Inventor Shipping Bracelets To Elementary Students To Replace Racy Image Prizes

November 10, 2011

Stuart Anders, the inventor of the “Slap Wraps” bracelet, has shipped more than 200 of his original bracelets to Jay Elementary School to replace the unexpected tasteless version students received recently as a prize in a school fund raising drive.

When students received the slap bracelets last month, some discovered that racy images (pictured below) were hidden beneath the fabric. The bracelets, which were not produced or licensed by Anders or his company, were made out of recycled tape measure materials, and at least four of them depicted women in various poses and stages of dress.

Anders heard about the situation in Jay when the story hit and other media last month and immediately thought to send replacements to the school of his original products.

”As the original inventor of the Slap Wraps toy and as a former school teacher, I felt compelled to step in and make right the situation,” Anders said.

Anders was able to get his message to Jay Elementary Principal Danny Carnley who was thrilled by the offer. “I never expected a call like this from the inventor of the toys,” said Carnley. “It’s so nice that he wants to do this for our students.”

“I’m thrilled they are still popular, but very disappointed that the kids at Jay Elementary received such a poor example of this toy. It’s just one of the many knock-off products that are available for sale.” Anders said he has had issues related to companies producing low quality knock-offs of his product since they originated. “It’s a shame when that happens, which is why I want to send the original Slap Wraps to these students to give them the reward they earned – in a form they can wear proudly.”

About 200 hundred of Anders’ bracelets are expected to arrive today at Jay Elementary  for distribution to the students.

With each bracelet, Anders is enclosing a note to the parents and students explaining how he created the product and encouraging students to find their own passion when it comes to the work they will do.

“I’ve been so lucky,” he said. “I’ve been able to make a great life doing work I thoroughly enjoy. I hadn’t planned on being an inventor. It just happened when I followed my instincts and my heart. I wish the same for all of these students.”

The original Slap Wraps are produced about 500 miles from Jay in Titusville, Florida. The only bracelet currently in production at the present time is a NCAA licensed Bucky Badger Slap Wraps.

“I’m happy to send a little piece of Wisconsin to the students in Florida,” said Anders, who currently lives in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. “They are made in Florida and represent Wisconsin – it’s a cool connection.”

Anders, who received his education degree im 1983, said he is particularly pleased to do something positive for students because his original plan had been to be a teacher.

“I always like doing something special for schools and students,” said Anders. “Sharing my story with students and inspiring them to follow their dreams is passion of mine and this is a perfect way to do that.”

Pictured top: The inventor of the “Slap Wraps” bracelet is sending about 200 of these bracelets to Jay Elementary School. Pictured inset: These bracelets with racy images were unknowingly distributed to Jay Elementary students last month.  The product inventor called them unauthorized “knock-offs” of his original product. and courtesy images, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Inventor Shipping Bracelets To Elementary Students To Replace Racy Image Prizes”

  1. JW on November 12th, 2011 10:58 pm

    He’d probably make a killin’ if he made some SEC/ACC schools “slap wraps” and sold ‘em down here.

  2. jcellops on November 10th, 2011 1:12 pm

    what a fantastic story! i hope that mr anders wise letter will serve to inspire many, many children and young adults in our area…ive often thought about things that need to be invented…all it takes is to recognize a problem, then….use your creative imagination (and determination) to find a solution to alleviate the problem…. :)

  3. MC on November 10th, 2011 9:58 am

    Very neat!!

  4. MQ on November 10th, 2011 8:40 am

    AWESOME story! Thanks Mr. Anders for caring and sharing. And to William for once again publishing a positive news story.

  5. Regina Gohagan on November 10th, 2011 7:24 am

    Mr. Stuart Anders is a “class act” in my book.