Jobless Rate Falls Across Area

November 19, 2011

The latest job numbers released Friday showed a sharp decrease in unemployment across the three-county North Escambia area.

Escambia County’s unemployment fell half a percentage point from 10.4 percent in September to October’s 9.9  percent. There were 932 jobs gained during the period, for a total Escambia County unemployment of 13,835  people. One year ago, unemployment in Escambia County was 10.6 percent.

Santa Rosa County unemployment  decreased— from 9.2 percent in September to 8.7  percent in October. Santa Rosa County gained  489 jobs during the period, with a total of 6,183  persons still unemployed. The year-ago unemployment rate in Santa Rosa County was 9.5 percent.

Escambia County, Alabama, experienced a sharp drop in unemployment — from 11.3 percent in September  to 10.2  percent in October. Escambia, Alabama, gained 182  jobs during the month-long period, with 1,502  people out of work. The year-go unemployment rate was 10.3 percent.
Florida’s unemployment rate in October fell to 10.3 percent, its lowest level in 28 months, continuing a long, slow recovery.

The good news is that job growth continues. Non-agricultural employment grew by 9,500 jobs in October from the previous month, bringing to 93,900 the number of jobs created over the past year, a 1.3 percent increase compared to a national boost of 1.2 percent, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity reported Friday.

But the jobless rate remains stubbornly in double digits, and above the rest of the nation. A backlog of foreclosure cases and a glut of existing housing stock is hampering recovery in a state that has historically been reliant on the construction sector.

Despite continuing woes in construction, the jobless rate took a 0.3 percentage point dip from September and was more than a point lower than the 11.8 percent posted in October 2010. The national unemployment rate for October was 9 percent.

Friday’s announcement was hailed by Gov. Rick Scott and business leaders as the latest sign that Florida is getting back on its economic feet. Scott said Friday that even though unemployment has continued to remain above 10 percent all year, the state has created more jobs than any other in the nation, and that he thinks the state has been successful in tackling its biggest challenge.

“We’ve had a great year,” Scott said.


Alabama’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate dropped by half of a percentage point to 9.3 percent, down from September’s 9.8 percent. October’s rate represents 201,296 unemployed persons, down from 211,132 last month. This is the fourth consecutive month Alabama’s unemployment rate has decreased.

“The drop in Alabama’s unemployment rate is certainly good news for our state,” said Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley. “While we are still a long way from reaching full employment, October’s decline shows positive momentum for our state as we continue our mission to put Alabamians back to work.”


7 Responses to “Jobless Rate Falls Across Area”

  1. obamalover on November 22nd, 2011 8:20 am

    Republicans can’t stand any good news…it may somehow delude their delusion…

  2. janice on November 21st, 2011 2:47 pm

    i am a WELL qualified preschool teacher…..out of work for nearly a year, seems daycre and learning centers aren’t needed as much WITH ALL THE PARENTS OUT OF WORK!!!!

  3. Jane on November 20th, 2011 8:46 am

    If you think unemployment has gone down, go try to find a job here! No one here believes this poll!

  4. Char on November 20th, 2011 7:29 am

    No employment is not up, it is like everything else that is polled. Did they poll the right people I ask? In my entire 65 years I have never ever been polled so who do they poll I ask? We can’t trust our politicians, we can’t trust the Food and Drug Administration or Government and we can’t trust these polls. If they will show
    us their poll we will show them ours.

    Liar, Liar Pants on Fire.

  5. Karen on November 19th, 2011 5:56 pm

    probably because of seasonal retail hiring….bet the numbers go back up after the holidays

  6. David Huie Green on November 19th, 2011 12:05 pm

    Employment and unemployment isn’t figured from unemployment checks but from polls of people working, not working, seeking or not seeking employment

  7. elmerfudd on November 19th, 2011 10:38 am

    unemployment hasn’t gone down. less people getting checks makes the numbers look better