Work For Minimum Wage? You’re Getting A Raise

October 18, 2011

Florida’s minimum wage for non-tipped employees will increase January 1 to $7.67 an hour, a 4.9 percent increase from the $7.31 an hour minimum for 2011, according to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. Wages for tipped employees will rise to $4.65 an hour, up from $4.29.

The wage increase is based on the increase of the federal Consumer Price Index for urban wage workers in the southeastern United States. Following a 2004 constitutional amendment, Florida is among 10 states that automatically raise minimum wage rates.

The federal rate, now $7.25 an hour, must be raised by an act of Congress. The state was sued earlier this year for using an inflation calculation that reduced the annual increase for January 1 by factoring in a deflationary period in 2009.


9 Responses to “Work For Minimum Wage? You’re Getting A Raise”

  1. Big Bopper on October 20th, 2011 10:58 am

    I do not take back what I said, but let me clarify. I am not talking
    about someone who for a time has to do what they have to do to
    keep body and soul together and thinks that even when these hard
    times are gone that a minimum wage job is a career.
    I am very sorry you seem to have took that to be so literal when you
    know very well, you know better than to think you now have a
    career. As for my saying who cares, what I meant was this raise
    is an insult, it will not do you any good ( and your kind )who understands
    that it’s just another of Governments Dog and Pony Shows. My opinion
    was to those who don’t wish higher for themselves and think they have
    no more value than 6.00 a hour.

    To you personally I say this, I am so sorry that things have come
    to that for so many good hard working families, please don’t
    put the shoe on if it doesn’t really fit, and I understand how
    devastated and depressed you must be. Good Luck Friend and
    I hope you find another job, I wish I knew you because I have
    INFO that could help you.

  2. Local on October 19th, 2011 4:31 pm

    “Who cares about minimum wage, only a fool works for that.”

    Big Bopper, you need to think about what you say before you say it. I have over 12 years in the private security field, 4 of those at the federal level. What am I doing now, delivering pizzas at the “Foolish” minimum wage because I can’t find any good work. Just because someone works for minimum wage does not mean that they can’t, or don’t want to have better work, nor does it mean they are lazy as you imply. It just means that they can;t find better work.

    Thank you and good day sir.

  3. Big Bopper on October 19th, 2011 9:11 am

    Who cares about minimum wage, only a fool works for that.
    My lawn man makes over a hundred and thirty dollars an hour. Yes
    he has equipment but he also works like a demon and
    does an excellent job so he makes good money.

    Mike is right, get smart or get educated.
    If you really want to get somewhere in life GET EDUCATED, your
    going to need good pay AND benefits to sustain a good life.

  4. bratt on October 18th, 2011 11:58 pm

    I used to work at a dollar store and when it came time for a raise guess what????……..your hours got cut so you wasn’t maken any more money. You worked less hours for the same amount of money you was getting paid to begin with. I think if minimum wage goes then the employees already working should get the same 10 or 20 cents or however much it is cause your gona have more time with the company than new people and ur gona b getting paid less them a newbby coming in.

  5. Mike on October 18th, 2011 7:27 pm

    Only the truly ignorant think that increasing the minimum wage will help them.

    Working hard and education are the paths to better pay. Work hard and get promoted and given a raise, get more or education and change to a better paying job.

    Minimum wage jobs are intended for teens to get experience and a little spending money or second jobs to help with bills. They are usually just what a teenager needs a difficult, physically demanding, sometimes demeaning job that teaches humility and appreciation for making an effort to get a better job.


    So if minimum wage is not enough money. Look for a better job. Move if there isn’t one near by. Don’t WHINE. YOU get up and DO something about your situation.

  6. pay cut on October 18th, 2011 9:12 am

    BOGIAN has it true. We will suffer a pay cut. And what makes it even worse is that our hosehold hasn’t received a raise in 5 years!! People wonder why we are having trouble trying to make ends meet? Ugh! Open your eyes people!

    The only way good could come out of this raise is if everything else stayed the same…not going to happen, sadly.

  7. Big Bopper on October 18th, 2011 8:51 am

    Well the people of this country who shop at stores that pay minimum wage
    allow this kind of outrage. The people of this country who buy from companies
    who hire and produce most of their wares in china allow this kind of outrage.

    SPEAK NOT if you are an enabler of this action by Corporate America and
    our own Government.

  8. 429SCJ on October 18th, 2011 7:30 am

    A raise for some, higher prices for everybody. What a cruel joke.

  9. BOGIAN on October 18th, 2011 5:59 am

    Congratulations everyone. If you make more than minimum wage, you just got a pay cut. As for the rest of you, you really aren’t any better off than you were before.

    Thanks, government.