U.S. Marshals Arrest Man After Threats To Kill Wife, Cops

October 15, 2011

U.S. Marshals have apprehended a man who, according to police reports, said he would kill his wife, her family and law enforcement should they try to stop him.

According to Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office report, James Walter Robinson told his wife, “…tell them cops to come on, I have lots of guns and if they come over here someone is going to die.”

Robinson, 34, was advised by deputy  to stop sending harassing and threatening messages to his wife from whom he is separated. Robinson reportedly continued to send her messages which included one where he allegedly stated “…I have nothing to lose, game on, I’m packing a .44 Caliber revolver…” Later on that night Robinson supposedly entered his wife’s grandparents home while they slept. It is also reported that Robinson had sent his wife a photo of her parent’s home out of state and said he “…had been outside their house”.

The U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force received information around noon Friday that Robinson might be at his father’s house in Pace. Members from the Task Force from Santa Rosa and Okaloosa County Sheriff’s offices, the State Attorney’s Office, Florida Department of Law Enforcement and deputies from Santa Rosa County then converged on the home on the 5000 Block of Todd Street.

The Task Force was unable to determine if Robinson was in fact inside the house. During their investigation they also learned that Robinson liked to spend a lot of time in the woods behind the home. While trying to determine if Robinson was inside, Task Force members also began concentrating their focus on the woods. Around 4 p.m. Robinson emerged from the woods and was immediately spotted by officers who arrested him without any incident. No weapon was found on or near Robinson.

Robinson was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail on charges of aggravated stalking, cyber stalking w/death or injury, harassing communication, burglary of an occupied dwelling, criminal mischief and petty theft. Robinson was being held without bond.


11 Responses to “U.S. Marshals Arrest Man After Threats To Kill Wife, Cops”

  1. Big Bopper on October 18th, 2011 10:44 am

    I believe the article said that this man went out of state to her parents home,
    broke in and took pictures and also threatened to harm them. Sounds to me like
    that made it a Federal Case, or maybe I am wrong.

  2. 429SCJ on October 17th, 2011 8:39 pm

    Just because a guy has a great HMO and is on the county tax rolls, does not mean he will make a good husband. I would suggest an engagement of more than 2 weeks before you start playing house with some psycho. Look before you leap and buyer beware!

  3. SW on October 17th, 2011 7:56 pm


    If that is the case, then it is the job of the State of Florida, not the federal government to handle that.

    State taxpayers are paying for FDLE, FHP, FWC, and others; make them earn their keep or disband them if they are no longer useful.

  4. Bib Bopper on October 17th, 2011 10:53 am

    You have to have the federal boys come in, because the county boys
    won’t do their jobs.

  5. Gator Fan on October 15th, 2011 3:50 pm

    If the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s office would have come back to the house where his wife lived, they would have found him the night he made the threats. He drove up and down the street until almost daylight running down mailboxes and driving through her yard. Not one single cop came back after they had his wife to leave her home. Wouldn’t it seem reasonable that if that is the person he is threatening that he would eventually show up there and maybe they should have some deputies at least checking the neighborhood?

  6. letmespeak13 on October 15th, 2011 3:21 pm

    To 429scj – you obviously don’t pay attention to the national news (re: the other loser who shot and killed 8 people). These men are sick and cannot take no for an answer. What if you, your wife or kids and the same place where Mz Robinson might be and he decides to follow through on his threats. He is a ticking bomb and can go off at any time. He should have a no bond to keep his wife and the rest of us safe.

  7. SW on October 15th, 2011 2:05 pm

    I made the jurisdictional remark, not 429SCJ.

    I am not unfamiliar with jurisdictions; I am a former law enforcement officer. I didn’t seen anything in the story regarding a federal warrant regarding anything interstate, though. Not saying that wasn’t the case.

    I’m not minimizing the story. I more than understand the seriousness of domestic violence.

    My only comment involved what seems to be the involvement of federal law enforcement officers more and more in what seem to be local jurisdictional affairs. Just because an agent is a US Marshal, for example, doesn’t give him/her local jurisdiction. As I said, I understand, completely, the concept of multi-jurisdictional task forces as a cooperative effort between jurisdictions to combine manpower and resources to combat crime. That being said, the story headline said ‘US Marshals arrest man…’, I am curious why the local jurisdiction didn’t serve the warrant. If the guy fled or crimes were committed in another state and a federal warrant was issued, fine. If not, then I am starting to become concerned with jurisdictional issues here.

    The base of my statement is this: We don’t need any more federal involvement in our lives than absolutely constitutionally necessary.

    By the way, ‘interstate travel with weapons with the intent to commit produce bodily harm’ is not, in and of itself, a federal matter unless a federal law has been violated or if a federal warrant has been issued; otherwise it is a local matter subject to local laws. (Local meaning state, county, municipal).

  8. JEP on October 15th, 2011 2:01 pm

    The marshals task force is actually part of the county. James was running from law enforcement since early Wednesday morning. He not only threatened his wife but also his own children. He deserves to be where he is and needs serious help.

  9. Kathy on October 15th, 2011 11:22 am

    429SCJ, that’s a big duh to you, interstate travel with weapons with the intent to produce bodily harm becomes a federal matter. What are you going to do send the Santa Rosa jokers across state lines? Or since you got open carry form a posse and go get em yourself?

    It is no joke when a man threatens to kill his wife and her family. Look at the news and see how many men kill their wife. It just happened in Calif along with his killing 5 other people.

  10. SW on October 15th, 2011 9:59 am

    @429SCJ, most are.

    I understand the concept of join task forces; however, doesn’t it seem that the Feds are getting more and more into our local law enforcement business?

  11. 429SCJ on October 15th, 2011 7:00 am

    Just a Bag of Hot Air, thank the Lord. I wounder where Mz Robinson met up with this joker.