700 New Jobs Possible For Santa Rosa County

November 23, 2011

About 700 new jobs could be headed to Santa Rosa County by the end of the year.

The unnamed call center company has narrowed their choice to locations in an unknown number of cities, including the former Clearwire building in Milton.

Back in October, the company learned that Clearwire was moving jobs out of Milton, and contacted Team Santa Rosa’s Cindy Anderson at home and setup a visit. TEAM and the Pensacola Chamber of Commerce jointly showed sites in both Escambia and Santa Rosa counties to the company, which will provide both technical support and technical service.

Now, Santa Rosa County is finalist for the jobs.

“This is a highly competitive process,” said Dave Hoxeng, Team Santa Rosa chairman. “We believe we are the only option still being considered in Florida.”

TEAM is working to line up state and local incentive packages for the company and will make a presentation to the Santa Rosa County Commission next week before presenting a deal to the company.

“Of course, the communities that we are in competition with are also lining  up their incentives.  This opportunity is for a lot of jobs and it is very competitive,” Hoxeng said.


2 Responses to “700 New Jobs Possible For Santa Rosa County”

  1. Jane on November 24th, 2011 7:32 am

    Of course other counties get the jobs…their County commissioners make an effort to ge the businesses to locate there! Ours don’t care! This time elect one who does care, whoever that might be!

  2. Michelle on November 23rd, 2011 11:07 am

    I hope it’s not WEST !!