Bratt Park To Be Renamed Tuesday For Fallen Marine Lcpl. Travis Nelson

November 7, 2011

The  Bratt Community Park will be renamed Tuesday in honor of LCpl. Travis M. Nelson, the local Marine killed in action in Afghanistan on August 18.

An official dedication for the “LCpl Travis M. Nelson Park” and a monument in his honor will be held on Tuesday, November 8 at 2 p.m. at the park on West Highway 4, just west of Northview High School.

The Nelson family  requested the county’s permission to place a monument at the park on Highway 4 near Northview High School, just two doors down from where Travis Nelson grew up. The Escambia County Commission later voted to rename the park in the Marine’s honor.

Nelson was the first soldier killed in action from the Walnut Hill or Bratt area since 1969.

Pictured top: Work continues on a memorial in honor of  LCpl Travis M. Nelson at the Bratt Community  Park, which will be renamed Tuesday in Nelson’s honor. photo, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Bratt Park To Be Renamed Tuesday For Fallen Marine Lcpl. Travis Nelson”

  1. Kathy on November 8th, 2011 6:13 am

    To those who never had the honor of personally knowing Travis, he became a hero on Aug 18 on a battlefiled far from home when he lost his life in service of our courntry.

    For those of us who were blessed to have known and loved Travis he was already a hero because of the way he lived his life.

    We will be at the park dedication to honor Travis and the Nelsons.

    Beckie,Scott, Anna, Maddie, Daniel, Jenna and the rest of the famil, we love you guys and we’ll see you there.

  2. Jane on November 8th, 2011 6:10 am

    Gone, but not forgotten. Semper Fi.

  3. Gerri on November 7th, 2011 6:58 pm

    Becky & Scott,
    I’ll be thinking about both of you tomorrow, as I will not be able to attend. My school is finalizing preparations for our Veterans program and reception on Wednesday, where we will be recognizing the family of Lance Cpl Bruce Ferrell USMC. Bruce was a former Perdido student and BCHS graduate who gave his life in defense of our country on 8/10/2009 in Afghanistan. I think renaming the park is a wonderful way to remember Travis.

  4. rgd on November 7th, 2011 6:07 pm


    I am a Veteran Of the Vietnam War! I wish to thank you for your outstanding coverage of this brave young mans sacrifice and the outpouring in this community is so very awesome.! It is a fitting thing for one who gave so much in defense of our country and our way of life!

  5. Darryl on November 7th, 2011 8:58 am

    Nice move since I think name can be so important for associations and giving the park a name other than simple one that speaks to its place will give it more meaning.

  6. Oversight on November 7th, 2011 8:26 am

    Why not do this on Friday, Veteran’s Day; one of the two days specfically set aside to give thanks and honor the sacrifices of our military service members. The other date is the last Monday in May, Memorial Day; the day we honor those who died in the service of our country.

  7. Steven Hanks on November 7th, 2011 5:03 am

    Becky and Scott,

    Theresa and I are so sorry we cannot be there Tuesday for the dedication. Know that you are in our hearts and prayers everyday and that we our honored to have known Travis and seen the great young man he became. With much Love and repect.

    Theresa and Steve

  8. JustMe on November 7th, 2011 4:40 am

    I was just at this park Saturday and seen the memorial area which looked great…also the trees they have planted in behind it. Very proud of escambia county for granting this request. One thing I wish would happen is the community get behind that park and keep it clean and people from damaging it. While I was there I asked some young boys skateboarding under the pavilion on top of picnic tables to stop so they wouldn’t destroy the property. They didnt cause any problem and left which showed they had respect so kudos to there parents for that. Kids will be kids we just need to remember if we let people destroy it, it will be like Showalter Park in a few years. Showalter was once a very nice park, now look at it.

  9. Donna on October 28th, 2011 1:07 am

    Lacey and I will be there…Love you guys.

  10. Tired on October 26th, 2011 5:26 pm

    William……I totally agree with you and hope that never changes! I actually meant for (hopefully there won’t be) any future Military Personal…

  11. William on October 25th, 2011 10:56 pm

    “Tired” wrote: But I also think there should be a plaque in the park for (unfortuatly) any other military members who are from this area and loose their lives.

    There have not been any others since 1969. We all hope that does not change.

  12. Tired on October 25th, 2011 10:33 pm

    I’m a military wife (retired) and many members of my family are/were military, and I can’t imagine nor want to imagine what this family is going thru. However, I think dedicating this park to this marine is a wonderful idea. But I also think there should be a plaque in the park for (unfortunatly) any other military members who are from this area and loose their lives. Please take that into consideration……
    Thank You….

  13. SgtMaj T. McNeil (USMC Ret) on October 25th, 2011 9:44 am

    MARINE is a word of respect. Whenever this word is used it evokes images of Spartans, exemplary examples of American excellence. The elite of the elite.
    Your son was one of the few! I am very sorry for your loss but, also proud that your son’s memory and service to our country is being honored. Your family is in our prayers.

    Sergeant Major T. McNeil (USMC Ret)

  14. 429SCJ on October 25th, 2011 5:31 am

    I belive this monument will be a wonderful way to remember Travis, and the noble concept of others before self.

  15. Fallen Hero Benefit on October 24th, 2011 1:11 am

    Mr. and Mrs. Nelson & Family there are never words to truly say how sorry we are for your lose, just prayers that God bring you comfort and healing in your waking hour and the days ahead. I myself will never be able to thank you and Travis enough for the sacrifice you all have paid for my freedom, I thank you and love you for that. It brings great joy to see LCpl Travis Nelson Honored and Remembered with the renaming of the park. May God please continue to Bless and look over you Nelson Family. Love Sarah