For The Children: Local Group Takes Mission Trip To Guatemala

November 13, 2011

A group of North Escambia area residents from Highland Baptist Church in Molino recently returned from a mission trip to Malnutrition Center in San Juan, Guatemala.

For a photo gallery,click here.

In the story below, Sara Calhoun, wife of Highland Pastor Brian Calhoun, tell the story of the trip in her own words.

Last January, the Lord planted a seed in Kathaleen Holmes’ heart about leading a mission trip from Highland Baptist Church to the Malnutrition Center in San Juan, Guatemala with the Orphan’s Heart Ministries.   Orphan’s Heart is an international childcare program that was established by the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes in 2008.  Their work focuses on providing for the physical and spiritual needs of orphaned and disadvantaged children in the developing world.  The core strategy of Orphan’s Heart focuses on sending short-term mission teams to what they consider to be priority locations. They primarily work alongside locals and help them improve the level of care for the children they serve. Orphan’s Heart works to improve the safety and security of the children and helps improve conditions to foster better health and sanitation.

The first time I saw the promotional video from the Florida Baptist Children’s Home about the ministry need at the Malnutrition Center in Guatelmala, I wept for the children and the horrible conditions in which they were living.  Children are brought to the center extremely malnourished and close to death.  Many are only able to be fed by a dropper when they first arrive.  They long to be held, rocked, and loved.  The need is great and the workers and resources are few.  The image of the babies lying alone in their cribs for endless hours was haunting and I found myself thinking of nothing else.   The second time I watched the video with our entire congregation, and I found myself weeping for an entirely different reason.   I wept with tears of repentance as I felt incredibly ashamed of the indulgent lifestyle that we participate in here in America.  Although I have always considered myself a thankful person, I suddenly realized that my level of thanks in no way met my level of blessings.  I found myself drawn to Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’  And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’ ”

Many hearts were touched in the same way and answered the call after the promotional video and invitation for missions were shared.  After months of prayer, planning, and fundraising, we sent a team of 28 to Guatemala on Friday, October 7th .  Our mission while we were there was to spend a week assisting in the care of the 78 children at the Malnutrition Center, working on repairs at the Center, constructing a home for a family in need, and passing out Bibles.  We thought we had adequately prepared ourselves physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  Little did we know that no amount of preparation could have possibly prepared us for what we were about to experience.   I thought I knew what we were walking into.  I thought I understood the mission that was set before us.  But I soon found out that I had grossly underestimated what the Lord had asked us to do.   Although they say “a picture is worth a thousand words”, I have found that it still does not affect your heart in the same way as actually being there and allowing all of your God given SENSES to take in the situation. SMELLING the pungent aroma of the center when we first arrived made me shudder in fear that I may not be able to stomach the assignment that the Lord had given us.  SEEING with my own eyes a room full of babies in cribs with their arms raised in hopes of being held brought tears to my eyes.   HEARING the sounds of the children crying or banging their heads on the hard floor in an effort to draw someone’s attention was almost more than I could bear.  FEELING your own arms wrapped around two or three children at a time and realizing the privilege it is to know that the Lord chose your arms to share His love brought me to my knees.

There are stories that need to be shared that range from heart breaking, to heart warming, to just flat humorous.

  • We witnessed an 8 year old boy who only weighs a mere 27 lbs; both of my own biological children weighed more than that by their first birthday.
  • There were two and three year old children who are so developmentally delayed due to their malnourishment that they are still unable to crawl or walk and are wearing clothes made for a 6 month old baby.
  • Although the children are fed 5 times a day, we saw children with swollen, distended tummies hiding food in fear of being without once again.
  • We watched a school age boy escape from the classroom area to the nursery where he picked up, embraced, and kissed a little girl.   He hugged her over and over then placed her down on the mat and raked all the surrounding toys around her before being ‘caught’ by his teacher.  We later found out that the little girl was his younger sister.
  • We laughed as the Spanish speaking Guatemalan children repeated familiar English phrases like “That’s Okay!”, “Uh-Oh Spagettio!”, and “Be Careful!” that they have picked up from the missionary teams that have visited.
  • I sat mesmerized as I watched the Guatemalan nannies who are only paid an annual salary of $3500 but are responsible for solely taking care of 12 or more children at a time.   Some of these lovely ladies have worked at the Malnutrition Center for 28 years!  I have never been so privileged to meet such hard working people with such a humble spirit.
  • I witnessed babies who were able to feed themselves sharing their food with the babies who were waiting to be spoon fed by an adult.   Babies in America do not do that.   I believe these precious souls at the Malnutrition Center can remember and empathize with what it feels like to be hungry in a way that we simply cannot comprehend.
  • We saw a three generation family ecstatic to receive the home we built in a matter of 8 hours with only 10 men.   A home that is no bigger than the shed in my own backyard.  A home that has no running water or electricity and only a cement floor, but it is considered a beautiful blessing and refuge for this family.

