Political Watch: Blackburn Running For Sheriff; Taylor Collects Petitions For Commission

November 8, 2011

Monday, Rex Blackburn of Cantonment became the fourth candidate to prefile for Escambia County Sheriff in the 2012 general election.

Blackburn, who ran unsuccessful for Escambia County School Board District 5 in 2000, is running with no party affiliation, as is Bill Chavers. Incumbent David Morgan and John Powell are both running as Republicans.

Also Monday, Jim Taylor announced that he became the first candidate to meeting the petition requirement to qualify for August 14, 2012, Republican primary for the District 5 seat on the Escambia County Commission.


17 Responses to “Political Watch: Blackburn Running For Sheriff; Taylor Collects Petitions For Commission”

  1. Dianna on December 8th, 2011 6:50 am

    Short and sweet……I’ve known Rex for many years. I have the utmost respect for him. His heart is truly in the North end and that’s what the North end needs! S Morris, I agree whole heartedly everything you’ve said. These folks must not really know Rex. He definately has mine and my family’s votes!

  2. 429SCJ on November 10th, 2011 1:30 pm

    Amen MJJ. I remember one sheriff lost his liscense DUI, and had to be chauffered by a deputy. We have had a managerie of characters, come through that office. I think Sheriff Morgan’s watch, has been one of the most productive, least controversial adminstrations we have seen. I have never met the guy, I only speak, of what I have observed. If people want to complain about us comparing Sheriff Morgan to his predecessors, well hello, it is our peers and predecessors which we are measured against.

  3. MJJ on November 10th, 2011 11:40 am

    A vote for anyone connected with McNesby is a vote to waste our tax money, that is a sad sad statement, however having been in business for years and years have dealt with many of the sherrifs deputies and sherrifs, I can in all honest state that the progress made by Our Sherriffs department under the leadership of David Morgan is the greatest since before 1962, I could write a book on the conduct, statements and actions made by all the sherriffs and many many of the deputies during their tenure since 1962, statements made in private and public, They would shock the mustard out of most all the citizens of our community………………..

  4. S Morris on November 10th, 2011 10:21 am

    A.G. – my son played varisty football at Tate and is a Senior this year. You do know me just don’t realize who I am.

    I am supporting Rex all the way and will be more than happy to help with his campaign any way possible. We do need a change in the north end and need more deputies and I actually think Rex knows this and will make a change.

    To this Joe guy – not sure who you are – but a bully is not exactly what I think about when I think of Rex. I have known this man since I was 12 and am now 40 and I have never seen or heard anything bad about him. Do not say things you can’t back up with physical proof!! My mom always said if you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all – so shhhhhh!

  5. Joe Briden on November 10th, 2011 8:55 am

    Did McNesby realize what a joke it would be for him to run again so he sent in his pit bull, his dirty deed henchmen, hid school house bully to run instead? Rex running for sheriff is a pitiful way to attempt to get the GOB’s back in office.

    This guy has threatened people (especially at campaign time) and committed acts that I would question the legality of. From physically bumping up against campaign workers to evoke reaction to leaking evidence.

    Rex is nothing more that a bully and a hypocrite.

  6. 429SCJ on November 10th, 2011 3:53 am

    Dear MB, I do not preach, I only state what I objectively observe. I understand the duties of friendship and camaraderie. My loyalties are based on performance, not influenced by personal bias. The office of Sheriff is about performance of duties, not old pals. I applaud your loyalty to your friend MB, and would wish you luck, but this is far too serious a matter to leave to luck. Keep up the good work Sheriff Morgan.

  7. citizen on November 9th, 2011 10:30 pm

    Mr Blackburn isn’t a bad person at all and yes, his heart is in the north end of the county. For years, all I’ve ever heard up here is that the calls for service don’t warrant putting any other officer up here. I’m sick of hearing it. Do we all need to wait till all that crap from in town makes it up here before we address the issue? Why not act instead of reacting for a change. Mr Blackburn, you’ve got my families vote. Morgan doesn’t have a clue and that other guy can’t figure out what state he wants to work in.

  8. MB on November 9th, 2011 7:24 pm

    Preach on 429SCJ

  9. 429SCJ on November 9th, 2011 5:14 pm

    I do not see how Sheriff Morgan can be accused of ignoring the North End. I see where people are getting arrested there left and right. I see it right here on NEC.COM.

  10. Rex.S.Fam on November 9th, 2011 1:23 pm

    S Morris, Thank you for the support.
    I’d like to shake your hand for that and tell you thank you in person, but since I’m not sure that I know you I’m just telling you thanks on here.

  11. S Morris on November 9th, 2011 10:19 am

    First of all – you people must not know Rex the way I do because he is a man of integrity and has respect for everybody. I stand behind supporting him because he is a decent kind man and I know he respects his badge as well as those who wear and do not wear badges.

    By the way – he is not a Ronnie Mac man – he is his own man and I know that he would do well in this office. Ronnie Mac was not the best candidate for sheriff but he’s no longer there and Rex is definitely not him so give it a rest. David Morgan has done a decent job while in office but he still does not focus on the north end of the county where more crime is committed then you know; however, it’s never reported on the news because Channel 3 only gives news about Pensacola and the beach. Rex is from the north end of the county and I believe he would do his best to get more deputies in our area and help this community out since we haven’t had a sheriff in there yet since Lowman that has.

    People should never judge somebody unless you really “know” this person. Oh and to whoever commented on me being with the sheriffs department – you are so wrong – I am not connected to the department at all just a citizen of the this community who knows a good man when she sees one.

  12. Cottage Hill Resident on November 9th, 2011 7:11 am

    Thats a definite NO vote for Rex. David Morgan will get mine again over the rest of these running.

  13. Don on November 8th, 2011 8:10 pm

    I agree with Keith we do not need one of Ronnies boys in power again no no no !!!!

  14. truth be known on November 8th, 2011 7:07 pm

    The s morris that commented on this matter is not the one you may know that is currently employed at the S.O.

  15. Keith on November 8th, 2011 5:50 pm

    Rex would be a terrible sheriff. He has no respect for people who don’t wear badges. A vote for Rex is a vote to bring back McNesby.

  16. Not Inependant. on November 8th, 2011 3:16 pm

    Well…..Independent is a front for a Democrat scared to say it…….At this point Mickey Mouse could run as a Republican against Rex and I would vote for Mickey.

  17. S Morris on November 8th, 2011 11:01 am

    This is awesome news!!! I have known Rex since I was 12 yrs old and he has always shown the upmost respect for his badge and was his job means. He totally has my support 100%.