Century Man Jailed After Bratt Manhunt

November 2, 2011

A Tuesday night manhunt in Bratt led to the arrest of a North Escambia man on several charges, including violation of probation.

Justin Dewight Harrison, age 21 of Highway 168, was on the run for just over an hour before deputies nabbed him with the help of a K-9 team from Century Correctional Institution.  He was  charged on outstanding warrants for violation of probation, failure to appear, resisting an officer and driving with a suspended license.

For more photos from the scene, click here.

Deputy James Gilman was westbound near Northview High School on West Highway 4 at C.W. Caraway Road when he spotted Harrison attempting to drive away from a residence in a Ford Escape. Harrison’s vehicle came to a stop near the highway as he fled on foot with Deputy Gilman giving chase.

Other Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies formed a perimeter around the area as the CCI K-9 team began to search for Harrison.  A short time later, a resident on nearby Bratt Road reported that Harrison was spotted at his home.

The K-9 team and Deputy Steve Kay tracked Harrison across a field from Bratt Road near Vaughan Road back toward the original location where he ran from the vehicle on West Highway 4. That’s where Harrison was taken into custody without incident by Deputy Darryl Singleton.

Harrison was evaluated on scene by Escambia County EMS for a possible hand injury and minor cuts and scrapes received while he was on the run. He was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital for treatment.

Harrison was booked into the Escambia County Jail without bond.

For more photos from the scene, click here.

Pictured top: Suspect Justin Dewight Harrison is taken into custody Tuesday night in Bratt. Deputy George Kichler escorts Harrison to an awaiting Escambia County Sheriff’s Office vehicle. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Century Man Jailed After Bratt Manhunt”

  1. 429SCJ on November 7th, 2011 9:05 am

    OK the lights are on and my hard disk is spinning. Mr Gilman (Officer Gilman) are one and the same. When LOL said Mr Gilman, I pictured some nosey old man, peekin out his window, every 3 minutes, there are so very many Gilmans around here, I just did not pay it any attention. Deputy Gilman of Bratt, spotted Mr Harris and recognized him as a fugitive from Justice, and performed his duty as an officer of the law, and the rest is history. Good work Officer Gilman, if only all cases were that easy.

  2. plain country on November 5th, 2011 11:33 am

    Lol, Who appointed you to be JUDGE? You are talking out of turn and judgement is Not left up to you! You are NOT family to Justin!

  3. Livesinbratt on November 3rd, 2011 4:45 pm

    I hope he learns his lesson. The boy has a kid and one on the way. Time to start being a farther and becoming a role model for your kids. Wishing the best for y’all!

  4. Lol on November 3rd, 2011 1:28 pm

    Justin knew this was coming. I personally know the whole story considering I am family. He claimed to be “untouchable”. I’m so glad he is finally being put away, where he needs to be. He will never be a real man. Sam needs to move on with her life like her family as told her so many times. He has never and will never take care of hIs wife and child.

    Mr. Gilman is from Bratt and as most know it is a very tight community. Mr. Gilman knew he was living there at one time and when he spotted Justin he already knew that Justin was wanted. Mr. Gilman did the best thing he could do to protect his community from a lifetime convict.

    Any man that can threaten a woman the way he has countless times deserves to stay in prison. He will never learn his lesson and if he does get out again we will be repeating this all over again

  5. Justins lil sister:)) on November 3rd, 2011 12:14 pm

    look JUstin takes care of his kids and u know he was drivin bc he was a good friend and right b4 that he just left my house and his friend would not stop drinkin!! u know yeah hes done time b4 and shoud know better but these charges are from when he first got out of jail so for all u people who want to tlk about my brother how he is a bad person all that!! u dont know wat u are tlkin about so just shut ur moth!!.. he is one of the best people i know at least he hasn’t left his kid llike some of this dead beat dads out here.. he is a good husband and father!!!

  6. Saddened on November 3rd, 2011 10:03 am

    Justin, this is your wake up call. Do your time, get out and take care of your family. It’s time to grow up.

    Samantha, this is also your wake up call. It’s not only Justin that will do time. I am sure you know even though you are not the one who messed up, him being gone will make it hard on you as well. You have a good family and this is when you ask yourself, is it worth it? Take care.

  7. ree on November 2nd, 2011 10:17 pm

    Justin I love you no matter what u are a good person even tho people on here are gonna talk trash you will make it thru all this!!! Sam I love you to and if u need anything jus let me know.

  8. mercy me on November 2nd, 2011 4:29 pm

    Justin, honey, you can put all of this behind you and start to build a better life. Get out of trouble, stay out of trouble, think of your baby and family. Work hard, get smart, use your strong young backbone to make a good life. You can do it. People are pulling for you.

  9. gaym on November 2nd, 2011 2:54 pm

    That was not the only time he was caught driving without license and that is no excuse to brake the law. If it was a real friend he would have not let himself get so drunk he could not drive home. I feel for Justin he could be a good Husband and Father I pray this will make him understand you can not keep going against the law. He needs to start acting like a MAN now that he is a Father.

  10. Sick of thugs on November 2nd, 2011 2:33 pm

    Hey, Justin’s cuz, He already has a record. He’s damaged goods. And he broke the rules AGAIN! Sounds like a pattern to me. GOOD people behave themselves.

  11. justins cuz.... on November 2nd, 2011 1:55 pm

    To all of you who wanna run ur mouth and dont know the full story i would love it if you keep ur mouth shut…Justin is a great person and when he got in trouble for driving he did a good dead by not letting his friend drive home drunk thank tyou for your concer but if you only have bad things to say keep your mouth shut please and thank you!!!!!!!!! If i could really write how i feel on here it wouldnt be posted!!!!

  12. boo on November 2nd, 2011 9:10 am

    Wow. Justin you will never grow up.. Sam ill be praying for you and sweet baby girl..

  13. paul on November 2nd, 2011 9:10 am

    I guess that Ford “Escape” doesn’t get the job done too good..

  14. 429SCJ on November 2nd, 2011 7:33 am

    I wonder what initiated the traffic stop? It states he was leaving a residence, people do that often. What made this joker stand out, did Deputy Gilman recognize Harrison? I am glad he was stopped, I am just curious about the dynamics of the process.

  15. stephaniew on November 2nd, 2011 7:25 am

    This is so sad.Knew this young man and know he has a newborn baby.No matter how far down the wrong road you go it is never to late to turn around.Hope he chooses to do that for his child.

  16. BrattBratt on November 2nd, 2011 6:25 am

    Great eye officer Gilman!

  17. Neighbor on November 2nd, 2011 5:54 am

    Sam, hope all is okay with you. What a mess.