FWC Officers Seize Deer Meat, Firearms, Charges Could Be Filed

November 18, 2011

Charges are expected to be filed against at least two people after officers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission seized illegally taken deer meat and firearms from a home in Bratt.

FWC officers received information Wednesday that a firearm was used to the kill the deer, according to Stan Kirkland, FWC spokesperson. It is currently archery season (and crossbow on private property), and firearm use is not permitted for deer until November 23.

Witnesses told officers that two adult brothers had gone hunting and several shots were heard. When questioned, the two brothers admitted to shooting three deer — a doe and two yearlings — with a firearm, Kirkland said. Officers located the remains of the deer behind a residence on York Road, off North Pine Barren Road just east of Northview High School.

FWC officers also seized a 12-gauge shotgun and a .30-06 rifle from the home.

According to Kirkland, warrants are expected to be issued against the two brothers for a variety of charges, including using a firearm during archery season, taking over the bag limit, and taking by illegal methods.

A juvenile at the home also admitted to shooting and wounding a deer that was killed the following day, Kirkland said. A rifle and deer meat related to that incident were also seized.

Pictured: FWC Officers watch a home on York Road in Bratt before seizing deer meat and firearms. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “FWC Officers Seize Deer Meat, Firearms, Charges Could Be Filed”

  1. Cathy on November 22nd, 2011 5:30 pm

    You can’t break the law and think you won’t have to pay, but we definitely need some laws ammended so the deer population can be brought down. My husband and I both have dents in our vehicles, have had lights put out, my multiple deer hits.
    I think they should be able to hunt longer with less limitations, and for those who just want trophy deer , they should have a place to take deer for slaughter to feed those who don’t have.
    BTW, is there any place to take a deer that you have killed by hitting them with your car that will take them for the meat?

  2. David Huie Green on November 21st, 2011 10:59 pm

    ” You can pick out phrases and make yourself look intelligent…”

    What makes you think I was picking out phrases?

    The question was why things which are illegal in Alabama are legal in Florida. It was extremely pertinent.

    The answer is that different states have different laws.

    As to calling FWC officers non-federal to sound smart — I just don’t see it.

    I would have to assume that was news to the average person, which I don’t.

    David for common sense

  3. lsu on November 21st, 2011 3:34 pm

    What i mean by federal is they have jurisdiction anywhere. You can pick out phrases and make yourself look intelligent…

  4. David Huie Green on November 21st, 2011 5:17 am

    “….its state law not local…but wi i can go 200 yards down the sreet and hunt over corn…Fwc is federal! but whatever”

    You really believe the FWC, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, is a federal agency?


    Still, state laws are local laws, federal laws are found throughout all the states and territories.

    David for reality

  5. Joe Wright on November 20th, 2011 11:30 pm

    thank you to the people who have offered some insight and respect for the laws. they (the Laws) are there for a reason. those citizens who do not follow the laws make it harder for those of us who do. I have no problem calling FWC to report violations. I have my own private property to hunt whenever I want and yet still follow the laws. a Hunter safety course would help educate those who do not know. This is why young hunters are required to take one, so they can learn the real rules and not what their family or friend tells them is ok.
    Poaching is Illegal and needs to be reported!
    If you do not like the laws, then become part of the process to change them and quite complaining!

  6. 429SCJ on November 20th, 2011 7:33 pm

    The brothers, unless they are idiots, should not have much trouble figuring out who turned them in. I bet we hear more on this, and it will be interesting to be sure.

  7. Lady on November 20th, 2011 6:38 pm

    Deer are getting so plentiful until they are causing many deaths on highways and all roadways for that matter. They are causing more vehicles to be torn up by hitting them until our vehicle insurance has risen so high most people cannot hardly afford it but HAVE TO. The deer season is TOO SHORT because something has to be done to curtail the number out there. My nephew is the Ga Farm Bureau District Manager said his company are paying out so many claims because of deer they are giving their customers whistles to install on their cars to scare the deer from the roadways to curtail all the claims that are coming in. I’ve asked the Fish & Wildlife people what they can do and they don’t have an answer either except States should make longer hunting seasons on them. If and when the population lessens, then efforts can be made to SAVE THEM. Forget the little Bambi’s because they grow up to do a lot of damage. It’s a matter of the deer of humans at this point. If the Fish & Wildlife doesn’t have more to do than stalk a residence they are hard-up for duties. Even my grandfathers hunted all winter and we had meat on our table all the time. I suppose the beef and pork people do not want any competition because they want everyone to go to the grocery store and buy the $5.00-$8.00/lb meat.

