Gulf Power Drops Rates

November 6, 2011

It’s won’t be much, but Gulf Power Company customers will see a decrease in their electric bill in January due to lower coal and natural gas prices.

Currently, the electricity bill for an average home buying 1,000 kilowatt-hours is $127.16. At the beginning of 2012, the same amount of electricity will cost $125.80, a decrease of $1.36.

“The FPSC adjusts our prices each year based on the cost of the fuel used to make electricity, power bought from other utilities and providers, environmental compliance expenses and the cost of energy efficiency programs for customers,” said Jeff Rogers, Gulf Power Corporate Communications supervisor.

Gulf Power monitors its fuel mix to use the most cost-effective generation available at any time during the day. That has helped the company take advantage of some lower fuel prices for coal and natural gas – the two major fuels Gulf Power uses to make electricity.

“We are pleased with this decrease because it will partially offset the base rate increase request we have before the FPSC,” said Rogers. “If the PSC grants the full amount of the request — the total cost for 1,000 kilowatt-hours was expected to be $134.82. Now, with this decrease, the total will be $133.46. We understand that’s a small decrease, but hopefully fuel costs will continue to decline and we can continue to pass along those savings to our customers.”


9 Responses to “Gulf Power Drops Rates”

  1. David Huie Green on November 8th, 2011 5:34 am

    “They found the “shell” companies buried DEEP. It’s all public record. ”

    Yep, ownership of publicly owned companies is public record. Therefore, it’s never buried too deep.

    Further, if ownership and purchases is set up to benefit a few people to the detriment of the company as a whole, they are stealing from the shareholders and will go to prison if exposed. If they are doing it.

    David still doubting

  2. Mr. Reality on November 7th, 2011 7:35 pm

    Mr. David, if it were as easy as looking it up on the internet don’t you thiink they would have been exposed by now? Call Attorney General Jim Hood in Mississippi and ask him how he and the AG from Louisiana found out that Southern Co was doing what I said they were doing. They found the “shell” companies buried DEEP. It’s all public record. Mississippi caught them buying gas/coal from their OWN companies at inflated rates. Look it up. Then ask yourself if the companies you listed are the only companies owned by Southern Co….If they are smart the CEO and the board of dir own the coal and gas companies they buy coal and gas from the sell to themselves at top dollar to use to make power they sell to us at top dollar. See the cycle…

  3. David Huie Green on November 7th, 2011 5:43 pm

    “Folks I hate to be the bearer of bad news BUT they buy the coal and gas from shell compaines they own at inflated rates…they been doing it for years.”


    “Southern Company owns the following companies:

    Alabama Power – Operating Company – Birmingham, Alabama
    Georgia Power – Operating Company – Atlanta, Georgia
    Gulf Power – Operating Company – Pensacola, Florida
    Mississippi Power – Operating Company – Gulfport, Mississippi
    Southern Company Energy Solutions – Common Services – Atlanta, Georgia [7]
    Southern Company Services – (originally named Southern Services, Inc.) – Birmingham, Alabama – Common Services
    SouthernLINC Wireless – Cellular Telephone Provider – Atlanta, Georgia
    Southern Nuclear – Engineering and Operations for Nuclear Power Plants – Birmingham, Alabama – (Southern Company is the majority owner and operator of the Farley, Hatch, and Vogtle nuclear power plants.)
    Southern Company Generation – Fossil and Hydro Operations – Birmingham, Alabama
    Southern Power – Wholesale Generation – Atlanta, Georgia
    Southern Telecom – Wholesale Fiber Optic Communications and Data Services – Atlanta, Georgia ”

    Which of these is a coal producing comapny?

    Which of these is a gas producing company?

    Or do these subsidiaries have subsidiaries which have subsidiaries which have subsidiaries which have coal and gas producing companies?

    David seeking solid citations
    to backup confident claim

  4. Thinker on November 7th, 2011 11:39 am

    How many of us would be with Gulf Power if we had a choice? We are victims of this Southern Company. They should be ashamed of acting like they are friendly Southerners. No, they aren’t.

  5. Mr. Reality on November 7th, 2011 12:07 am

    Folks I hate to be the bearer of bad news BUT they buy the coal and gas from shell compaines they own at inflated rates…they been doing it for years. Now that natural gas is at an all time low they had no choice but to trickle a few cents back to us. These clowns had the last 40 years to come up with alternatives to coal, whlle spending money on R&D the last 40 years they couldn’t come up with anything…It’s all a scam…

  6. David Huie Green on November 6th, 2011 10:32 am

    They’re charging separately for what they have to pay for fuel. That has gone down slightly recently. Therefore that part of the bill will be reduced.

  7. Molino-Anon on November 6th, 2011 8:48 am

    Shut the front door…

    They just submitted for a rate increase “first one in 10 years” because they aren’t making enough to sustain the power grid…

    Now they are giving everyone a slight decrease in their bill the first of next year?

    We need to send this information to the committee making the decision to let Gulf Power raise rates and tell them they don’t need it raised because they’re decreasing it…

    If they were so badly in need of funds to maintain their system, then would keep those pennies.

  8. Jane on November 6th, 2011 7:31 am

    I won’t complain about a rate DECREASE, every little bit helps these days! At least Gulf Power is not pocketing the extra at the expense of the consumer like so many companies are! THANK YOU, Gulf Power!!! Maybe ECUA should take a lesson from Gulf Power.

  9. Mr. Reality on November 6th, 2011 1:44 am

    Now wait a minute…I thought they needed a rate increase cause they couldn’t make enough profit, now a slight refund (pennies really)…The 3 ring circus never ends!