Walnut Hill Man Arrested Six Years After Warrant Issued

October 12, 2011

A Walnut Hill man wanted on an outstanding warrant for over six years and a half years is now behind bars.

Jessie Wayne McCullough, 39, was booked into the Escambia County Jail Tuesday morning where he was being held without bond.

McCullough was convicted of his third DUI and driving with a suspended license on April 22, 2004, and sentenced to 30 days in jail and placed on six months probation, according to court records. On November 24, 2004, McCullough was arrested by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office for driving with a suspended license.  A violation of probation warrant was issued for his arrest January 20, 2005, in the DUI case, court records state.


32 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Arrested Six Years After Warrant Issued”

  1. dad on October 15th, 2011 4:32 am

    It’s interesting how when It’s someone you know getting in trouble many say don’t judge etc. yet these same people can be seen in the past making comments about someone else they don’t know (judging) and wanting them to be severley punished for their crimes.

  2. Rita on October 14th, 2011 10:47 am

    I agree….Margaret is right…

  3. 429SCJ on October 14th, 2011 6:32 am

    Hello Margaret. If I ever find myself on the gallows, I hope you show up. You sold me. Mercy for Jesse!

  4. colleen m. hadley on October 13th, 2011 5:32 pm

    good luck Jesse… now this will be all behind you… you r a great person despite what some of these people think…… wish you the best!!!!

  5. Margaret on October 13th, 2011 4:31 pm

    I understand that this man volunteerly turned himself in. The fact that he has went all these years without another violation seems to me that he has reformed himself. If he stayed clean six years then he is seriously trying. I say, give him a break, unless you, yourself is so perfect that you never made any serious mistakes. This man seems to have changed his life style. Isn’t that what the laws are for, reforming law breakers.

  6. 429SCJ on October 13th, 2011 2:51 pm

    Tina Lou, please dont say he has children. I am sorry that they have had to live in an atmosphere of uncertainy and suspense for the last six years. I hope he can get himself in order, for their sake. I suggest that people who wish to live this lifestyle, forgo the family part of life. It will be easier on you and everyone involved. Lord help this family and me too.

  7. Echo on October 13th, 2011 1:20 pm

    @DJC I think overall you agree and by pats on the back, I mean offering sympathy to someone who quite obviously broke the law on multiple occasions and could have killed many people. The bottom line is this: I am surprised by the number of postings from people who not only act like this man did nothing wrong (but offer words of encouragement) AND criticise others who express the opinion that he did something wrong. Of course, he did something wrong and put the lives of others at risk. If he had one charge, maybe. But, three charges of DUI’s and driving with a suspended license is beyond the scope of what any rational person would consider even close to reasonable. I simply don’t think he deserves ANY words of encouragement for something this bad. He did it and should have “fixed” his behavior before it got to this level. I don’t feel sorry for people who are drunks and drug addicts, since they did it to themselves. If addiction runs in their family, then they should recognize that fact and NOT DO DRUGS AND DRINK TOO EXCESS!

  8. DJC on October 13th, 2011 12:29 pm

    @ Echo:

    I do believe that you are taking my response to yours out of context. I have certainly not applauded or patted anyone on the back for there wrong doings and I do not condone them. And again, I do agree that adults should be held 100% responsible for there actions. Unfortunately, addictions often start at very early ages and are carried out through there adult years which makes it very difficult to stop. So yes, I do think words of encouragement are necessary.

  9. Echo on October 13th, 2011 11:57 am

    @DJC I have ZERO TOLERANCE for drug users and alcoholics. They did it to themselves and it is 100% their own fault. They certainly do not deserve pats on the back for something they chose to do. I applaud the people of society who do not allow themselves to become drug addicts and alcoholics and then want sympathy for something they did to themselves. People know that drug use and alcohol use may lead to addiction and choose to do it anyway. What happened to accountability for our own actions? You people need to toughen up! Many people feel the same way I do. Why don’t we start giving sympathy to the people who really need it, such as the little girl’s family who died in the ATV accident or the 2 year old girl who was severely burned?

