Another Member Of LCPl Travis Nelson’s Unit Killed In Afghanistan

December 15, 2011

Another member of LCpl. Travis M. Nelson’s unit has been killed in action in Afghanistan.

LCpl. Christopher P. J. Levy, 21, of Ramseur, N.C., died from wounds sustained while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, NC, along with Nelson.

Nelson, who grew up in Bratt, was killed in action with the same unit back in August, also in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was laid to rest in Atmore.


14 Responses to “Another Member Of LCPl Travis Nelson’s Unit Killed In Afghanistan”

  1. Amanda on December 28th, 2011 9:00 pm

    God Bless our military and protect them daily. I know my son is guarding the gates of Heaven just as he guarded this great country and gave his life for what h believed in and loved…God, family and country. Thanks for all the prayers for our family and my son LCpl Christopher “Jacob” Levy and all the families that have given the ultmate sacrifice and continue to do so.

  2. David Huie Green on December 18th, 2011 4:38 pm

    the way iit is worded best is:

    All gave some
    Some gave all

  3. katie on December 17th, 2011 12:46 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear this, my heart go’s out for your family! I’ll be praying for your family. God bless you and your family!

  4. Proud Vet on December 17th, 2011 3:29 am

    For the freedoms we enjoy as Americans

    Some gave a little, some gave it all.

    Some have never and will never give anything. I feel sorry for those folks because they will never truly understand what it means…

    My condolences and a sincere thank you to the families of the fallen.

  5. scooter on December 17th, 2011 3:12 am

    Thank you Mrs Becky, that was well said and very much appreciated. Have a Merry Christmas

  6. Becky Strobaugh on December 16th, 2011 2:46 pm

    Scott, you, Becky, Anna, Madeline and all who knew and love Travis, remain in my prayers.

    I watched my son and most, if not all, his bootcamp buddies go to Iraq and Afghanistan. I watched when some did not return. Just as my father and his brothers and my mothers’ brothers went to Vietnam or Korea, by choice, Joe chose to serve, too (from an early age, like Travis), to serve his country. Just as Travis’ mom and dad served, so did I and Joe’s dad.

    Some will never understand the mindset it takes to be willing to put yourself in the line of fire for a country that is not perfect and it’s people who are sometimes very ungrateful. Those who are ungrateful have probably never lived the life of a military brat or military spouse or military parent or service member, which is a rewarding and enriching life, yet full of demands and hardships. I have been all three and wouldn’t change a bit of it. Neither would any of them.

    For those who like to second guess our military leaders and government, (again, not perfect) get involved, run for office, help the returning Veterans, feed a serving member’s family for a holiday, take in a soldier, sailor, airman or marine who is away from home for Christmas or Thanksgiving and in your neck of the woods. Buy gifts for their children who sometimes feel as if they’re forgotten.

    You will be most surprised by the quality of those people and how grateful they are for your generosity. Lose your ungratefulness for a short while and learn about those who you would forget to thank for these freedoms we have.

    Their sacrifices are never worthless, never forgotten, by those who’ve been there.

  7. Father of Marine in afghanistan on December 16th, 2011 1:46 pm

    I want to give my gratitude to the family of this young Marine.His sacrafice will not be in vain or forgotton.May God give you strength , you will be in my prayers. THANK YOU for providing this country with the courage of your son.

  8. scooter on December 16th, 2011 3:37 am

    I have even a better idea. If you are so disgruntled with our country. Ride down to Pensacola NAS Monday morning, park and walk around until you run across a gunnery sargeant in the Marine Corps. Tell him. Then ride over to Barrancas National Cemetary and pay respect to the 26 acres of soldiers. Sorry, but the postings under this heading just hit home hard and i am bothered. Again, God Bless the Fallen Marine and his Family. Your a hero in my world.
    Scott Nelson

  9. scootero on December 16th, 2011 3:14 am

    It appears that the comments are geared towards our nation making wrong decisions about the war. I do agree that we will never tame the people over there that have been fighting for thousands of years but i dont agree with the fact we didnt need to go. Our son wasnt KIA for no reason. Here is the fact or at least what we feel. They (terrorist) struck us first and killed thousands of innocent men and women at work. If we had coward down and not retaliated in the fashion we did. Lord only knows what we would have faced next. It is the duty of our military to fight and protect our country. We as a nation had two choices, go play in their back yard or allow them to play in ours. So before you bash the decisions of our country, try and imagine sleeping not knowing where the next bomb is going to hit. Try and imagine that, for voicing an opinion like you and i have done, you would have your head removed.
    Fellows, i really dont care if your prior military or not. I can tell you this, if the parents of the LCpl that was in Travs unit read your article, it will possibly tear them apart thinking their son died for no reason. If your going to post articles bashing our country, write the general of the Corps or something. Dont do it under the headlines. LCpl killed in action. All the family cares to read under this headline is condolences.


  10. active duty on December 15th, 2011 9:14 pm

    As an active duty service member, please tell me what my duties should be?
    Not sitting at home in garrison, right?

    Some men, and women, take pride going to foreign countries and fighting to defend OUR way of life, the American way of life….but someone please tell me what the United States militaries duties are…we can only sit at home and train so much.

    Downsizing has already begun and will continue when troops start coming home and then they will need a job in the civilian sector along with everyone else.

  11. Bratt Resident on December 15th, 2011 6:05 pm

    I pray for the comfort of this young mans family and friends and I pray that God will please send the rest of our troops home safe.

  12. Old Salt on December 15th, 2011 3:30 pm

    And yes, military service members will continue to come home in metal boxes covered in the national ensign as long as our country remains entrenched in this un-winnable Vietnam-like conflict. And for just what purpose do we keep sending our youth over there – our freedom? Not hardly.

  13. David Huie Green on December 15th, 2011 10:14 am

    “Better for all the world if they simply destroy each other.”

    Not for ALL the world, since they are part of the world, but in general I’m afraid you’re right. It would be nice if the worst ones would change their attitudes.

    I’ve been reading the past few days about a lady in Afghanistan who was raped and then imprisoned for daring to complain. They told her they’d reduce her sentence if she married her rapist, but I imagine wife number one would probably complain about THAT.

    Come to think of it, that was done by the BEST ones over there.

    Americans are dying to preserve THAT way of life?

    David for better people
    and appreciating the sacrifices
    of those who gave all in service to country

  14. Bama Lama Ding Dong on December 15th, 2011 6:45 am

    Such a waste. And for a bunch of pseudo-civilized savages.

    Mark my words, in two years Iraq will be falling apart under the onslaught of sectarian violence. You know, after WE leave?

    These people simply can’t maintain a functioning civil society due to their archaic religious beliefs and social inequality. Better for all the world if they simply destroy each other.

    The West should abandon the civilly impoverished middle east, and leave them to their own destruction. Save a few American lives while we’re at it.