  8. Friction on November 20th, 2011 5:06 pm

    Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Florida….arrogant officials with grandiose arrogant views of themselves and their positions…

  9. lsu on November 20th, 2011 9:41 am

    regarding:…..REally , i would have never known…and who said anything about the administration….its state law not local…but wi i can go 200 yards down the sreet and hunt over corn…Fwc is federal! but whatever

    Different states
    Different legislators
    Different laws.

    It’s best not to expect the Obama Administration (or the Bush Administration, or the Nixon Administration, or….) to set local laws for us

  10. David Huie Green on November 19th, 2011 8:50 pm

    ” why can people put out corn in florida, but not in alabama”

    Different states
    Different legislators
    Different laws.

    It’s best not to expect the Obama Administration (or the Bush Administration, or the Nixon Administration, or….) to set local laws for us.

    David recognizing the nature of our system of governance

  11. creekbather on November 19th, 2011 5:53 pm

    these are the kind of people that cut off hindquarters and throw out the rest,, these are the kind of people you dont invite to a picnic,,, they will try and take more than they need.

  12. lsu on November 19th, 2011 2:12 pm

    What these people did isnt right. i can seeing harvesting a mature deer to feed your family, but not this. They can harvest plenty legally during season and freeze their meat if needed to live….one question why can people put out corn in florida, but not in alabama….???? Please help me understand? just asking… The laws are fair but need to be consistent…

  13. unbelieveable on November 19th, 2011 12:33 pm

    Thank you Pensacola Ed it is so nice to hear the voice of reason.
    Sometimes it is just amazing how stupid people can be. Illegal
    hunting is never about food. If you want food you obey the laws,
    so there will ALWAYS be food for EVERYONE and the idiots of
    this world will not kill everything just because they can. I can’t
    tell you how many times I have had bullets whiz by me or someone
    on the block because someone is illegal hunting and way to
    close to homes, people and children. They are right deer is
    everyones, but then again so is LIFE. That is why we have
    to have laws.

  14. David Huie Green on November 19th, 2011 12:18 pm

    “in this Country the wildlife belongs to EVERYBODY – not just the landowner. Just because a deer happens to be on your property doesn’t give you the exclusive right to kill it whenever and however you choose.”

    The flip side of that mentality is: if the deer belongs to everybody and I am somebody, that’s my deer and it doesn’t’ matter whose property it is standing on, I’m a gonna get it. I already told you of seeing a kid walking off my property with the rabbit he had just killed. He explained it ran on my property so, naturally, he went on and killed it. It was his, in his mind.

    David for respecting property rights
    and Thumper

  15. fishpole on November 19th, 2011 11:19 am

    well boy’s will be boy’s. they were ready to open the season. for gun’s as a young man we couldhunt every where .the river smamp the camp of the pine .cotton lake. the red road the hill side on hwy 29 the smamp was open to all. but know man has no right’s enney more. we could by a permit for 25 dollars and hunt. the hunting club are so high that it you can’t aford it who in there right mind would pay 1.000 to 1.500 dollars just to hunt. you are not right. what we need to do is get to gatter and get the paper cop. to go back and open the land.it’s for every one to in joy .after all it be long’s to god. we just take care of it they could sell permit’s for 30.00 dollars and make a lot’s of money.and every one will be happy.im all for it.open the land backup for every one.

  16. are u serious on November 19th, 2011 11:00 am

    Those that argue about licenses, deer limits, tickets, hunting regulations need to take a step back. These laws and regulations are in place to protect the game from over harvest and protect the public.

    These guys were illegal hunting and killing deer. Period. Follow the rules or pay the price. I don’t like having to go 25mph in a school zone, but guess what..it’s the law and for the safety of the public.

    Your opinion would be different if one of these illegal poachers were shooting deer out of your front yard. What if an errant bullet of theirs killed a loved one of yours? Would you still feel that the laws are useless? What if you loved to hunt deer and due to lack of laws the game were overhunted and completely wiped out? If you think this is impossible, you don’t have to search too far to find incidents where lack of adequate hunting and fishing regulations crippled the population.

