Woman Gets Probation For Shooting At Deputy

October 8, 2011

An Escambia County woman has received three years probation for shooting at a Sheriff’s deputy.

Alucia Dykes, 63, was also ordered to surrender her gun and receive mental health counseling after pleading no contest to a charge of aggravated assault.

Deputies responded to her home on Walters court after she called 911 and mumbled incoherently on Octoboer 13, 2010. Dykes told the responding deputy that she would “blow his brains out” after he knocked at the door. Deputy Stephen Schaff took cover behind a tree and did not return fire as she shot at him from a window.

She surrendered without further incident.


7 Responses to “Woman Gets Probation For Shooting At Deputy”

  1. 429SCJ on October 11th, 2011 5:16 pm

    She does not appear to see very well. Deputy Schaff you deserve a citaton of merit, for your cool under fire. A sign of the professional.

  2. mickey powell on October 9th, 2011 1:21 pm

    This is a clear CASE OF MENTAL LAPSEY by your Sheriff and Your Judges.
    Lock her up and throw away the key. You let her escape. Hey Sheriff what about your deputy that was shoot at a domestic desturbense in P’cola. You should do your best to keep her behind bars and cuffed.
    You Judges in Escambia County Florida are out of control. Are you trying to not hurt anyones feelings so you won’t miss out on your pention. Does one of YOUR young men (Deputies) has to be hit before you get off of your ???? bench. You ought to be ashame of your self and on your knees right now.
    By the way did YOU give a pledge to one of YOUR Deputies that was hit not long ago. I did!!! and I don’t even know him. I hope he will be able to return to work. Can you look at that young man and not feel guiilty about turning loose a potential cop killer. I can!!
    Vote these jokeries out!!!!!!

    Mickey Powell

  3. David Huie Green on October 9th, 2011 9:46 am

    “What happened to the 10, 20 , Life deal ”

    It is applied in cases where a gun is fired during the commission of various felonies such as armed robbery. She probably wasn’t committing any of the listed felonies when she started shooting.

    Life wouldn’t apply since nobody was injured, in part because she was a poor shot, in part because the officer had the good sense to place a tree between himself and her.


    David for NOT shooting officers

  4. Mike on October 8th, 2011 9:40 pm

    WOW. Shoot at a deputy and get probation. Unbelievable. If she had shot at a citizen she would have received prison. This is our state attorney’s office at it’s finest.

  5. Big Bopper on October 8th, 2011 11:51 am

    She is so lucky the officer who responded was not one of the trigger happy
    ones, as a matter of fact she is lucky she didn’t get me. If someone shot
    at me….I would certainly defend myself.

    Thanks to the officer who did not just kill someone because he could.
    This woman obviously got off on mental problems, now I hope someone
    makes sure she gets help before she kills somebody.

  6. Doug on October 8th, 2011 10:55 am

    What happened to the 10, 20 , Life deal that Florida has in place. Mental issues or not….the law is the same for everyone.

  7. David Huie Green on October 8th, 2011 7:33 am

    one of the rewards for being a poor shot probation

    I hope she gets better (not at shooting, mentally) and lives a happy, healthy life