BBB Black Friday Tips

November 24, 2011

Black Friday has traditionally been the biggest retail shopping day of the year, though last year, Cyber Monday – the Monday after Thanksgiving – officially replaced Black Friday as the most popular shopping day.

Whether in the store or online, the Better Business Bureau serving Northwest Florida offers advice to help you with your holiday shopping:

  • Budget your shopping money and stick to it. Avoid impulse buys.
  • Look for the details on every sale and understand the specifics.
  • Advertising can be tricky; don’t get stuck paying more for an item than you expected.
  • Credit card offers from a store will offer a discount on your purchase but may also carry high interest rates.
  • Keep all receipts and warranty information for each item purchased.
  • Fraudulent charges are easier to fix if you pay with a credit card than a debit card.
  • Return policies differ with every store. Make sure you know the conditions for returns and exchanges, including whether restocking fees are charged.
  • If you purchase a gift card, look for hidden terms that can decrease its value.
  • Don’t leave your wallet, credit card or purse on a counter or in an unattended shopping cart.
  • Ask for a store manager if any advertised offer does not match the price listed on an item.
  • Yelling at store employees and other customers won’t make the lines shorter. Anticipate crowds and take a friend along to enjoy the day.
  • Credit cards provide the most protection if someone steals the credit card number or if you don’t receive an ordered item.
  • You, the customer, are responsible for knowing and understanding each online retailer’s return/exchange policy.
  • Beware of deals that sound too good to be true, especially extremely low priced on hard-to-get items.
  • Ensure you have the most recent updates for spam filters, anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewalls installed.
  • Read the site’s privacy policy and understand what personal information is being requested and how it will be used.
  • Make a file to keep copies of all purchase confirmation web pages and e-mails for future reference and as a record of the purchase.
  • Only shop on trustworthy sites; look for the BBB seal and other widely-recognized “trustmarks.”
  • Never wire money to pay for a transaction and when on sites like Craigslist, only shop locally.
  • Delete phishing emails such as those claiming a problem with an order or account in an attempt to lure the “buyer” into revealing financial information.
  • Actively keep an eye on your credit card statements to detect suspicious or fraudulent activity on your accounts.
  • You are your best protection! Make sure your online purchase is secure by looking for the “s” (https://) in the URL and the “lock” symbol in the lower-right corner before paying.


4 Responses to “BBB Black Friday Tips”

  1. 429SCJ on November 27th, 2011 7:20 am

    Century Shopper, your husband is one lucky Joker, and I am sure you remind him of that fact frequently.

  2. Century Shopper !! on November 24th, 2011 6:39 pm

    staying home is no fun when your most exciting day of the year is black friday shopping with your hubby !!!! FUN< FUN< FUN !!! I love black friday shopping !!! If you dont like crowds or busy mania then its prob a good idea to stay home though … :) I am really not a people person but I LOVE black friday soooo ….. try it and if ya dont like it then stay home next year !

  3. 429SCJ on November 24th, 2011 8:57 am

    Stay home.

  4. DOWNSOUTH on November 24th, 2011 12:22 am