Woman Murdered Friday Night In Escambia, Man Arrested

October 22, 2011

A Friday night murder in Escambia County is under investigation.

James Scott Thompson, 50, is charged with first degree premeditated murder after shooting a woman whose identity has not yet been released.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 4900 block of LaVentana Circle where they found Thompson leaning over the female’s body outside the residence.   Deputies gathered enough evidence during their investigation to arrest Thompson, according to Sgt. Mike Ward, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.

Thompson remains in the Escambia County Jail under no bond. Further details have not been released.


18 Responses to “Woman Murdered Friday Night In Escambia, Man Arrested”

  1. citizen on October 24th, 2011 9:32 pm

    Don’t look at how many times he’s been arrested, look at how many times the s/o has been out to the home and nothing was done, particularly an arrest. It may have stopped this.

  2. north escambia resident on October 24th, 2011 4:40 pm

    Let’s start holding people responsible for their actions & this crap will stop!!


  3. 429SCJ on October 24th, 2011 6:12 am

    To be premeditated, he certainly does not appear to have put much thought into this senseless killing. If you hate someone that bad, take a deep breath, count to three and be the first one to Smith Barney when they open.

  4. Not an English Major on October 24th, 2011 2:53 am

    To the ones that say look how many times the sheriff’s office has been called out to the house. This is the only time this man has been arrested in Escambia County, I did look. Noone knows what happened. Why don’t we all wait the the full story? Sheriff Morgan could have stopped this only one way, if he were at this house when it happened!

  5. citizen on October 23rd, 2011 10:24 pm

    I’m sorry if I offended any of you, But he was the one that said we had a murder a day and nothing was being done about it. As far as lowing crime, you better study your stats more. We have the highest murder rate in the state. When you get done with that, please look at his Homicide clearance rate too. It’s pathetic. Lastly, do you a public information request and look at how many times the S/O has been out to their house. Maybe then you’ll see why you’re only as good as your leader. The man hasn’t a clue what he is doing. Please open your eyes? If you don’t. all that crime you see going on in town will soon be up here. He only has two officers per shift up here. I hope they both don’t want to go to lunch at the same time.

  6. Neighbor. on October 23rd, 2011 10:21 pm

    I would just like to start off by saying that I personally know the father to this unnamed woman.

    The only blame in this case goes to James Scott Thompson.

    There is a whold lot more involved with this case that the news can’t or won’t tell you about. But I can assure you that the police is not to blame for any of it.

    Please respect the family and just uphold them in your prayers.

  7. Terri Sanders on October 23rd, 2011 9:33 pm

    DJC: one of the other posts says it was his wife.

  8. JIM W on October 23rd, 2011 9:08 pm

    I guess they forgot when they swore Mr Morgan in to give him his magical crystal ball to look into. He must not have known that the job of Sheriff was to have come with the ball and that he was to look into it at all times to prevent these kinds of actions. So, Mr or Ms or MRS citizen whoever or whichever made the statement about it being his fault I think you better give the man his ball back so he will know next time. What I have just said is as silly as what you said get a life and get real.
    People never cease to amaze me.

  9. DJC on October 23rd, 2011 7:21 pm

    @Old Marine
    Where does it say that she is his wife?

  10. Jane on October 23rd, 2011 9:07 am

    Sheriff David Morgan has done more to lower crime in Escambia County than any of the other good ol’ boys we used to have. He has a very heavy schedule that includes speaking to groups regarding neighborhood watch, how to lower crime, all while keeping up with all his other duties as sheriff. His deputies work hard to solve crimes and keep us safe…and you want to blame someone’s shooting someone else on him?

  11. Big Bopper on October 23rd, 2011 8:37 am

    How in the world would what this man chose to do be Morgans fault?

    Men who are so immature as to not be able to control their temper with
    someone who they claim they love is not the responsibility of our sheriff.
    Tired is right in that we need to hold people better responsible for their
    actions and implement the proper restitution of our money’s and jail
    time or something else befitting the individual person and crimes.
    This is evidenced by so many repeat offenders, who’s crimes over
    the years go from petty theft or a drug offense, to battery of an elderly
    person or worse to murder.

    However tougher and correct sentences are also our responsibilities.
    We must give our judges the tools to give first time offenders of crimes
    that we know only get worse in most cases, tougher sentences.

    We need to change laws and give much tougher sentences.
    That is what will send strong messages to idiots who think they can
    walk through this world and look for weak victims and just take
    what they want, or do what they want to their families.

  12. Tired on October 22nd, 2011 11:18 pm

    Well, they can blame the Sheriff because no one is held responsible for their actions anymore so it must be someone elses fault. How insane is it to blame someone else for HIM shooting his wife………. Let’s start holding people responsible for their actions & this crap will stop!!

  13. Lori on October 22nd, 2011 6:51 pm

    There can be no blame placed on Morgan. What a man chooses to do in the heat of the moment can only be stop by himself. James Thompson and James Thompson alone is responsible for the senseless murder of his wife Bobbi. Blaming Morgan is indulgent psycho-babble. No one can control the thoughts of man, no even man. The only thing man can control is what they do with those thoughts. James Thompson acted impulsively and as a result a beautiful and wonderful woman is gone. As Thompson confessed to the murder I hope he receives the full punishment he deserves.

  14. Huh???? on October 22nd, 2011 4:33 pm

    Why is it that some of you folks blame everything on Sherrif Morgan. He can’t, nor can his deputies be everywhere at one time. He didn’t say vote me in and there will never be an act of violence again. I think he has did a great job while he is in office, matter of fact the best in years and years.

  15. oldMarine on October 22nd, 2011 3:37 pm

    Sheriff Morgan or any other sheriff could not have prevented this.
    He could have converted to Islam, and shot or stoned her to death.

    why slam the sheriff , why slam anyone besides the man who murdered his wife.

  16. angie on October 22nd, 2011 3:07 pm

    How is this Davis Morgan’s fault???!!! That has to be the most ignorant comment I have heard in a while. No cop or Sheriff can prevent a domestic dispute or any other crime someone wants to commit. Get real!!

  17. citizen on October 22nd, 2011 11:44 am

    So much for Morgan doing something about violent crime. It seems he was full of hot air during his campaign?

  18. 429SCJ on October 22nd, 2011 7:47 am

    What an idiot. I wonder what he was thinking? Prayers for the victims family.