Century Awards $230K In Grants To Repair Four Private Homes

November 10, 2011

The Town of Century has  awarded $230,567  in grant-funded contracts to rehabilitate four private homes in the town.

The town was awarded a $650,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to rehabilitate or replace about nine homes that are currently occupied by persons of low or moderate income. The town also received $100,000 in Residential Construction Mitigation Program Funds for hurricane retrofits.

The town first selected five homes to be rehabilitated under the programs, but later decided to reconstruct a home at 511 East Pond rather than rehabilitate it.

Bids were awarded for housing rehabilitation as follows:

  • 6 Howard Street/Cullie Mae Carter — Motes Construction, Inc., $50,560
  • 521 East Hecker Road/Ollie Kelly — Thompson Contractor Resources, Inc., $67,902
  • 411 Cedar Street/Dorothy Newton — John Claude, General Contractor, $38,215
  • 7820 Jefferson Avenue/Elsie Reaves — Parker Custom Homes, Inc., $73,980

Pictured top: Grants will fund $67,902 in repairs to this house at 521 East Hecker Road in Century. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


33 Responses to “Century Awards $230K In Grants To Repair Four Private Homes”

  1. Julia W. on November 15th, 2011 1:48 am

    @ Jeff Georage


  2. jeff george on November 14th, 2011 7:43 pm

    all due respect to poor people. there are several more houses that need upgrades. but this house isnt worth half the seventy grand being spent to over haul it. it will be interesting to see what a twenty grand house will look like after the seventy goes into it…………………………

  3. Annette on November 14th, 2011 1:30 pm

    @char I’m going to pray for you:))

  4. Char on November 14th, 2011 8:40 am

    Oh I guess I miss-understood you two because I thought you did want me
    to fix Julia’s mothers home.

    Why thank you I did have a nice day. I spent the whole afternoon and evening
    with my wonderful husband. Hope you had a nice day also, and say hello
    to Jeff, Emmett and the fam.

  5. Annette on November 13th, 2011 11:10 am

    @char no one said you did ….You have a great Sunday !!!!

  6. Char on November 12th, 2011 1:25 pm

    Aw see and there you have it, and I did not offer to fix Julia’s mothers house,
    or anyone elses for that matter.

  7. Annette on November 12th, 2011 12:59 pm

    @char from everything Ive read on here no one has offered to fix Your House I know Julia didn’t just like I did not offer to fix your daughters electric. You Have A Good Day!!!!

  8. Char on November 12th, 2011 8:48 am

    lol I already am old and I’m sure I did pay in taxes as long as your mother.
    I don’t begudge your mother anything…but it is my money too and I’m not asking
    you to fix my home and I never will you can bet on that.

  9. Southerner on November 11th, 2011 12:29 pm

    I am against socialism at home and abroad, for the whites and the blacks and for all others, for the rich and the poor, for the young and the elderly. Let us not discriminate!

  10. Ifish4 on November 11th, 2011 7:53 am

    @429SCJ exactly what I was thinking, we have sent ship loads of money to Iraq and Afghanistan to rebuild houses and schools and anything else those people want, and what they really want to do is kill Americans, but do these people gripe about it-NO, they think It’s fine as long as we send money overseas. I prefer to see my money spent here on people that probably help build this country when they were younger and able and paid a lot more income tax than anyone in these countries ever paid.
    @JimD, what you purpose might sound good on the surface, but would you really want one of these crooks working around your house seeing what you have and maybe coming back when they are released to help themselves to your hard earned items. I once had a state inmate taken off a job near my house, the state CO told me not to worry he won’t do anything while we are here. I told him that’s not the problem, his parents live about a block away, you won’t always be with him when he is in this area and I don’t want him to see everything I have in my garage. For some reason they didn’t realize his parents lived in the neighborhood and came and got him right away.
    @DONUT, why not write your congressman and senator and complain about all the money being wasted overseas first, anyone living in this country has paid more in taxes than the people in the other countries, I have written several times about it. We need to get our spending under control, at home and overseas, but I say cut the real freeloaders out first, the ones that don’t pay a penny in taxes to this country, foreign aid.

  11. 429SCJ on November 11th, 2011 5:54 am

    Thank You Julia. I am glad to see a person with compassion and empathy, remember us Lord and others too.

  12. MANNERS on November 11th, 2011 3:51 am

    If we were a state of pride our elderly would never need a hand out. They would be well taken care of and honored through their golden years, for their lifetime of hard work, either in the work force or in the home raising children while their spouses were in the work force. Because we are a “everything is owed to me” welfare state, where everyones hand is out and no one believes in working for a dollar, our elderly are tossed aside and forgotten. I say cut the welfare for the younger baby factories and repair all the homes of our Grand people. Don’t we
    owe them something.

