Woman Sentenced To Almost A Year In Jail For Mobile Meth Lab

November 15, 2011

A Century woman has been sentenced to just under a year in jail after an alleged mobile meth lab was found in the truck of her car.

Madeline Hope Johnson, 29, was sentenced to 11 months and 15 days with credit for 94 days served in connection with the case. She is also facing $1,104 in court costs and fees. Once released from jail, she will be on probation for 36 months.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, an off-duty deputy at a Circle K at 3109 North Pace Boulevard in Pensacola was tipped off last year by an occupant of Johnson’s vehicle that she had a meth lab in the vehicle’s trunk.

In the vehicle’s trunk, investigators found several chemical bottles, batteries, two boxes of pseudoephedrine tablets and other items known to be used in the production of methamphetamine.  Several lithium batteries were found in the glove box of the vehicle. The glove box also contained what deputies described as an “owe sheet” — a list of names and monies owed.

In Johnson’s purse, deputies said they found several lithium batteries of the same name brand as those in the vehicle. Her purse, according to the arrest report, also contained a list of chemicals and items known to be used in the production of meth.

According to the arrest report, Johnson admitted to being a meth user, but denied ownership of the items in the vehicle.


10 Responses to “Woman Sentenced To Almost A Year In Jail For Mobile Meth Lab”

  1. 429SCJ on November 17th, 2011 4:47 pm

    I can say I have seen at least one happy continuation. I pray for their success.

  2. uh?? on November 16th, 2011 7:08 pm

    Drugs like this is terrible and extremely addicting..this girl is almost my age she needs clean herself up and get off that stuff

  3. Old puppy on November 16th, 2011 7:02 pm

    @ anon… No your facts. The car wasn’t hers. None of the items in the trunk was hers. The “owe” sheet was n her purse. Her finger prints were on NOTHING in the trunk. She was driving someone elses car when I “girl” with a axe to grind ran over & informed the cop of the items n the trunk.
    @ 429scj… Thank u for your thoughts. & to let u know… She has straightened out. Recently completed 90 days at a rehab facility, & received Christ as her personal savior & hasn’t done anything since she was arrested year & half ago.
    Just so yall know… She wasn’t “convicted”, she took a plea bargain & decided 2 straighten her life out. Recently got remarried 2 her ex-husband & has since been paying her debt 2 society.
    So… Show a recovering addict who is trying a lil support.
    Thank u from her family,
    John P. Johnson (her husband)

  4. 429SCJ on November 15th, 2011 5:03 pm

    She is too pretty to go to jail, for a long time anyway. Maybe she will get her life straightened out. I wonder what she would have looked like a year from now, on meth, had she not been busted?

  5. jimmy wang yang on November 15th, 2011 10:33 am

    Look people, the war on drugs is over AND WE LOST….i understand fines and payments, but a year is to long…stop wasting taxpayers money on criminals who will continue to mess their lives up

  6. DJC on November 15th, 2011 9:34 am

    @ Vicky:

    You are right. This is a weak sentence but, it has nothing to do with it being Meth or Crack. I know some Meth criminals that are doing greater sentences than murderers. Meth is a terrible epidemic and crack is equally as bad.

  7. Vicki on November 15th, 2011 8:59 am

    Thos has to be a joke! Not even a year in jail? This is absolutely ridiculous, though all of them are wrong why are crack dealers getting 20 yr, 30 yr & life sentences these dangerous “Meth Doctors” getting slapped on the wrist while blowing up houses & burning themselves & others up, something is definitely wrong with our justice system! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist
    (or a “meth scientist) to figure out which of these are more dangerous!

  8. Donnie on November 15th, 2011 8:04 am

    I know this is a terrible thing to say but, That is a really good pic Missy! Now straighten yourself out!

  9. Char on November 15th, 2011 7:06 am

    Girl this is your wake up call!

    Now wake up, get up and start making a better life for yourself.
    Get a grant, go to college and learn a better trade.

  10. anon on November 15th, 2011 1:35 am

    no officer, just because it’s in my car, has my name all over it, and is covered with my finger prints doesn’t mean it’s mine! i’ve never even seen this stuff before!