Greg Evers Subpoenaed By Grand Jury In Tree-Cutting Case

November 17, 2011

Sen. Greg Evers, who represents northern Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, has been subpoenaed to testify before a Tallahassee grand jury that is investigating claims that he used his position as chairman of the House Transportation Committee to help a Santa Rosa County billboard company avoid state tree cutting regulations.

The SaintPetersBlog first reported the story, saying Wednesday that Citizens for a Scenic Florida alleges that Evers convinced then-Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Stephanie Kopelousos to cut down over 2,000 trees along I-10 so Bill Salter Advertising could erect billboards without paying fees to the state.

Being subpoenaed does not indicate that Evers is being accused of a crime; it could mean that he is a witness to be interviewed in the secret grand jury investigation.


4 Responses to “Greg Evers Subpoenaed By Grand Jury In Tree-Cutting Case”

  1. Lady on November 20th, 2011 6:58 pm

    You better believe that Evers got some worthwhile pocket-change for this effort that he made happen. Oh well, the politicians are all getting filthy rich on these little hand-outs so you better believe he got well paid for this effort.

  2. 429SCJ on November 20th, 2011 7:09 am

    Let’s see what the investigation reveals. I hope Mr Evers is innocent. If not, well we were on our own when he came along.

  3. SW on November 19th, 2011 1:06 pm

    He was defending liberty, I’m sure.

  4. David Huie Green on November 17th, 2011 9:43 am

    Evers said he was just trying to help a constitutent, just like Wilson was.

    I’m sure if you or I asked for permission to do something without paying the $4 million dollar cost normally associated with it, that he would help us too.

    David the trusting