Community Helps Feed 65 Animals Seized Near Molino

December 10, 2011

People from across the North Escambia area banded together Friday to help save the lives of 65 animals that were starving near Molino.

Escambia County Animal Control seized 18 donkeys, six miniature horses, four goats, 12 peacocks and 25 pigs. But since they had no where to house some of them, they were kept on the  property, according to Diane Lowery, president of Panhandle Equine Rescue (PER).

“These animals have been neglected for quite some time; some have already died,” she said in an  emergency plea via email Friday, asking for hay or funding for hay, for some of the animals.

“I just sat at the computer and cried at the responses  and the number of people that wanted to help animals in trouble,” she said Friday afternoon on her way to help distribute eight large bales of hay weighing hundreds of pounds to the animals.

“This is such a great community that we live in,” Lowery said. “It just warms my heart the way people helped so quickly.”

She said the owner of the animals is currently in the hospital and was unable to care for them. It was not known late Friday if any charges would be filed against the person.

For more photos, click here.

Pictured top: Hay is delivered to starving donkeys Friday afternoon near Molino. Pictured inset: An Escambia County Animal Control Officers feeds a donkey an apple. Pictured below: Another county animal control officer documents conditions. photos, click to enlarge.


45 Responses to “Community Helps Feed 65 Animals Seized Near Molino”

  1. Alan Spence on December 16th, 2011 10:26 am

    Way to go Stephny. (ECAC) We are so proud of you. You are going a great job, (just like I taught you…LOL) Great to know you have such suppot from your community.
    KUDOS from us all at the TEXAS ACADEMY of ANIMAL CONTROL. God blees you for your dedication to the animals. Your County should be proud to have you.

  2. Char on December 13th, 2011 8:21 am

    I have never noticed 2 chars on here before but I want people to
    know that the one posted on the 12th of December is not me. It does
    have a small “c” on the char, where as mine is a capital “C; on Char.

  3. ME on December 13th, 2011 7:37 am

    As I stated earlier, there a many details that have not been provided to this story. The fence around all of the pastures is falling apart, and can barely contain all of these animals.

    Two months ago, he got some cows in the pastures with the goats and I woke up to go to work and there was a cow, donkey, and a shetlon pony eating (demolishing) the centipede in my front yard.

    I went over and knocked on the door to let them know his animals were out and noboby would answer the door, so I had to call the Escambia County Livestock officer to contain the animals. After they left my yard, they were walking down Hwy 99 in the middle of the road.

    Two of the peacocks were hit by cars on Hwy 99 last week as well. I am not a big fan of government or state stepping in everyone’s business but something needs to be done with these animals.

  4. Wendy on December 12th, 2011 9:40 pm

    REALLY?????? did you even read this story. PER is doing exactly what you wanted…..The story plainly says they are helping the animal control with hay….it doesn’t say anywhere that PER seized these animals…. IF you are a professional then why aren’t you stepping up to help the county with these animals. I am sure they can use your help, but first you might want to have your eyes checked. I am not a VET but i can see bones sticking out of some of these animals. Did you not see the part where there were dead animals on the property. I am sorry PER gets blamed for everything that happens to equines around this area. i hope one day, people will realize they are there for the animals and nothing else.

  5. Queenbee on December 12th, 2011 9:28 pm

    really??? Animal Control is handling the investigation end of this. PER and the community are stepping up to offer assistance in making sure that the animals are fed.

  6. carolyn on December 12th, 2011 9:07 pm

    Thank you PER for all the help your organization has done for the surrounding counties. The man who owns the animals has not been himself for quite a while now, but before, when he was well, he would never have let his animals go without food or water, and would be the first one to help someone else with thier livestock if they needed it! I know it may sound unfair to some of you for the PER to take these animals from the owner, but it even more unfair to the animals to be left there to fend for themselves!! They are innocent victims of the circumstances. Please, pray for the animals, and the owner to get well soon !!

  7. really??? on December 12th, 2011 7:03 pm

    As a professional in the veterinary field, These donkeys look fat and happy to me. Yet another story of PER jumping in where they are NOT wanted! If the man was ill and hospitalized, why not offer fresh hay, feed and water instead of seizure? I do believe that PER intentions are good but really?!? Many a times they jump to conclusions…this I know for a fact!

  8. char on December 12th, 2011 12:32 pm

    I live down the road from the gentleman and know the whole story, but like everyone is saying – “Just save the animals”. I didn’t notice the animals were starving because their bellies looked big to me (shows you how much I know about farm animals). But the people he has working for him should have been feeding them. Enough said.

