Congressman Jeff Miller: Thanksgiving Message

November 24, 2011

Throughout a given year, various events take place that remind us at that moment in time how blessed and thankful we are. These moments may be felt during a Sunday morning Church service or in the birth of a grandchild. They may be felt in the laughter of a friend or a hug from a family member. They may be felt at a graduation or a wedding, or even the passing of a loved one or a flag draped over a coffin. No matter how extraordinary or common the event, these moments allow us to take pause and reflect on the things for which we are grateful.

As we gather together with friends and family this Thanksgiving, let us all take time to remember these moments which make America the greatest country on earth, for which we are so very thankful.

We are grateful for a Declaration of Independence that taught us we are all created equal and endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights, including “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” We are grateful for a United States Constitution that was created by “We the People” and continues to guide our nation. We are grateful for the freedom to worship in a place of our own choosing and the freedom to speak out and to be heard, no matter the message. We are grateful for the differences among us that make us both unique and American, and for the courage to put aside those differences to rally as a nation when faced with a threat to our livelihood.

We are thankful for a rich history steeped in the traditions of American individualism, intellect, and ingenuity. We are thankful for a culture that rewards hard work with success, risk with reward, and service with gratitude, and for the undying American spirit that drives us to work harder, to achieve more, and to succeed. We are thankful for the countless blessings bestowed by our Creator, forged by our ancestors, and imparted to us to nurture for our children and grandchildren.

We are grateful for the brave men and women who fight for and defend our freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and across the globe as members of our United States Armed Forces. We are grateful for our veterans who served their country, kept us safe, and promoted freedom around the world, and for those who gave their lives in defense of this country, who will never be forgotten.

Finally, we are grateful for a nation that no matter the cost, no matter the struggle, no matter the sacrifice, its people will time and again rise to the occasion and continue to ensure a better world for the next generation of Americans.

In a year full of tribulations and triumph, difficulties at home and victories abroad, we as a country continue to have much for which to be thankful. God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.


7 Responses to “Congressman Jeff Miller: Thanksgiving Message”

  1. ArmyCptswife on November 25th, 2011 9:34 pm

    Someone please say something nice to Kathy. She obviously needs the praise! Also if your father was in the service, he did indeed get free things. That is what you said in your first post anyway….. My grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy and was a medic wounded in battle saving his fellow soldiers. He was awarded for these heroics. My husband, who is a N.P. and worked the E.R. in Iraq picked up fellow soldiers body parts and tried his best to save others. So DON’T YOU EVER say these people or those like us are anything less than hero’s. I do hope we meet someday. ;^) Juanita Watson Ft Leonard Wood Missouri

  2. Kathy on November 25th, 2011 9:22 am

    Furthermore, my father served in the Navy in 1943, he went with the first marines into New Guinea, he placed telephone poles and wired those poles for electric to get the base up and running, he fell off a 40 foot pole while being shot at and ended up with a back broken in two places, he spent three month aboard a ship hospital and 4 more months in a Navy San Diego hospital. He refused a military disability and went on to live his life. Never went to VA, never got anything free. He says when a man stands up for his family, his community or his nation, a man expects nothing in return, you do it because its the right thing to do. My father says teachers, policemen, clergy, judges, lawyers are the true heroes as well as women wiling to bear children and raise them. He was a a true hero. Uniforms don’t make you anything but a man in a uniform. A man’s notion of right and wrong, justice and injustice, truth and lies make him a hero.

  3. Kathy on November 25th, 2011 9:01 am

    You do your part by paying taxes, you do you part by being part of the community, sorry you do not respect yourselves for what you do to contribute. Heroes come in many shapes and sizes not just military folks. When you begin to think that way you go the way of the Romans way back, the military got the spoils and Rome fell. Just as we will one day with this kind of thinking.

  4. Proud American on November 25th, 2011 5:46 am

    I cant beleive the post that you placed on here kathy. First off, when you give from the goodness of your heart. That is exactly what it is, from the heart and no recognition is needed or wanted. Those that give from the heart love what they do. It is Christian way and the Godly thing to do. Second, that is not what makes a HERO. A HERO is one that wears a uniform and gives the ultimate sacrifice for people like you and I to voice their opinion without getting arrested and beheaded or the fireman that took the burning plywood on his back to drag someone out of a fire and last but not least, the law man that is protecting our streets everyday for amounts of income that in my opinion are way too low. I think Congressman Miller has went over and above his duties to try and be one for his community that cares and shows affection for the average citizen. It is comments like these that sting because when speaking to the public you can never say the perfect speech. Someone always finds something wrong with what you said. Congressman Miller, You have done an outstanding job with the public. I have witnessed many of your recognitions lately with one of the local fallen soldiers. You continue to be who you are and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. God Bless America and Her HEROs

  5. dick tracy on November 24th, 2011 6:42 pm

    My hat’s off to Congressman Miller. Thank you for being you! I gained alot of respect for you after you helped my neighbor recieve a long-time coming benefit from a war injury. We need alot more elected officials with your integrity and feelings for your fellow man. My vote’s with you!!! Thank you for all you do sir! Happy Thanksgiving to All !!!

  6. ArmyCptswife on November 24th, 2011 1:46 pm

    Thank you for recognizing all we do, even if people like Kathy disagree. Our retirement, education and medical benefits are not free. FREEDOM is not FREE!!!! Our men and women pay with their lives, health and mental stability. We family members sacrifice more than anyone like you will every know. Thank you Mr. Miller for you thoughts this Thanksgiving and recognizing all great Americans. You always have a few that need recognition for what they do, but our service members ask for no extra recognition. They do what they do out of love for the American family!!!! God Bless the United States,and your freedom to say whatever it is you want to say. Without the military, you may not have that freedom!!!! Also Escambia county is my home of residence.

  7. Kathy on November 24th, 2011 10:51 am

    How about some thanksgiving for the great Americans who live here, pay taxes, support families, communities, churches, give from the goodness of their hearts, they are the true heroes. No one recognizes them for all they give. There is no retirement specials, no free education, no free medical benefits for them for life.