  17. PensacolaEd on November 19th, 2011 8:46 am

    Redneck Lady, before you can get a hunting license in Florida, or just about every other State, you must take and pass a Hunter Safety Class, that covers Safety as well as game laws.

    MAE – The Florida laws are made by the State of Florida, and for your information, the Hunting Season IS timed to coincide with the deer rutting period, which is from Mid January through February. Also, the State has plenty of Public Land (Wildlife Management Areas), including Blackwater and Escambia River where anybody can go and hunt legally.

    bagzz – If that’s the case, then you are no better than these two criminals. Like somebody said, if you don’t like the laws change them, but i until then, if you don’t obety them, then you deserve to be caught and punished. I live where I can shoot deer in my backyard also, but I do it when the season is in, and when my license is valid.

  18. baggzz on November 19th, 2011 7:31 am

    Don’t let that deer walk onto my property. It will soon be on the dinner table. I would not trespass but if I can step out my back door and shot one then I am.

  19. Jane on November 19th, 2011 5:44 am

    If you have a problem with the way the law is written, work to change it. Until then, obey the law or pay the penalty!

  20. mae on November 19th, 2011 5:10 am

    Florida laws are made by northern people who move south. the seasons do no match the times we should be allowed to hunt. People who can afford to be in a hunting club gets all the deer. They are the ones whom think the deer are there’s. God put those deer on this earth for all people. Some of us would have no meat if it was not for the deer that comes thru our own land. No body owns the deer, fish, birds, or any other animal that god put here for us. We need to be careful about how we punish people that was just trying to feed them selfs. These are just words of thought to a nation that has forgotten the poor in our own country.

  21. rednecklady52 on November 19th, 2011 3:51 am

    @ Steve, I AGREE, you would think that before they were able to get a hunting license they would have to take a test to make sure they knew the laws and regulations of hunting whether it be in a club or on open land.

  22. 429SCJ on November 19th, 2011 3:51 am

    Amen Hello. Something went wrong, the population grew, habitat shrank, gov funding requirments created things like permits. I have a management area pass, and every road I want to drive down has a locked gate across it. Do we need to request a key? I wonder if those are Caterpillar locks?

  23. rednecklady52 on November 19th, 2011 3:43 am

    We have laws and regulations for a reason. If not, just think about the idiots that would be out there hunting when they do not have any business being out there. I hate to think about all the human deaths there would be if there were no laws on hunting. We have the FWC for more then just writing tickets to people. They are out there to make sure the hunters are as safe as they can be.

  24. joe blow on November 18th, 2011 11:42 pm


  25. hello on November 18th, 2011 11:06 pm

    I think it is crazy that you can’t just hunt like the old days. I much rather someone kill a deer then steal from to go buy their food! I agree that I also rather see a dead deer than a child from someone trying to miss a deer on the road. Most animals are made to eat!

  26. PensacolaEd on November 18th, 2011 4:44 pm

    I can’t believe how many of you dislike Fish and Game laws. The State has a Fish and WIldlife Division that creates these laws to protect the resource. As far as killing it on your own property, in this Country the wildlife belongs to EVERYBODY – not just the landowner. Just because a deer happens to be on your property doesn’t give you the exclusive right to kill it whenever and however you choose.

    The seasons and bag limits, as well as rules on how you can legally take game are put in place to ensure that idiots like these two don’t kill or wound does with fawns, or take more than they can use. The money collected for license fees and sporting equipment incurs a tax (Google the Pittman Robertson Act), that pays for Wildlife Conservation and funds environmental programs, as well as enforcement. If these laws didn’t exist or weren’t enforced, morons like these guys would probably kill deer all year, including pregnant or nursing does. Poaching is a crime, it needs to be punished.

  27. jimmy yang wang on November 18th, 2011 3:52 pm

    Your right about that being a low blow….something serious as a wreck is no joke and I apologize for that…..as for the hunting thing, I am bitter because I feel that regulations to hunt wild game or fish is just down right a scam. I am a little bitter because I myself received a ticket for fishing with no license. I fully understand I did it to myself by not having a license but I’m not from Florida and don’t feel I should have to pay to a license when I have only fished in Florida once. I just don’t see why someone can’t fish without having hassle over nonsense and also hunt, because the way I understand it is the deer population is way overpopulated anyway. I am truly sorry about referencing the wreck, that is no joke.