  13. Julia W. on November 10th, 2011 11:04 pm

    @429SCJ, Thank You I think the few people who sees what these grants are really for. These grants are not handouts

  14. Julia W. on November 10th, 2011 10:13 pm

    @ Char, Listen it is my mother that is one of the houses being fixed. She is 84 years old and has been paying TAXes a lot longer then ANY you have. She has most deffently paid her due’s into the Government. My mom has no say in how much they are using to fix her house up. SO BEFORE YOU BEGRUDGE AN OLD LADY A WARM HOUSE IN THE WINTER AND A COOL HOUSE IN THE SUMMER. REMEMBER THIS “YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW. “SO ALL YOU THAT ARE NOT HAPPY AND ARE UPSET, ONE DAY YOU WILL BE OLD AND NEED HELP, I BET YOU WILL NOT LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE HAVE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT YOU. Unfortunetly I am not in a position to fix my moms house. Since I have a special needs child that takes all I have to raise.
    @ Big AL duahhhhhhhhhhh these contracts are bringing in jobs.

    Also how many of you cashed the rebate checks Bush sent out???? See as long as YOU are benefiting you have nothing to say. Those checks put the USA in an even bigger bind then we were already in. SO clean around your own back door before you start fussing about helping a few people. Really if you have a grip why not take it up with the city council and the grant people. WHy take it out on a few deserving souls.

  15. DONUT on November 10th, 2011 7:37 pm

    absoulutely, ridiculious. Another mis-management of OUR tax dollars. Hasn’t anyone ever heard of helping themselve. And, what about the churches in the community, they are SUPPOSE to take care of their community! I get so sick of all the handouts! Seems to me that everyone wants to live like the ones who work for a living. What about the families of these people. GOOD GRIEF! I mean give me a break. I know some of you will say these are terrible things to say…. well, you are wrong!

  16. 429SCJ on November 10th, 2011 7:06 pm

    If this money was being used to fund a foreign government you would be indifferent. The fact that someone from your community, someone you may know is receiving these funds, and you are not, fills your heart with anger and envy. I do not like the word socialist, and I do not feel helping an 85 year old woman with her home is an injustice to taxpayers. A hand up is something you give to a young person with ability and potential. When a person reachs the twilight of years, with limited resources, they may need some help. Yes the economy is shot and the worst is yet to come, but this may be the right thing to do. I know the end justifies the means. I want none of this money for myself, I only wish to see good done with it. Think about it Saturday Morning during your service.

  17. Southerner on November 10th, 2011 2:19 pm

    Socialism and very selective socialism too! It could be an honorable thing for a homeowner that had been offered this money to turn it down. It should be that no contractor would accept the money. Avoid using these contractors.

  18. 429SCJ on November 10th, 2011 2:08 pm

    I have spoken with a few people regarding public funds for private property, and have received mixed response. I feel my position is I know my government will throw OUR MONEY to the wind, regardless. I guess I would just like to see it do some good here locally, rather than outside. I know there are many other uses and needs in the community as well. If we would all help, then this condition of need would not have been there in the first place. The sad fact is Church coffers are down, and most people are strapped, or just hanging on themselves. How could we have fallen so far in just ten years. It is time to recall the Legions and curb this International Aid. Our house is falling in on us. We must attend to America’s needs first.

  19. Thinker on November 10th, 2011 1:08 pm

    I do not begrudge the chosen homeowners but it does seem 10 houses could have been fixed up for that amount of money. Why so much to only 4 houses?

  20. Annette on November 10th, 2011 12:44 pm

    @ char I can’t afford to fix my on electric why would I want to fix hers I was not talking about Your Daughter and you don’t know me i love helping people.. And it’s not the people’s fault that is getting there house fixed I just thank god they are..and yes fixing my electric is my problem !!! And I will deal with that… I don’t know why you brought up your Daughter she is not what I’m talking about…hope you have a good day!!

  21. Char on November 10th, 2011 12:25 pm

    I didn’t hear anyone (nor I ) say this was not a sweet lady or that she doesn’t
    deserve her home to be fixed. That being said we do feel we have the right
    to say when we can not afford it. My daughter needs new electric, do you
    want to fix that. I seriously doubt it~ Well that is her and I’s problem not yours and we will take care of it even though our investments are going down
    the tubes just like everyone else’s due to the poor management of our
    Country and it’s funding by US the UNITED STATE TAX PAYERS.
    It is our right to have a say on where it goes.

