500 Words: Judge Orders Drug Offender To Write Essay

November 30, 2011

A Cantonment man was ordered Tuesday by an Escambia County Judge  to write a 500 word essay as part of his punishment for failing to comply with his drug court sentence.

Brandon Matthew Ritchey, 25, was first arrested on charges of marijuana possession and smuggling contraband into a detention facility. He was referred into the county’s drug court program with a long list of conditions, including time in a 12-step program, and ordered to find a job at least 20 hours per week.

Ritchey was back in court Tuesday for non-compliance. Judge Terrell remanded him into custody and ordered him to write a 500 word essay on “personal responsibility and accountability”.


10 Responses to “500 Words: Judge Orders Drug Offender To Write Essay”

  1. jcellops on December 1st, 2011 9:52 am

    and here, i always thought that it was a significant crime to try to smuggle drugs into a detention facility…i stand corrected!….glad janet posted her comments…REALLY sheds light onto this fellows true make-up….seems like this time he could have been sentenced to work at the road camp AT THE VERY LEAST!- mighty brutel weather this time of the year- beats a 500 word essay judgement used to impart negative incentives for not obeying the judges orders.

  2. frantzen on December 1st, 2011 8:20 am

    To huh? Really? You honestly think that we, the people, should be allowed to regulate what goes in our bodies and what doesn’t? I haven’t heard a statement like that since the 70s…. If we had our choice there would be nothing but drug addicts on every corner. Their all over the place now… Imagine if it was legal to do it. There would be no one left working…. It would be easier to party and get high then to have to actually do something with your life..

    About the judge… I think what he is doing is better than throwing him in prison… We can’t afford it and they are to over crowded… That’s why some are being forced to let out rapists to make room. Absolutely ridiculous….

  3. huh on November 30th, 2011 7:26 pm

    He should write an essay on how the drug war is a waste of tax payer money that people should be able to regulate what substances they wish to use without government intervention in to their private lives

  4. David Huie Green on November 30th, 2011 9:54 am

    “Really an essay just for pot. I can see where the judge is coming from by looking at his past history but come on ive been a smoker for 40 years,
    but I now live in a legal state.”

    I know it’s extremely harsh treatment, but it isn’t for pot. It is for non compliance with the judge’s orders.

    And, actually, there are NO states where marijuana is legal. Whether it should be or not is a separate question, but it is illegal under federal law pursuant to international treaty. (You’re a criminal if what you say is true. There’s lots of criminals running around loose. The danger of an unenforced law is that they can decide to enforce it whenever they decide to do so. Maybe they won’t, but they could.)

    David for avoiding the avoidable,
    complying with the compliable

  5. elmer fudd on November 30th, 2011 9:15 am

    Really an essay just for pot. I can see where the judge is comimg from by looking at his past history but come on ive been a smoker for 40 years,
    but i now live in a legal state. If a judge told me that i would tell him no way ill sit in jail and let the county support me.

  6. William on November 30th, 2011 8:07 am

    >>This guy was just arrested again last night @ 9:47. I don’t think he gets it.

    No, you are looking at that wrong. He was booked into the jail at 9:47 yesterday *morning* after Judge Terrell remanded him into custody, as the story above says.

  7. Cottage Hill Resident on November 30th, 2011 8:01 am

    This guy was just arrested again last night @ 9:47. I don’t think he gets it.

  8. molino jim on November 30th, 2011 7:42 am

    If he does not do the essay will he have to stand in the corner or write on the black board ” I will not do drugs again” 500 times?

  9. safebear on November 30th, 2011 7:37 am

    ummm your Honor, What’s as essay?

    me being funny.

  10. David Huie Green on November 30th, 2011 5:31 am

    “ordered him to write a 500 word essay on “personal responsibility and accountability”. ”

    This may require some research on his part since it’s uncertain he understands the concepts.

    David for understanding