Molino Park Presents ‘On The Radio’, Collects 2,900 Food Items For The Needy (With Gallery)

November 18, 2011

Students at Molino Park Elementary School collected over 2,900 food items during a drive to held the needy in the Molino area at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The school partnered with Aldersgate United Methodist Church for a “Help our Neighbor’ food drive. The items collected by Molino Park will distributed in the community along with turkeys and hams from Aldersgate.

Venetia Fountain’s class was first place in the food drive, donating over 800 items.

The students wrapped up the food drive with a fourth grade performance of “On the Radio” Thursday, under the direction of music teacher Twinette McDonald.

For a photo gallery from “On The Radio”, click here.

Pictured top: “On the Radio” Thursday night at Molino Park Elementary School. photo by Sara Calhoun. Pictured below: Over 2,900 food items donated by MPES students and staff, submitted photo by Sandra Greenwell.


4 Responses to “Molino Park Presents ‘On The Radio’, Collects 2,900 Food Items For The Needy (With Gallery)”

  1. pewoodfin on November 18th, 2011 1:55 pm

    Way to go Molino Park El. School. Good job by the 4th grade class, The program was well done. Good job Sarah, Stewart and Raeleigh. Thanks to Ms. McDonald, teachers and volenteers for their time and work they put in for the students and the program.

  2. Sandra Greenwell on November 18th, 2011 8:18 am

    “On the Radio” was a delight to see! I enjoyed seeing/hearing the talent of the students as they shared their performance. Molino Park faculty, parents and students thank you for partnering with Aldersgate UMC to bless families in our Molino community with this food drive!

  3. Nancy Smith on November 18th, 2011 5:57 am

    What a fantastic performance by the 4th graders! 2908 items donated in a down economy and lots of people struggling. I am very proud to live in Molino and be a part of Aldersgate UMC.

  4. Brewton Sister on November 18th, 2011 5:42 am

    Congrats on the successful production by the students of Twinette McDonald. Twinette enjoy your Thanksgiving break and rest up as you know have your December productions upcoming.