Bills Address Mandatory Septic Tank Inspections

December 15, 2011

A new bill filed this week in the Florida House would repeal a state requirement for inspections of the state’s 2.6 million septic tanks, but allow counties to utilize their own inspection programs.

But don’t look for Escambia County to require inspections any time soon ; the Escambia County Commission has adopted a position against septic tank inspections. The county’s 2012 Legislative Requests included opposition to “any attempt that requires regular, mandatory inspections of septic tanks and/or the septic tank evaluation program.”

A requirement that septic tanks be inspected every five years at the owner’s expense technically became state law in July after being approved in the last legislative session. But language was inserted into a budget bill that prohibits the Department of Health from spending a dime on the inspections without the approval of the Legislative Budget Commission — essentially putting the program on hold.

The septic tank inspection program has been unpopular with a number of rural lawmakers who say the costs are too high.

The North Escambia area’s senator, Greg Evers, R-Baker, filed a bill back in August to to repeal altogether the bill requiring septic tank inspections.

“I will focus all of my resources and efforts on accomplishing a full repeal,” Evers said recently. “Economic times are as hard as they come right now and there is no scientific need for inspections to occur every 5 years that will only put additional hardship on our residents who are struggling enough as it is.”

Backers of the law said it was necessary to protect springs and other waterways from pollution, but opponents argued it would drive up costs for homeowners. Opponents believe that tests — the financial responsibility of the property owner — could cost up to $500 for each of Florida’s 2.6 million septic tanks.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.


12 Responses to “Bills Address Mandatory Septic Tank Inspections”

  1. rmd on December 18th, 2011 9:47 am

    what if you dont have the money to pay for this? they gona foreclose on you or put you in jail. there are no jobs now in pensacola and they expect you to come up with this extra money.i guess there will be alot of people in jail.whos gona be getting a kick back in this?

  2. S.L.B on December 16th, 2011 9:23 am

    To Kathy, you know if you have a problem with your septic tank if you do your annual routine maintenance (ie: dig up your filter and clean it and check things out) . In this household, we do not flush anything down the toilet but bio-degradable toilet paper, human waste and Rid-X (3 times a year). If your septic tank system and drain lines were installed correctly from the get go, you have no trees/roots near by that will interfere and you perform routine maintenance, then your odds are most excellent at not having any problems for many,many years to come.

    Just because you feel a “reasonable price to inspect & pump” as you called it won’t hurt, that doesn’t mean that applies to everyone else! Just because a person might be able to afford a new car or etc…doesn’t mean I can. This is not a one size fits all situation and should not be treated as such!

  3. charlie w. on December 16th, 2011 8:21 am

    Kathy on December 16th, 2011 8:03 am I am sorry, how would you know until it is too late if you have a septic system problem? A reasonably priced inspection once a year would not hurt you.

    And just what is a reasonable price? My neighbor had his tank pumped yesterday and it cost him $700.00. Is that reasonable?

  4. charlie w. on December 16th, 2011 8:17 am

    Folks, keep in mind that this bill comes from south fl. where the state issued permits in low areas, on river and lake banks, and now won,t everone to pay for their actions. Also lets take a look at ECUA. They spill millions of gallons of untreated waste into the river, (Escambia River) and now they won,t the whole county to pay for them not doing their job.
    I may have to pay for unwanted and unneeded septic tank inspection, but the ones that dig up my yard had better leave it like they found it or I will sue.

  5. Kathy on December 16th, 2011 8:03 am

    I am sorry, how would you know until it is too late if you have a septic system problem? A reasonably priced inspection once a year would not hurt you.

  6. Feeling the pain on December 15th, 2011 5:19 pm

    I wish someone would take a look at this injustice.

    Some of us are already forced to pay Escambia County $100 per year for septic tank “system” inspections. In addition we are forced by the county to maintain a Service Contract with a licensed Septic company at a cost of $350 per year.

    This only applies to those of us with Aerobic Treatment Systems, which is nothing more than a different type of septic sewer system.

    I wish someone would repeal the law that forces me to pay these exorbitant cost…..

  7. Bratt, Florida resident on December 15th, 2011 3:05 pm

    Please keep fighting this for us Mr. Evers, we need ALL the help we can get these days! Thx

    Don’t know about everyone else, but were doing good just to afford a Ham for the family this Christmas, and trying to find the needed money for upcoming property and fire taxes first of the 2012 year. No way does our household have $500 plus for a septic tank inspection that will just tell us, keep up the good job of maintaining your septic tank, no problems found here!

  8. ngd on December 15th, 2011 11:20 am

    This thing smells to high heaven…I would like to know who is backing this bill? I will almost bet it is people who will be cleaning and replacing the septic tanks….Some one will be padding pockets…They made us jump through hoops to get our houses wired because to many houses were burning because of faulty wiring..Well there is still houses burning a lot of those houses were new houses…( I mean getting a permit, all they wanted was the permit money) keep fighting Mr. Evers

  9. xpeecee on December 15th, 2011 7:55 am

    Keep up the good work, Mr. Evers!

  10. Jane on December 15th, 2011 6:20 am

    All those petitions and those who signed them may have done some good! Thank you everyone! Stay on top of this one!!!! Let’s see if we can make a difference!

  11. oakgrove on December 15th, 2011 4:56 am

    I have lived all my life in Oak Grove Florida, we have never had a septic problem…. Some people have and fix it right away and believe me you can smell if there is one. People in our communities aways have made sure that things are right in that area. We are already under high standards when one is put down. The main thing is to not plant trees or other long root growning plants over your fill lines, don’t drive over you tank, don’t flush the wrong items, and some use the feeders. Go over to Foley and Gulfshores and smell there sewer systems. Makes me sick and I won’t even go there anymore.

  12. 429SCJ on December 15th, 2011 3:50 am

    Great work Mr Evers.