Two Escambia High Coaches Arrested

October 4, 2011

Two Escambia High School coaches have been arrested, charged with obstruction of justice.

Head Coach Scott Anderson (pictured) and Assistant Coach Timothy Jansky turned themselves in this morning at the Escambia County Jail on the misdemeanor charge.

The charges stem from a September 19th incident where one student struck another student. According to the report and witnesses, both Anderson and Jansky approached the victim
of the battery on separate occasions and told him that if he pursued charges against the suspect, they could not guarantee his safety and the student would not play football.

According to an arrest report, Escambia Principal Michael Sherrill, told Anderson that he was “to stay out of the matter and allow law enforcement to do their job”.

Anderson and Jansky were released on their own recognizance. Both are on paid administrative leave from the school.

Editor’s note: The Sheriff’s Office did not release Jansky’s mugshot. His arrest report lists him as a “law enforcement official, former, spouse, or child of LEO”.


26 Responses to “Two Escambia High Coaches Arrested”

  1. joe on October 8th, 2011 2:07 pm

    paid leave for not doing their jobs…..
    we are getting screwed on this one….

  2. Flomaton on October 7th, 2011 8:08 pm

    Good Grief,

    Are you kidding me? You must have been a bully in school. I understand this is rough and tough football and scrapes and bumps will happen. Here is food 4 thought. If it wasn’t nothing serious why would both coaches readily jump in to keep victim from reporting it. Where are the coaches that students and players used to look up to….NO MORALS OR INTEGRITY

  3. FOOTBALL MOM on October 7th, 2011 4:21 pm


  4. Tayler Garrett on October 7th, 2011 12:47 am

    EHS,whoop whoop!!Coach Jansky you are still awsome.

  5. hawghead on October 5th, 2011 4:36 pm

    Come on people we’re talking about FOOTBALL here…Not education or anything else important…We all know that FOOTBALL is king in highschool…Lay off those coaches and give them a break, they were only looking out for the best interest of the FOOTBALL team…..

  6. GRANNY51 on October 5th, 2011 3:33 pm

    Seems to me if Mr. Jansky is connected to law enforcement he should know better, I think it is great that the parents did not back down and pursued it the way they did. Just because a kid is on a sports team does not give him the right to be
    able to punch someone because he knows his sissy coaches are gonna back him,Glad they all got caught.

  7. J Deese on October 5th, 2011 12:52 pm

    I’m not sure just why the coaches were telling the student. One part of the report said they told the student if he played, they could not guaratee his safety. The football field is sometimes a dangerous place, if someone is mad. Just saying.

  8. wow really on October 5th, 2011 12:52 pm

    wow really paid admin leave?

  9. CANDY on October 5th, 2011 12:48 pm

    They have no right to do what they did…they need to be ran out of the school system and never be able to work around kids..i can amagine how many other kids they did this to and no one knew about it..this is straight up WRONG !!!

  10. Atmore G on October 5th, 2011 9:31 am

    I played football years ago for a great high school program.. Back then, If you were involved in an altercation at school or anywhere else and it got back to the coaches, you would probably not dress out for the next game.. You would also run wind sprints and do extra work at practice.. Furthermore, you had to make your grades or you sat out, no matter how good you were.. The players were told that wherever they were, they represented their school, their family and their community.. I am thankful that there are high school coaches that still do a great job teaching these kids self discipline and developing their character..

  11. Interested on October 5th, 2011 9:21 am

    When two adults in authority at a School Threaten a child….THIS is a
    misdemeanor, and they get to even keep their jobs and be paid by
    this kids parents taxes (and ours).

    Wow….this whole thing stinks to high heaven.
    Prinicipal told them to stay out of it and STILL they threatened the kid.
    What the heck is wrong with these guys.

  12. DJS on October 4th, 2011 10:18 pm

    One word for both coaches……STUPID!

