Despite Crying Foul, Defeated Century Mayoral Candidate Skips Challenge

November 28, 2011

The outspoken loser in Century’s recent mayoral elections did not file any official challenges over his loss, despite crying foul and throwing out multiple allegations.

Following the October general election, Henry Hawkins said he planned to protest  his loss to incumbent Freddie McCall. According to Escambia County Supervisor of Elections David Stafford and  Florida Secretary of State Communications Director Chris Cate, no local or state challenge was received from Hawkins. The Florida Secretary of State’s Office oversees the Florida Division of Elections.

According to Cate and Stafford, Hawkins missed the final deadline by which a complaint should have been received.

Final unofficial totals showed McCall was reelected with 61 percent of the vote — 293 votes to Hawkins’ 186 votes.  McCall received 150 absentee votes, while Hawkins received 30. It’s the absentee votes where Hawkins said the election was flawed, he told shortly after the final totals were announced.

“I know there’s been problems with absentee ballots,” Hawkins said on election night. “That’s what I’m questioning, I’m challenging…is that election process. If it’s not fair, it’s not fair.”

He claimed three people attempted to vote in person Tuesday at Century City Hall, but they were told they had already voted absentee when, in fact, that had not.

“I don’t mind losing; I’m not a sore loser,” he said. “But I like to be beat fair and square. And this was not fair at all. I can’t compete against a man that has everything from the city at his disposal, so he’s paving streets, putting up speed breakers as special favors and also letting people’s water bills slide.”

McCall will be officially sworn in for his second four year term as mayor in early January 2012.

Pictured: Defeated Century mayoral candidate Henry Hawkins writes down vote totals as they are announced during the October general election for mayor and two Century council seats. file photo, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Despite Crying Foul, Defeated Century Mayoral Candidate Skips Challenge”

  1. Everett on December 2nd, 2011 11:46 pm

    Agree with Joe Wright. Now Mr. Hawkins has a slim to no chance of getting elected again. If there was an issue or problem he should have stuck to his guns and not given up so easily. He obviously knew he didn’t have an argument to begin with.

  2. mikebee on November 30th, 2011 4:37 pm

    I think the biggest question is “What has Freddie McCall done for the town of Century? Has he brung in any new jobs? Did he fight to keep the school open? Most mayors in these small towns cater to protect special interest more so than economic growth. Being Mayor is not just another notch in your belt, it’s about bringing about change for the greater good of everyone. Mr. Hawkins seems to get it because he wants some things to change. Just because you speak out against injustice and wrong doing you are labeled a troublemaker but that is not true. What kind of man will allow wrondoing to go own and not say anything a coward. Century made a big mistake on this one and they will began to realize it in the near future when no jobs are being created. Most of the people in Century are on some form of Government assistance black and white so they need jobs or new industries. We tend to see things in black and white and this criples us as a people. It’s not about skin color it’s about getting the right person for the job and Mr. Hawkins was that person.

  3. bigbill1961 on November 29th, 2011 1:24 pm

    Instead of judging him (which none of us are qualified to do anyway), why not accept this at face value? He has decided to accept the loss graciously and move on with his life. Sometimes we all get so caught up in finding a reason for something, that we lose sight of what has actually happened.

    If I’m wrong about this, so be it. For now though, I’m accepting it and moving on…..

  4. Joe Wright on November 28th, 2011 10:49 pm

    If mr. Hawkins felt there was wrong doing he should have followed through with the complaint. If there really is a problem it needs to be fixed and corrected. The process only works if we all do our parts.
    If I lived in century I would be asking questions…..