Bill Could Block Drug Felons From Getting Welfare

December 6, 2011

A Senate Republican has filed a bill that would block people convicted on felony drug charges from being eligible for welfare benefits in Florida unless they can prove they have completed drug-treatment programs.

Sen. Steve Oelrich, R-Cross Creek, filed the proposal that would apply to temporary cash assistance and food assistance. The proposal comes after a major controversy during the 2011 session about requiring welfare recipients to take drug tests. Rep. Jimmie Smith, R-Inverness, has filed the proposal in the House.

By The News Service of Florida


10 Responses to “Bill Could Block Drug Felons From Getting Welfare”

  1. Really on December 9th, 2011 9:59 pm

    Noone is perfect but to sit and read some comments make be sick to think that some of these people on here work around our children it is scary to think that with such hard feelings against people why wouldnt they judge a child. I know lots of people who clam to be perfect with great jobs that are not on any foodstamps are welfare but have done crimes or even treated their fellow people wrong. And for all the inmates who can not read and write Im sure programs are in all prisons that can help them learn to read and write right! No i dont think so because schools can not even help children with learning disabilities they just throw them in with gen classes now and hope for the best but I am sure most of you all are glad that taxpayers dont have to help the children.

  2. David Huie Green on December 9th, 2011 11:11 am

    “So does this mean someone convicted 10 or 20 years ago cant get food stamps? ”

    Sad, isn’t it. Just imagine committing crimes against our fellow man would no longer be rewarded with being able to suck the life out of others with taxpayer benefits.

    Why are they trying to treat honest people better than convicted felons?

    It’s almost enough to make you consider not committing crimes.

    David for the unthinkable

  3. Bob hudson on December 8th, 2011 10:38 am

    I say just drug test all those who receive welfare and food stamps.Fair is Fair.

  4. Dora on December 8th, 2011 12:00 am

    You have to remember that some people have been convicted of a crime that they never did. And, Some have to take a plea of total Stupidity. The Felons are limited to their resources when they are released after being locked away for yrs. They may have changed their lives for the better! Do we really want to stop feeding their family and them if that is so. They need to get back on their feet just as well as these that have been unemployeed and Still sitting around and not looking for work. We are feeding them!

    About 20% of employee’s are randomly tested after they are hired.

  5. Char on December 7th, 2011 8:39 am


    There are many programs out there to help anyone (including felons)
    other than welfare. If the only thing a convicted felon can think of
    to do after getting out of prison is break in to some one’s home then
    he learned nothing, even tho we have massive libraries and he has
    been sitting on his can and supported by us for years. He had
    plenty of time to READ and figure out what he was going to do when
    he got out. What the heck was he doing all those years.


  6. friction_against_the_machine on December 7th, 2011 8:25 am

    Isn’t this kind of “One size fits all” justice? If you make it where these people can’t get assistance, can’t better themselves; isn’t that just going to perpetuate more crime?

    I’m not for welfare programs at all, I think they enslave people….but if they can’t get their food stamps and they can’t find a job because they’re a felon…they’re going to be breaking into houses or stealing stuff and end up back in prison and back in the state’s wallet b/c they’re in prison again….think about it people…use your brain

  7. Everett on December 7th, 2011 1:49 am

    Agree with “Molino girl” all the way.

  8. Amy M on December 6th, 2011 6:55 pm

    So does this mean someone convicted 10 or 20 years ago cant get food stamps? Everyones always talking about tax dollers well if anything is a waist its Drug court those people get chance after chance it is sick those people need to be locked up if they cant work their program. I think the foodstamp thing should be took from them also. I dont think its right to through a person out of prison after years of being locked up and they cant even get a little help to start over because of their past. Or can that be used as a sign of rehab.

  9. Char on December 6th, 2011 9:02 am

    I’m all for the bill also, but I don’t agree if they get clean then we should fund
    them. If they can buy and sell drugs then they can get a job and don’t need
    my money. Let’s don’t aid and abet anyone with drug problems. They
    fall down over and over until they are MADE to GET CLEAN one way or
    another. Force them to get clean and stay clean and don’t baby them.

  10. Molino girl on December 6th, 2011 2:52 am

    Lets hope it passes!…i had to take a drug test to work; so anyone that gets a check made from our tax dollars should willing be able to pee in a cup!!… I bet welfare recipient numbers go down temendously! …& it sounds like if the felon is taking course to get clean and beat their addiction they would still be elgible…so “us” as everyday tax payers and workers wouldnt be required to feed a drug felons addiction!…only maybe help recovering addicts! Sounds like a much better offer!