  10. DJC on October 13th, 2011 10:30 am

    @ Echo:

    I agree with you that anyone who has lost a loved one to the accident of a drunk driver would be offended, but one the other hand if you have ever watched a good person struggle with alcoholism or any drug addictions then maybe you would understand the words of encouragement sent out to this person. I don’t know this guy personally but I’m not going to toss him under the bus. Hopefully a little jail time will allow him to sober up and realize the dangers of alcoholism before someone get hurt or dies.

  11. Brian on October 13th, 2011 10:19 am

    “FRIEND OF MINE” I DON’T care what these people say!!!!!

  12. echo on October 13th, 2011 8:01 am

    WOW!! How ignorance abounds on these postings! Comparing speeding to drinking and driving with a suspended license three times! Saying we “don’t know all of the facts”! Aren’t the facts clearly stated in the article? He was a drunk who put the lives of others at stake and continued to drive with a suspended license. The man deserves no kudos. If he acted right the first time, then maybe he wouldn’t be in jail! Why don’t we start giving kudos to the people in society who do right the first time and never go to jail! Why does someone who gets busted deserve warm words of “encouragement”. I will assume that most of the posts on here are from biased persons such as his family and friends. If this was my family or friend, I would still feel the same way I do about him. He should go to jail and never be allowed to drive again.

  13. Old but Wise on October 13th, 2011 7:34 am

    To those of you who are trying to condem this man for “breaking” the law, I have a question for you….WHO OF YOU HAVE NEVER BROKEN THE LAW? No one ever said he was above the law, or that he didn’t deserve some kind of punishment for his actions, but all of us at some point or another have broken the law. Most of us break the law everytime we get behind the wheel by speeding. So before you judge him, look at yourselves. He is doing what we wish most from other people and that is to do the right thing. He is paying for the mistakes he has made and trying to make it right. Did you turn yourself in when you where going 10, 15, or even 20 miles over the speed limit and COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE? Think about it folks, you wouldn’t want people saying such mean things about you if the tables were turned and for the record He hasn’t killed or harmed anyone and I pray that he or none of you ever do. Let’s be nice and try and support this young man in his journey to make things right. Love you Jessie and I am praying for you and your family.

  14. Roger on October 13th, 2011 6:40 am

    I pay taxes! I have a right to voice my opinion! This man is a detriment to society. He could get someone killed!

  15. Jane on October 13th, 2011 6:40 am

    There are lots of nice people out there who drink and drive, and you guys defend them until they kill someone in an accident. Then they become the bad guy. And you feel badly and say prayers for the death of a person or people. Wake up! Drinking and driving is agaainst the law, so is driving with a suspended licecnse…they took away the license for a reason! It doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not he is a nice person.

  16. baldhead on October 13th, 2011 6:38 am

    I don’t feel sorry for this guy at all. Three times he got arrested for a DUI! When will he learn? He deserves to be punished!

  17. kay on October 12th, 2011 11:09 pm

    To those of you who judge this man , maybe you should stop to think I really don’t know all the facts and keep your mouth shut. Sometimes we tend to like gossip more than the truth and just as often as not that is what get us into trouble. I know it is almost impossible to stay open to this possibity , but it’s true unless you live with him you don’t know his heart or mind . I hope his family and he manages to remember that true friends support and that alot of the so called friends will be gone when this ordeal is over. I know cause I’ve been there and I’ve felt the judgement of the so call friends, the ones that used to speak and the ones who still speak. Good luck in court and I hope your life is better in the end.

  18. echo on October 12th, 2011 10:50 pm

    Let me get this straight. A man who is convicted of three DUI’s and driving with a suspended license, putting the lives of everyone around him in danger, is actually receiving posts from people feeling sorry for him and words of encouragement. In addition, the posters are telling us we shouldn’t judge others! How utterly disgusting! I don’t care if he is a “nice person” or a “great dad”, he is also a criminal who put the lives of others in danger, including our children. No one forced him to put a bottle to his mouth and drive with a suspended license. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am sure that anyone who has lost a family member to a drunk driver would be highly offended and disgusted by the posts supporting this individual, as am I.