  • I watched women walk for miles carrying their dirty laundry in a bundle on their heads to the community wash center which looked more like a large horse trough filled with murky water.  I repented for the times I have grumbled in my own spirit because I simply couldn’t ‘keep up’ with the pile of laundry from my children’s various ball, dance, cheer, and karate activities.
  • I prayed for our safety as we drove on the chaotic roads that have no traffic lights and no regard for the traffic signs.  I laughed when our interpreter said she had heard rumors that in America we actually stop at intersections even if no one is coming!  Who knew our driving practices seem as ridiculous to them as theirs does to us?
  • While we were there, a little boy named Marvin died in the arms of his family as they were trying to make it to the center for formula to make him strong enough so he could have surgery for a cleft pallet.
  • I marveled as I watched fellow church members that I have worshiped alongside for the past 4 years step far outside their comfort zone and serve in ways I never imagined.
  • Although I initially cringed at some of the necessary practices of the center such as the fast and furious way that the babies are bathed or the endless hours that they are left in a lonely crib,  I soon realized how much better this situation is than the home life that many children come from.  Our men that worked on the construction team met a family who had to keep their baby in a bucket in order to prevent it from drowning in the water and mud that flood their home during the rainy season.   This is a country where there are no government assisted programs that provide food when you are hungry or money when you are unemployed.   It is simple:  If you do not work, you do not eat.  Crime is high because people who are starving, or watching their loved ones literally starve, will do whatever they have to do to get food.  I found myself suddenly re-evaluating all my deep rooted opinions about government assistance and illegal immigration.

We all cried as we left the center on our final day.  The sound of grown men singing old hymns to the babies that they rocked in their arms will always echo in my heart.   The keen awareness settled in that we may never see these precious souls again on this side of heaven.  I have to cling to the hope that they felt the love of Jesus through our arms.  I have to believe that we gave them enough love to last a lifetime  as we tried to squeeze as much joy and laughter into one short week.   Although the beginning of my journey found my heart drawn to the call in Isaiah, I now find myself drawn to the biblical mandate in James 1:27 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

That is my prayer:  to accept the challenge to take care of the widows and orphans, to make an eternal difference in the life another, to love as He first loved us.  There are many opportunities to serve.  I ask that you consider partnering with this amazing ministry and joining the Lord in what He is doing in the lives of His people We left as a team on a mission hoping to be a blessing to those in need.  I think I can speak for everyone in our group when I say that I am certain that we RECEIVED a much greater blessing than we ever were able to GIVE!

Pictured: Highland Baptist Church’s mission trip to Guatemala. Photos for, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “For The Children: Local Group Takes Mission Trip To Guatemala”

  1. Earl Baldree on November 16th, 2011 6:45 am

    I was one of these folks on this trip and to see the expresions on the faces of the family who’s home we built brought tears to a mans eyes who worked 27 years in the Florida prison system!!!! So glad to be able to help others.

  2. Lori Morgan on November 14th, 2011 7:23 pm

    Sara – Thank you, first of all, for going. For listening to God’s call and responding in obedience. Second, for taking such good care of and loving on our “G-babies”! And third, yes, you probably figured out, I’ve been too, multiple times and plan to go again and again as often as possible. If I may speak for all who have gone and held and loved those precious children, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. For we have also gone and held and loved and cried when it was time to leave. And we have also wondered, “Who will hold them, feed them, play with them, hug them and love them when we are gone?” The workers at the center are some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met, but the work is plentiful, non-stop and the children keep coming. It does our hearts much good to see the posts and hear the reports of teams who go after us. Or in between the times we go.

    Blessings to you and your team from Highland Baptist Church and prayers that you’ll not be able to stay away!!

  3. Jann Wells on November 14th, 2011 6:52 pm

    I had the privilege of serving last December and plan on returning in April. Your story brought back so many memories. I was in a daze of sorts for weeks after returning; it’s so hard to explain the feelings and the conflicts within your soul. I carried my photo album with me everywhere for months. Thank you for sharing so beautifully.

  4. Char on November 14th, 2011 9:00 am

    Well now it just doesn’t get any better than that. That’s a wonderful story
    to wake up to on a Monday morning after all the people in this country
    who just have their hands out. This is a real need, children
    who really can not do for themselves and die because of it.

    Thanks for all who feel that call to do for Children where ever that may
    lead them. Children are Children where every they may be.

  5. bgr on November 13th, 2011 9:06 pm

    I truly believe the Lord has great thing in store for Guatemala…my daughter has been there twice on mission trips and has been apart of 3 churchs coming together to building a church in one of the villages…my husband and I have also had the opportunity to sponsor a child in a private christian school there…thank you to everyone who takes the risk to go out side of the United Stated to present The Word…I do so look forward to the day when I can do the same!

  6. 429SCJ on November 13th, 2011 10:26 am

    Psalm 82:3

  7. Serena on November 13th, 2011 8:07 am

    I’m sure you all were a truly a blessing to Guatemala! This is something I would love to do one day. May God Bless you all!

  8. Betty on November 13th, 2011 7:50 am

    Thank you for running this article. I have heard the people that went on this trip talk about it and it breaks your heart to know that there are children in the world that are living in these conditions.
    Thank you Sara, for writing this article. I have watched you talk about this trip and know that you left part of your heart with these children. Just know that these children are being loved by other people and that you and the group from Highland made a difference in their lives.

  9. uh?? on November 13th, 2011 4:04 am

    way 2 go highland baptist u guys r angels! mrs.calhoun u r a honest true angel thats been sent from heaven.