Good Reading: Ernest Ward Eighth Graders Pen Turkey Poems

November 24, 2011

Have you ever thought about Thanksgiving from a turkey’s point of view?

Each year, eighth grade Language Arts students in Somer Bridge’s class at Ernest Ward Middle School are required to write a turkey poem from a turkey’s point of view.

Below are some of the  turkey poems from this year.

Viva De La Revolution
By: Brayden Hubbard

Thanksgiving, oh, what a horrendous time.
Turkeys being eaten left and right.
The worst day for the turkey kind,
With no end in sight

As I watch each year in fear.
As they watch their fathers and brothers
Without shedding a tear,
To be cooked and buttered like the others.

But, no more I dare say,
When it is over there will be a jolt.
We have watched too long at bay,
This is the year the turkeys will revolt.

By Tamara Barrows

Yo, Yo, my little chick,
The name’s Big Daddy.
Don’t you dare and take a pic,
Cause I’m feeling kinda crabby.

Don’t know what’s gonna happen sooner,
I’m getting sliced up.
Next thing you know I’m dinner,
Look at this tasty lump.

Now I know why,
I’m roasted and cooked.
Any you really can’t lie,
Thanksgiving is always booked!

Proud Turkey
By Zach Glenn

I’m a turkey in a pen.
It’s Thanksgiving time again.
Every year the farmer chooses,
The one who struts is the one that loses!

Still I walk around with pride,
When I should go off and hide.
I’m so big and I’m so fat,
I spread my tail and gobble…what’s that!

I was a turkey in a pen.
I’ll never see Thanksgiving again.
The farmer told me it’s too late…
Now I’m sitting on his plate!

Turkey Day Draws Near
By Bethany Reynolds

The wind is blowing cold
And the leaves are turning brown
I think I am being sold
For about one dollar per pound

I have heard about that dreadful day
With cranberries, stuffing, and pumpkin pie
But I cannot think this way
Because I really don’t want to die!

To live another day, oh my, oh my
I must be brave and face my fear,
I will hold my breath and hope they pass me by
So I can live to see another year!


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