  19. Rita on October 12th, 2011 8:07 pm

    My best to you, Jessie. You are a good person. Hang in there one day at a time. If we were all perfect there would be no need for mercy & grace. But no one is perfect and God’s Grace abounds!! Your desire to make things better for yourself is a huge beginning!

  20. Pineville Boy on October 12th, 2011 6:38 pm

    Jesse McCullough is a FRIEND of mine. We all have made mistakes and are not perfect, however Jesse has always been good to me and my family and has been a awesome dad. He will always be tops on my list. Hang in there BOBO!

  21. loving relative on October 12th, 2011 4:26 pm

    I as a citizen of this community understand the wrong in drinking and driving never have I thought different. But am only saying that when a person has done wrong in this world and it may not be right off that they understand there wrong and they are on a bad road in life and then they do see we should be proud for them for trying to do the right thing no one in this world is perfect we know that too.

  22. Tina Lou on October 12th, 2011 3:24 pm

    I will be praying for Jesse and his children. For those of you living in glass houses throwing stones be careful what you wish for, for your wishes, God may answer them easily, but the results may not be as to what you want on your own door steps! May u never have to walk in his or someone else’s shoes, for they may not fit properly!

  23. DJC on October 12th, 2011 2:09 pm

    Actually, we DO have that right.

    You are correct Sir, you DO have the right to judge people if that’s what you want to DO in you spare time. One that makes judgement and announces there opinion on every given subject definetly ups the % of drawing condemnation.

    DJC for protectecting the perfect.
    thanks for letting us know when were wrong!

  24. jeeperman on October 12th, 2011 12:36 pm

    So I guess he got tired of wondering when ECSO would get around to picking him up ?

  25. Sandra on October 12th, 2011 12:26 pm

    I dont see where taxpaying citizens having an opinion on criminal activity is being judgemental…….but just in case it is, deal with it.

  26. dnl on October 12th, 2011 12:08 pm

    I’m just wondering why it took over 6 1/2 years and he had to turn himself in. He’s lived in the same place and worked at the same place for years. Doesn’t really seem like he has been hiding—-maybe law enforcement didn’t want to find him.

    I’m glad he did turn himself in and hope he has learned from this and can turn his life around.

  27. David Huie Green on October 12th, 2011 11:58 am

    “We do not have the right to judge only our loving god does”

    Actually, we DO have that right. We just have to be careful how we are judged ourselves in return. Further, we are instructed to judge ourselves that we be not judged. As in being careful not to do the things which might draw condemnation.

    I don’t see where anybody was being particularly judgmental here. Most treated him quite kindly, especially when you consider how he more than once endangered anyone on the road while driving impaired and illegally. If he finally turned himself in, as he should have, that’s good. If he was driving illegally all this time, that’s bad.

    David for protecting the innocent
    even if we have to tell some folks
    they’re wrong

  28. loving relative on October 12th, 2011 9:34 am

    We do not have the right to judge only our loving god does people can change they just have to find the faith and power within themselves. I pray that jesus will hold Jessie close in his loving arms and help him though these difficult times. We love you jessie and we will be praying for you

  29. come on on October 12th, 2011 9:22 am

    running/hiding for SIX years and just now decided to “right” his wrong.. he deserves everything he gets. i personally know someone who was killed by a drunk driver, so i have ZERO pity for people who choose do drink and drive. here’s hoping for the maximum!

  30. susan on October 12th, 2011 9:21 am

    Jessie McCullough is a good person who made mistakes.I pray for his children who love their daddy very much.

  31. Sister on October 12th, 2011 6:58 am

    Please know that Jesse was not “Busted” as the article states. He voluntarily turned himself and is trying to right his wrong. Please keep him and his family in your prayers as we go through this endeavor.

  32. 429SCJ on October 12th, 2011 6:21 am

    What part of license suspended can you not understand. I would imagine some beautiful roadside scenery is in store for this gentleman, on the chaingang.
