thing. To miss a playoff ,as a senior,game because of JUST that…. Really FHSAA…. really!

  42. Wondering on December 1st, 2011 1:15 pm

    O.K. fans and students here is our chance to be the 12th man. Lets be loud, lets bring noise makers and lets make it hard for Chipley to hear. It is time for all Chief fans to be loud. The band should play when they have the ball and cheerleaders we need the fans in the game. We can do it if everyone pulls together and makes Chipley miserable. We want them to realize that we are family no matter what FHSAA does. We need to let them know who is going to state.

  43. Chiefs! on December 1st, 2011 1:14 pm

    I see this all the time. When a team is up, someone’s always there to bring ‘em down. Cowards. Decison’s made. Now let’s go forward. We can do this even without Brandon. It’s a team, Brandon cheer and encourage your team that even without you, you’ll be right beside them. Let’s Go CHIEFS!! You guys have a long way, so just keep going!! Show ‘em that CHIEFS dont back down!!!!

  44. Robin on December 1st, 2011 1:11 pm

    This is very sad news, our football team def had to play a whole lot of refs this season also! But, so not fair to this young man. I hope Northview whoops the crap outta Chipley Friday night just to prove a point! Just keep your heads up, and don’t let this get u down. I’m a flomaton hurricane player mom and proud of it. So keep up the great work Chiefs!

  45. Parent/coach on December 1st, 2011 12:54 pm

    Why is everyone bringing up Chipley? Chipley has no dog in this fight! The alleged incident occured during the Freeport game, did it not? Chipley was in Bonifay that night as I recall. The point is this…. Chipley and Northview both are great teams. Both teams have worked very hard to get where they are. No matter who wins Friday night, Northwest Florida will be well represented in Orlando.

  46. just wondering on December 1st, 2011 12:53 pm

    So does that mean freeports head coach wont be there for freeports first game next season?

  47. Wondering on December 1st, 2011 12:47 pm

    Another clear case of no way to hold officials or FHSAA accountable for their actions. A clear case of a dictatorship over member schools that don’t align and bow down to them. There are always two sides to every story, but they only see one side, theirs.

  48. Parent on December 1st, 2011 12:44 pm

    Ok, Chipley has nothing to do with what happened to Sheets. Chipley beat Northview in regular season. Chipley stands on its own merits as a winning team. Chipley was playing in Bonifay when the alleged incident happened. Lay off Chipley. The point is you have two great teams playing each other Friday night. Let the kids play and enjoy how far they made it this year. Win or lose, North Florida will be well represented in Orlando.

  49. Parent on December 1st, 2011 12:35 pm

    Okay good luck Chiefs. Okay I must be the only one that believes one person does not make a team. He got caught, he is being punishec, but he is not the team. Chiefs have alot of good talent as seen and they will win without 8. The team needs to just focus on chipley and not number 8, he is just a player.

  50. #1Chief Fan on December 1st, 2011 12:26 pm

    I think this just adds fuel to the fire! Yes, Brandon will not be able to play, but he can still lead them to a victory! We still have the rest of the team that will step up play hard and WIN! Those boys are a family and I promise Chipley will not know what hit them after friday night. So to all the football team, this just means each of you need to play a little harder, Man up, play hard and smash it down Chipley’s throat! We are gonna be State Bound! And for you parents and fans, get up off your tail and let’s get behind our Chiefs friday night. I’m ready for the Pep Rally, let’s make it the best Pep Rally ever!!! GOOOOO CHIEFS!

  51. CSA on December 1st, 2011 12:15 pm

    Its really hard to win if you are playing against the refs and the other team! FHSAA is a bunch of trash with their own agendas and probably have some kids playing for Chipley or another team that might have to face the chiefs. Crooks never like a challenge.

  52. parent on December 1st, 2011 12:15 pm

    Huge injustice!! To the person who said Brandon dropped the ball on the other player’s head you need to look at the video again. Brandon is almost turned around when he drops the ball. Sounds like you have an agenda for saying that!!
    Brandon we support you and know how hard you worked all season. Take it for what it’s worth life can be unfair. I know you will be out there supporting your team like the rest of us. We support you #12!!

  53. angie on December 1st, 2011 11:49 am

    He didn’t do anything wrong. so what if he looks down at a player I see players do that alot and don’t think its taunting either. They just wanted to find a reason for him not to play in this weeks game.

  54. Chief Fan on December 1st, 2011 11:49 am

    This breaks my heart for the team. However, we as a community need to rally around them and show our support Friday night. Be in the stands and YELL! Don’t just sit there. Let’s get fired up about our program. We have played so many other teams and defeated them. Yet, those losing teams still had more spirit in the stands than we did. Our boys have worked extremely hard to get where they are and they deserve to have the crowd behind them. Come to the pep rally tonight and be at the game tomorrow, wearing your garnet and gold with pride! Let’s show everyone that no matter what, we’re a team. A family of Chiefs. GO NORTHVIEW!!!!

  55. derek on December 1st, 2011 11:46 am

    to chiefs players and fans we will miss num 8 but now we need to get behind num12 and beat chipley we will need num 8 to be ready for orlando

  56. SFC Ewing on December 1st, 2011 11:32 am

    I’m sorry. i do not see what would warrant a game suspension on that play. Ok, so he looks down at the player. Hit with a penalty in the game, still questionable, but full game suspension. You have got to be kidding me. I just don’t see it. Good luck Chiefs. Play hard, you guys can still pull it off tomorrow.

    To Brandon _ Keep your head up young man.

    SFC Ewing

  57. NHS STUDENT on December 1st, 2011 11:31 am

    its ok! DEWEY CAN DO IT!