  9. ME on December 12th, 2011 10:01 am

    There is an important piece of information that was left out of this
    story. This man cuts and sells hay for a living, so he has had plenty of
    hay to give these animals but he chooses sell it instead of
    feeding his own animals.

    Also, even though his health is bad he has 2 full time “employees”
    that live on the farm and work for him cutting hay that could be
    feeding the animals.

    The farm has become an eyesore and needs to be cleaned up.

  10. Bobby on December 12th, 2011 8:48 am

    This is a truly sad situation. I have owned horses for over 50 years. Some have been like family members, and some have been property to sell for income. I have been fortunate enough to always have money to feed them and care for them. I have also been a livestock auctioneer for many years, and I have never seen horses sell as cheaply as they are selling now. I saw donkeys sell at auction this month for $3.00. The fee to sell one is $27.50. One man sold 4 Jacks and got a Bill for $98.00. 50 years ago a good riding horse cost $200.00. You can buy one in Brewton this Saturday night for $50.00. I am sure this man felt trapped with this livestock. I am sure he thought the price would rise if he could just hold on. I’m sorry for him. I’m sorry for the animals. I hope this situation turns around soon. If you want an horse and can afford to keep one.
    Buy one from a sale now. You will probably save it’s life.

  11. INS on December 12th, 2011 5:53 am


  12. wendy on December 11th, 2011 9:48 pm

    Mike, If you have a rescue, then you should know that there are laws that have to be followed. These animals are part of a case and they can NOT just send them everywhere until the judge tells them what can be done. I googled your name and could not find anything about you and a rescue…. I am glad they are not just letting you have them. There is so many fake rescues out there, that are nothing more than good ole horse traders……and if you were a real rescue you would understand this. I am happy that all of the people are trying to help these animals.

  13. Michael Smith on December 11th, 2011 6:47 pm

    I am able to take in around 5 or 6 of the horses. I called and they said do to I am not in florida I couldnt do it. I operate a horse rescue in GrandBay, al. I have the room and have been doing Horse Rescues going on 15 yrs. I have many other rescues that I deal with as well. I have references and all. All I need is the word and I will come and pick them up. Or if anyone could bring them to my facility I would take them in…..

  14. Everyone needs help in life. on December 11th, 2011 11:59 am

    This is so sad this man had to pay for help with somthing he loved I lost my only grandparent this year and I would love to help this man with what I can I have children also that love animals and would like to help who can I call.

  15. Char on December 11th, 2011 9:53 am

    Enough bashing of each other, the owner of the Animals, AND PER!!!!!

    Have you all used your WITTLE HANDS and WROTE A CHECK YET?

    Thanks to Shari who has already offered to take in some donkey’s,
    what a wonderful gift at Christmas. I’m sure if you call 850-944-5700
    they will see that your taken up on that offer.

    Thanks for everyone who cares and is donating.
    Now that I have seen this I will donate also to PER. I also would
    like to know if we may go by the address and get to see these
    animals and keep track of their well being. Not that I don’t believe
    they will have good care now, but I love animals and would like
    to see them.


  16. Jane on December 11th, 2011 7:50 am

    Stop name-calling and start helping these animals if you can!

  17. people on December 11th, 2011 6:49 am

    Well I know this man and he has always had hay out there for them and he would help u if u need help. He has been going down for a while, but he has workers there taken care of things. So I think they need to hold the workers responsible for the animals.. He does pay them well.
    He has no children, but workers that he depended on, so I guess that didn’t work out for him.

  18. DianaChavers on December 11th, 2011 6:33 am

    To all of those of you who are quick to bash the individual who owned these animals, how many of you drove by this location, saw the animals often, yet did nothing to help. Now instead, you are quick to lay blame at the owner’s door when you truly do not know the whole story and the circumstances which led up to what happened. The only thing anyone should be saying at this point until all the facts are known is thank you to those in the community who stepped up to help by donating hay, providing donations to PER to help care for the animals, and prayers to the owner for whatever situation he is undergoing to get better. Obviously, the animals were well cared for at some point in time and therefore something must have happened to change that. Think before you speak…

  19. Jeremy on December 11th, 2011 2:41 am

    I believe that many of you that have made negative comments about this man should be ashamed because, for one you don’t know him or his situation, for two he is in the hospital, for three it isn’t the Government trying to seize control of anything. The Government has many faults, but this is not the case with animals that are malnourished, dead and dying. Please keep this man in your prayers and pray for each other for more humane treatment of each other as well as animals.

  20. Well on December 10th, 2011 11:11 pm

    So now the gentleman can charge per and escambia county for land lease to board their seized animals? No!

