Child Sex Abuse Suspect’s Mom, Victim’s Mom Both Learn Fate For Beating

November 4, 2011

The mother of a young child sex abuse victim and the mother of the suspect have both learned their fate in Escambia County Circuit Court for beating the 17-year old suspect with an extension cord.

Juliette H. Dubose, 42, and Kassedra Dubose, 38, both pleaded no contest to charges of cruelty toward a child. Both women have entered into a pretrial diversion program under which charges will be dropped if they successfully complete the one year program.

Juliette Dubose was accused of “whipping” Michael Alexander Dubose with an extension cord after learning that he allegedly had sexual relations with her 6-year son over a one year period at two different units at Century Woods Apartments.

After the beating, Juliette Dubose  instructed the mother of Michael Dubose, Kassedra Dubose, to also beat him with the extension cord, according to an arrest report.

The 17-year old son suffered numerous cuts and bruises all over his body, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report. Michael Dubose is currently awaiting a January trial as an adult on two felony counts of sexual battery on victim under 12.


17 Responses to “Child Sex Abuse Suspect’s Mom, Victim’s Mom Both Learn Fate For Beating”

  1. Good for them on November 7th, 2011 1:17 pm

    While I don’t normally agree with a “beating” of this type (I don’t have a problem with spanking but there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed) I think the 17 year old is lucky that the mother of the 6 year old that he sexually abused didn’t kill him. Relative or not if anyone ever lays an inappropriate hand on my kids they will be lucky to be left breathing afterwards.

  2. Baebae on November 5th, 2011 6:35 pm

    Look…the reason they beat him with the cord is simple..the women did not wear belts….and the reason the ext cord was used ?….its a lot longer than a belt…they reached out and touched him…by the way…we arent much of a civilized world anymore……my dad grew up on a farm in the Mississippi Delta and his dad beat him with a fan belt from a piece of farm equipment….Dad said it hurt…but he did not repeat the mistake he made with his dad..and it was not something like this incident

  3. David Huie Green on November 5th, 2011 4:43 pm

    “Completely miss the point of domestic violence is a cycle that must be broken. It is a cycle that will continue to manifest itself in more violence, including sexual assault.”

    If domestic violence results in more violence and sexual assaults, then everybody whose great-great-great grand parents were whipped must have produced violent rapists in turn.

    Such does not seem to be the situation, so maybe spankings don’t always yield evil offspring.

    David considering prejudices
    unsupported by evidence

  4. 429SCJ on November 5th, 2011 6:46 am

    A lack of discipline has brought us, to where we find ourselves today. I will be glad when the whole ball of wax comes undone, then we can clean this mess up, and get back on course.

  5. Jester on November 5th, 2011 2:11 am

    This is the united states of America. Not Iran

  6. Jester on November 5th, 2011 2:09 am

    You guys amaze me. Abusing a child is wrong. On that we seem to all agree. But as much as I’d like to punish the person that caused this. Beating someone with a cord is not the answer. Civilized people don’t beat people with cords. I firmly believe he needed severe punishment. But this Is not Iran. We don’t beat people with chords (canes). We don’t behead people because they don’t share our beliefs either. We live in this country and love it because we know that if we are wronged. Justice will be served. If the young man committed the acts he’s accused of ( which i believe he did). He still should not be beaten with a chord. That’s what differentiates us from barbarians. I think the women were right being angry and doling out punishment. I just don’t think beating someone with a chord is the answer. It sounds as if he were grown you would condone hanging him. He should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. That being said noone should be beaten with an extension chord. This is

  7. Keisha on November 4th, 2011 7:31 pm

    Did I miss something, the mother’s where charged with beating an minor, but he is being charged as an adult??? This is sick & whats sad is this type of abused probably happened to him

  8. beatem on November 4th, 2011 1:36 pm

    JP, I believe you meant “Spare the Rod, spoil the child”…but you are correct. The rod was not spared on me, and I don’t go around beating people up like its a cycle.

  9. jcellops on November 4th, 2011 12:40 pm

    i cant remember how the authorities first learned of this sexual assualt…does anyone remember? if this adolescent is tried as an adult and convicted (cant imagine how he wouldnt be convicted) he will have to register for the rest of his life as a sexual preditor- if he makes it out of prison.

  10. DJS on November 4th, 2011 11:27 am

    KUDOS to the two ladies that whooped his butt. the butt whooping he got is nothing compared to what the child will have to face for the rest of their lives. Now I just hope that the justice system will do their job when Michael’s trial comes up.

  11. lisa on November 4th, 2011 11:12 am

    I hope they send him up the river so he doesn’t do it to another child. As for the mother that beat him good for her, but maybe if he had been supervised and beaten earlier none of it would have happened.

  12. jp on November 4th, 2011 9:42 am

    I, as my sainted parents before me, advocate “child abuse”. “Spoil the rod and
    spoil the child” . As many diapers as my Mother changed on me, you would
    think she would know where to hit you with a peachtree limb. Especially in the
    summer when you only wore cut-off jeans and nothing else. They did it for two
    reasons, they loved me and wanted me to know right from wrong, and the Holy
    word of God recomended it. It has worked very well down through the centuries.
    Now the government feels that we as parents are not capable of raising our
    children so they step in and interfear with their “holier than thou” attitude. Look
    what a success this has been, HA! One thing for sure, if Mom and Aunty put
    it there right, He’ll think twice next time. Sadly, with the courts’ way, it will, most
    likley happen again.

  13. Darryl on November 4th, 2011 9:06 am

    Completely miss the point of domestic violence is a cycle that must be broken. It is a cycle that will continue to manifest itself in more violence, including sexual assault. As to the 17 year old, I understand it is very hard to undo this especially if it was done to him at some time in the past.

  14. bwayne on November 4th, 2011 6:55 am

    If it had been my son he had sexually abused, I would have castrated him.

  15. Baebae on November 4th, 2011 5:02 am

    Did the boy get charged… lucky he got the electric cord…not the electric chair.
    I thought it seemed like a good idea…when one lady got tired…she handed over the cord to the other one….hope they both beat the SHOCK out of him…probably the only reason they did not kill him is because ITS AGAINST THE LAW

  16. 429SCJ on November 4th, 2011 4:54 am

    What were they supposed to do, put a bullet through his head. A couple of beatings adminisitered to a 17 year old, for sexual assault on a child, does not sound excessive to me.

  17. fmg on November 4th, 2011 1:03 am

    i am so glad that they were able to work this out for these 2 women to not be convicted of something or serve time if they complete the diversion program. i personally think that they showed great restraint by only beating him with an extension cord. I’m not sure i would be so generous.