Ernest Ward Students May Attend Northview Parade (With Guidelines)

November 3, 2011

Northview High School’s homecoming parade is Friday afternoon at 1:00 in Bratt.

According to Ernest Ward Principal Nancy Perry, EWMS students may attend the parade if properly checked out. The school will not provide bus transportation to the parade.

The school has issued the following guidelines:

Students at EWMS may check out of school from 12:00 PM until 12:30 PM to attend the NHS Homecoming Parade at Bratt.  Check outs will take place in the EWMS media center during this time.  Parents may enter through the front door of the media center where the check out process will be completed as quickly as possible.  Students are not required to attend this parade.  There is no penalty for students who choose to remain at school. This is a privilege that is provided to students and parents to promote school spirit in the community.

Please remember that the only people who may check out students are the persons whose names are listed on the blue registration card.  Picture ID of the person checking out a student must be shown to school personnel. These are district guidelines that were emphasized in documents that were sent home the first day of school.


2 Responses to “Ernest Ward Students May Attend Northview Parade (With Guidelines)”

  1. Beegee on November 4th, 2011 4:53 pm

    Yeppity yep yep!!!!! It is most definitely all about the students at EW!!!!!
    One more good reason that I am sooooo glad to be a part of EW!!!!!!!!!

  2. Joe Wright on November 3rd, 2011 5:03 pm

    Mrs. Perry is always considering how her students can be more involved in the community. this is just one example. thank you for allowing your students to enjoy this great annual event.