  22. Annette on November 10th, 2011 11:44 am

    The house in the picture belongs to a 85 year old sweet lady she deserves to have her house fixed she can’t afford it and it needs repairs bad. And I don’t think it’s a waste of money to fix a house that really needs it. But people are going to talk no matter what…I’m going to pray for people that run there mouth when they don’t know what the person is going through (just saying)!!!!!

  23. Terri Sanders on November 10th, 2011 10:01 am

    William,I am very much suprized finding out you do actually sleep once in awhile!!!So you ARE human after all! That is comforting to know that you are really one of us and not a robot!

  24. Char on November 10th, 2011 8:40 am

    I agree with Big Al in the part that we are spending tax dollars that we do not have
    and when it is from the federal taxes it is just robbing Peter to pay Paul. We all
    know this is borrowed money at high rates and we don’t have it to pay back.

    America seems to be run by the stupid and the greedy when it was supposed
    to be for the people and by the people. Our representatives are doing no one
    any favor and anyone who takes federal hand outs aren’t either. Who is it for when it is borrowed at high rates and our children will have to reap what that sows.

    I am a big supporter of giving people a hand up, but not a hand out.

  25. William on November 10th, 2011 8:11 am

    >>My apologies, William. I was indeed hasty in my complaints

    Not a problem. We do have a surprising number of people that read the site overnight while at work or suffering from insomnia.

  26. Big Al on November 10th, 2011 8:02 am

    My apologies, William. I was indeed hasty in my complaints. I get up at 1:30 am and drive 90 minutes to work. Work 12 hours and drive that 90 minutes home. Then donate 40% off the top to the government. Perhaps I get a little testy when I see that tax money used in ways that benefit a few, some who could work if they wanted to. I do appreciate what you do and I do business with you advertisers. Keep up the good work and again, I apologise.

  27. JimD on November 10th, 2011 7:47 am

    What was the critria for being awarded this and why? If a home was in such bad condition that is was decided to be torn down and rebuild rather than rehab what was the state of the home in the first place? If it was that bad, did children have access to the homes, and if so, why wasn’t child protective service involved to either forbid the visitation of minor to the property or take them from the property until the homes were brought into standard.

    Again money isn’t free, but if there is a need for someone on disability (proven) not just by back hurts, fixed income, or elderly the government should do something to assist where assistance is needed. Perhaps what could happen is more money being spent on police to monitor some of the thugs and over low-lifes from Century and other parts of Northwest Florida (some have had their pictures ans stories posted on this very site) and have them accomplish their punishment and community serivce in fixing up some of these residences.

  28. Compassion on November 10th, 2011 7:32 am

    Hey, ease up on William! He’s doing this area a great justice by having 24 hour news….FREE!!!!! I applaud you William for all you do to get the news covered in a timely manner from our area! Maybe those that complain could take up a collection to have you cloned…then you’d get to sleep and won’t get pounded for it!

  29. William on November 10th, 2011 6:53 am

    >>>Well, William. I see you decided not to post my comments. That is fine. This site belongs to you and you have that right. That does, however make you part of the problem. Keep working hard, because I am getting old and we will need someone to support all those people who will not work. Peace!

    See rule #5 below “Comments may not appear right away until they are approved by a moderator.”

    I was asleep at 3:54 a.m. (when you submitted your comment) and still asleep at 5:09 a.m. when you complained. There was no other “moderator” on duty to approve the comment. Sorry.

  30. Carolyn Bramblett on November 10th, 2011 5:47 am

    What the heck? Just give them OUR cash–our debt–and let them buy a brand new home for those ill-gotten dollars. What corruption our country prides ourselves on.

  31. Big Al on November 10th, 2011 5:09 am

    Well, William. I see you decided not to post my comments. That is fine. This site belongs to you and you have that right. That does, however make you part of the problem. Keep working hard, because I am getting old and we will need someone to support all those people who will not work. Peace!

  32. 429SCJ on November 10th, 2011 4:16 am

    Put a metal roof on that home, pressure wash and a good coat of Behr paint, and it will look great. Remember young people, find time to help the elderly and differently abled. It is good for the soul and improves our society.

  33. Big Al on November 10th, 2011 3:54 am

    Our country and our state are deep in debt. We are laying off hard working people because we don’t have the money to pay them. Business are failing all around us because people don’t have money to spend to support these business. But we are wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on repairing houses that should have been torn down years ago. This money isn’t FREE. This money comes from the American Tax Payer. “From those who Have To those who Need” Wasn’t that part of the Communist Manifesto? Time to wake up and smell the coffee!!