    No charges should be filed in this unusual and regrettable incident. If necessary help find new homes for the animals. The community has shown their willingness to help.

    Also to say if you cant afford them dont have them is a little weak when PER is begging for money because they cant afford what they have already taken.

  21. dad on December 10th, 2011 7:57 pm

    Sounds like maybe he had no family (kids) to keep an eye on him and make sure things were being taken care of. Didn’t he have a wife? Maybe the woman there wasn’t his wife or maybe she is gone now, it’s been a few years since I was there buying hay. Anyway, Sad for him and for the animals. I’m glad they are being fed now. Apparently his hired help didn’t really care about him or the animals. We really need to look after one another.

  22. Shari on December 10th, 2011 7:41 pm

    My husband and I have homing for peafowl and donkeys available if needed located on South Hwy 99, not far from this site in Molino, hope this will help the animals

  23. creekbather on December 10th, 2011 6:10 pm

    woman has a hundred fifty cats,,,,, woman collects six hundred dollars a month, cant feed cats,,,,,,,cats eat each other ,,die rot, . who cleans up the mess…. ?, woman has a hundred fifty cats ,, collects five thousand a month , don’t feed cats ,,, who cleans up mess?, . hello ,, are there any taxpayers around? where are all the taxpayers money going?,

  24. Georgia Brazzell on December 10th, 2011 6:01 pm

    We see a lot of people who have good intentions about keeping lots of animals get into situations where they get overwhelmed. Has anybody ever watched Hoarders?But it takes a lot of money, time and energy to care for this many animals. Does anyone who knows this person really think he will ever be in a position to care for these animals again? So what is supposed to happen to them? Animals can’t help themselves. Someone has to step in and have the welfare of the animals as the main consideration. Believe me, neither Animal Control nor PER wants another bunch of animals to be responsible for. As unchaindogs stated above, Panhandle Equine Rescue needs donations badly. PER was already in a serious situation because they are caring for 20 horses in foster care right now, and donations are at an all time low. If you can help with any amount please donate now. Many thanks to PER supporters.

  25. dnutjob1 on December 10th, 2011 5:59 pm

    Oh and by the way there are no children in this situtation for him to depend on.

  26. creekbather on December 10th, 2011 5:54 pm

    animal cruelty has become a serious offense, thanks to so many do gooders, however law is law,. if you have 500.00 bucks a week to spend on this kind of live stock,,, great,, , you can’t spend it one week and not another,, it is ongoing maintenance, upkeep, . I feel like if you don’t have means in place for the care of these animals, and can’t prove it then you should be limited as to the amount you can have. . things have changed , people are collecting animals without tending to them properly , and relying on some one else to clean up their mess,. . no one is to blame but the owner of said animals,,,, not the hired help.

  27. Freda P on December 10th, 2011 5:30 pm

    Tax dollers going to waste. If you cant take care of somthing you should not have it.

  28. dnutjob on December 10th, 2011 4:16 pm

    I am so sorry this is happening to these icons of the molino area, please when you read these posts we are not all so quick to judge and lay blame, I do know you guys have been giving to this community all of your lives, if I had the means I would have tried to help you, I remember all the people you have helped in they’re time of need, and you would have loaned someone the shirt off your back. I remember how proud you were of your animals, and after Ivan and all the damage, it seemed to have taken the starch right out of you. Please get better, and I hope you dont read any of these nasty comments and to all who are helping Thank you for giving to a man whom himself has given so much.

  29. levelhead on December 10th, 2011 1:43 pm

    Owner in hosp. since monday. Dead animals on the property longer than that.
    Caretaker of the animals on the property but not doing his job.
    Book keeper on the property but did nothing for the animals.
    Good Job

  30. Concerned on December 10th, 2011 1:35 pm

    This man has been sick for a long time and too proud to let others know. He has touched many lives in the Barinneau Park Community. Thankfully his name has not been marred at this time. He is at Baptist Hospital due to a stroke and unlikely will be able to go back to his house. Thank you to everyone who has helped in this unusual situation. Pray for all concerned.

  31. bgr on December 10th, 2011 12:15 pm

    Being in the hospital really does not constitute neglect of the animals! I say that b/c my father-in-law was hospitalized for 3 and a half weeks but arrangements were made for 15 pigs and a cow to be fed…I find it very hard to believe that no one knew he had the animals or someone did not step up to the plate and offer to feed them…just my opinion…thank the Lord some one did come to the rescue.