  28. EMD on November 18th, 2011 3:19 pm

    Jimmy yang wang ,

    Your comments show that you may need more education. You must have a problem with authority too. Really a low blow about the young man’s accident the other night. You sound full of bitterness over something. Hope you get rid of it. It will eat you up eventually, if you harbor it. Not kidding. You will make yourself sick. Just saying. Hope you take this as a prod to do something to better your spiritual condition.

  29. jw on November 18th, 2011 3:11 pm

    This is absolutely ridiculous! While I don’t agree with lawlessness on anyone’s part, there are some very stupid regulations that need to be done away with. I’m not sure if these gentlemen were hunting on their own property or not, but it should not be illegal to shoot something on your own private property. Save the regulations for public lands. The only way to enforce them on private property is to get nosy neighbors to report each other, just as they did in this situation. The truth is there are a lot of places in the NorthEscambia area where deer are an absolute nuisance. Herds of 10 or 20 deer roaming through a subdivision every night can cause a lot of destruction. And NO we’re NOT going to call the FWC to come remove them for us. This is the South – we can take care of ourselves.

  30. 24/7 on November 18th, 2011 11:16 am

    Maybe these folks were just trying to provide food for their family. It wasn’t like the deer was shot and just left to rot.

  31. jake on November 18th, 2011 11:10 am

    Poor deer……

  32. jimmy yang wang on November 18th, 2011 9:45 am

    Maybe they was just tired of single vehicle wrecking themselves so they decided to do some actual wildlife work….geez I mean fishing fines and hunting fines are jokes….i wonder if the “whiteman” tried to charge the Indians when they used to hunt in olden times…..its just animals and shouldn’t matter when, where, or how u kill them… At least these folks was gonna eat them…..STUPID

  33. jp on November 18th, 2011 9:34 am

    “Charges could be filed”. Apparently some of you didn’t read the article before
    you formed your oppinion. I guess that is how we ended up with our President
    as well. In this country accused persons have a right to a trial before they can
    actually be found guilty. The arresting officers are nothing more than witnesses.
    I understand the law allows confiscation of weapons used in a crime when it
    is know these weapons were, indeed, used in a crime. My concern is did they
    confiscate weapons in the home that could not have been used in this crime?
    I sincerely hope I explained myself within the limits of your understanding!


  34. JESSICA on November 18th, 2011 8:21 am


  35. steve on November 18th, 2011 7:38 am

    I love the way people start preaching about second amendment rights and totally disregard the fact that these guys broke the law and more than that KNOWINGLY did so. If you are unsure what laws have been broken, you should probably read over the hunting laws and regulations.

  36. jus me on November 18th, 2011 7:13 am

    Jp, iin regard to your question of what criime these mes committed, its says clearly in the article what the charges are. The bottom line is that they broke the law and were caught abd forced to pay the concequences. The question about taking the firearms, well the law states that in crimes committed involving firearms, all firearms must be seized.

  37. PensacolaEd on November 18th, 2011 7:09 am

    David – The reason you are hearing so many gun shots is probably because small game and hog season are also open, and it is legal to take these animals with a firearm during deer archery season. We live adjacent to the Escambia River WMA and there are a lot of shots coming from there in the evenings and on the weekends too.

  38. hunter on November 18th, 2011 6:26 am

    I have watched these deer for 2 months they are very young. They were not killed for the meat. I live in the same area. What are these men teaching the juvinile. I am glad they have been caught. GOOD WORK FWC.

  39. Cheryl on November 18th, 2011 6:07 am

    Glad the FWC is not holding back on this one. These guys definitely need to be made an example of what the consequences of poaching are.

  40. jp on November 18th, 2011 5:38 am

    I agree with the laws protecting wildlife. However, reading this article, i wonder
    if there had been found firearms in the house unrelated to shooting these deer,
    would they have also been taken? By this I mean small cal. hand guns used for
    self protection consistant with the second amendment. Afterall, of what crime have these people actually been convicted?

  41. David Huie Green on November 18th, 2011 5:09 am

    bow season? then how come all those shots south of Bluff Springs Road lately?

    David who thought they were legally illegally hunting while trespassing

  42. Joe on November 18th, 2011 12:20 am

    There is no place for poachers in wildlife conservation.
    I support bag limits and the practice of lawfully taking game animals. It is everyones responsibility to report poaching as this is a crime!
    Good job FWC.