  32. Wow... ANIMALS ARE SUFFERING on December 10th, 2011 12:02 pm

    Amazing. If animals are DYING OF STARVATION, don’t you think the owner would want someone to take care of these animals? You don’t own 65 plus animals and family members not know about it. If this person did not have an emergency plan to line up people to take care of these animals, be it neighbors or family, someone needs to help. I donated to feed these animals because I care. Thank goodness organizations like PER exsist to help people who are “down” find the care for their animals. I’m sure PER and the gov’t would have worked with this owner if the owner would have brought the need to their attention. I’m sure if the owner proves they were taking good care of these animals prior to the hospitalization, they will be returned.

  33. Debra Taylor on December 10th, 2011 11:37 am

    I believe the animals should have been seized. Things should not get to the point that animals are starving to death. If I were hospitalized and unable to care for my beloved animals, I would prefer they be placed in suitable homes rather than allowing them to suffer. Good for PER and Animal Control! Bless the beasts and the children,….they have no voice, they have no choice.

  34. not amused on December 10th, 2011 11:27 am

    To amused,
    I’m sorry, what did you do to help these poor dying animals….that’s right…NOTHING!!!! By the way, I can’t stand people like you who do NOTHING and criticize the people who ACTUALLY SAVE LIVES. Also, income includes retirement income, investment income, salary income, etc….DUH.

    Thank you PER and Escambia County Animal Control for doing SOMETHING.

  35. mom on December 10th, 2011 10:56 am

    I agree with oversight !! Nothing like beating a man when he is already down. Why did not the try to find other family members like adult children to help instead of playing superman.

  36. Kristy on December 10th, 2011 10:29 am

    Sending prayers that the owner of these animals recovers soon. In the meantime if any of these animals need rehoming, my husband and I will gladly take them in!

  37. B.Bunny on December 10th, 2011 10:15 am

    This article proves, with all the donated hay, that there are still g :) ood people in the world

  38. amused on December 10th, 2011 10:04 am

    To creekbather on December 10th, 2011 6:04 am

    “sounds like an auction time,, two weeks, lowest bidder,. owner must have proof of income , and capability.”

    Ok, maybe prove capability to take care of the animals, but proof of income? Seriously? Most or the people up here are living on their hard earned retirement. Just because someone doesn’t have an income,doesn’t mean they don’t have plenty of money to take care of their animals with.

    By the way, I cannot stand the PER and wanna be cops!

  39. Friction against the machine on December 10th, 2011 9:55 am

    I agree with oversight…using allegations of neglect in order to seize the mans livestock while he was in the hospital and threatening legal action is govt out of control.
    This is how they seize our guns, our livestock and some would say they are coming for our stored bulk food stuffs next.
    Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Florida….Mao and the Red Chinese got nothing on these power hungry government bureaucrats.

  40. Christmas Caroler on December 10th, 2011 9:27 am

    18 donkeys, six miniature horses, four goats, 12 peacocks and 25 pigs, and a partridge in a pear tree!!!

  41. rrms on December 10th, 2011 8:24 am

    thank god alot .its about time this was done.what happen to the minis ponies?just broke my heart to see this.he didnt want noboby on his land to even help.what was wrong with this man?thank you diane for keeping up on this.i pass by last week and seen one dead on the ground and i just cried.there is one mini that looks like shes gona foul soon.hope to god shes ok.something happen to this man awhile back cause he never acted like his self for awhile but wouldnt or couldnt ask for help.thank you animal control and equine rescue.

  42. Jane on December 10th, 2011 7:29 am

    Remember the animals during this holiday season! They need love and care! This group does so much for this area…help if you can! Foster a donkey…they are great for guarding your pastures and keep coyotes away! Help this group with a donation…they do so much but need help!

  43. creekbather on December 10th, 2011 6:04 am

    sounds like an auction time,, two weeks, lowest bidder,. owner must have proof of income , and capability.

  44. unchaindogs on December 10th, 2011 5:55 am

    Diane Lowery is a true angel of mercy. She has a heart of gold and I am honored to know her. Please, if any of you can spare a few $ to help P.E.R. (they operate on donations only), you can donate by clicking on the Paypal button on their website listed in the article above or mail to P.E.R., P.O. Box 777, Cantonment, FL. 32533 and specify that it is specifically for the “Herd in Molino” OR you can phone in a donation to Farm and Nursery Mart at 850-944-5700 and put it on their account. Again, you need to specify that it is for this purpose, so your proceeds will go towards hay for the herd.

    Thanks for any help you give!

  45. Oversight on December 10th, 2011 5:52 am

    If the owner is in the hospital and unable to care for the animials, why didn’t the county and PER just help the owner out instead of seizing? This is nothing more than people (PER) with good intentions out of control with government.