  13. JW on October 4th, 2011 9:42 pm

    Well they haven’t won any games, so how good does the coaches and the star player look? Reckon their record will improve now? Spirits should be lifting up with these two out of the picture.

  14. Kitty on October 4th, 2011 9:41 pm

    @ good grief
    the problem here is that the law was already involved. The coaches should have stayed out of it.
    I have a problem with the way the team is run. How can you be part of something knowing that you cannot expect your coaches to be fair?.

  15. Concerned--- on October 4th, 2011 9:22 pm

    Big “He Man” Coach threatening a student! What a “heck of a mess” What is the school sytem and athletics coming to. It is no wonder students get in trouble. They should be able to look up to their teachers and coaches and be protected from danger whether it is a bully on the team or something else.. Shame—shame on these two men and you can bet they are guilty. Just don’t mess with the star player—- like getting him arrested—- because we must sacrifice kids and everything else to win the game so “Coach” can look good.

  16. Bill Golden on October 4th, 2011 9:20 pm

    I follow football. I played football.
    It is no surprise to me that this kind of conduct exists. Many high school coaches doom themselves to stay in the tenth grade for the rest of their life.
    Nowadays “Coach” is a macho title for a high school bully job.
    When I played, we were extremely expendable, even the best athletes. And if you ever became any kind of liability or brought any shame, you were gone. It was known as good team management and in all cases absolutely fair to everyone.
    On the other hand, Coach Anderson seems to have a favorite player who will probably laugh at him in about 3 years, as many players do their old coaches.
    Glory fades fast after graduation.

  17. GOOD GRIEF on October 4th, 2011 9:12 pm

    ever stop to think maybe things should get back to the good ol days where a couple boys doing a little ruff housing could suck it up and go on about their buisness instead of ruining their lives with a criminal record, I mean is it really worth it, now 2 coaches are in trouble because they were trying to have the boys to suck it up and not go into legal action over a little rough housing, their boys ! This is what they do ! was anyone hurt ? did anyone go to the hosp ? If so then I understand but if not GOOD for those coaches that tried to keep the boys outta trouble !

  18. Darius on October 4th, 2011 8:17 pm

    I see several problems here:
    If both of these students are on the football team, should’nt there be some kind of code to settle these things in-house? Or, did the victim know that nothing would be done and he would be subject to another assault?
    Maybe the reason the coaches chose this path was the value of the player.
    Is he really all that valuable seeing that he will assault other students, undisciplined
    and not much of a role model? (future inmate).
    If there are two people arrested for the same thing at the same time, how can a government agency tell the press who can have there picture posted???????
    Somebody get me a map, I though we were in the United States.

  19. Scott on October 4th, 2011 7:01 pm

    They best be glad it was not my child that they treated this way. I would have MY mugshot on North Escambia for assaulting two coaches.

  20. Molino-Anon on October 4th, 2011 6:40 pm

    Doesn’t surprise me at all, coaches can be bullies. I had one in high school tell me if I didn’t run the track he’d have someone on the football team kick my butt. Always had threats from the same coach daily. Glad I finally got out of P.E. in high school.

  21. Tinia Hennington on October 4th, 2011 6:21 pm

    Coach BULLIES?!?!?!?!

    And don’t think for one minute that this is the only school that this crap goes on at!

    It happens more often than you think in places where you would never guess, the work place as well, with upper management turning their heads most of the time with the attitude the less you see, the less you know, the less you have to deal with it.

    What a great system we have in Florida

  22. mary on October 4th, 2011 6:05 pm

    PAID LEAVE??? you have got to be kidding…there are not working & dang it..should not get paid for this!!!!!

  23. Anthony on October 4th, 2011 4:42 pm

    I hope that this is not true. I would like to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. However, if this is true, this is indicative of the way our society has become with children and sports. If this is true, this is a travesty and a disgrace. These two grown men actually threatened this kid with not being able to play football because of this incident. The other kid was probably a good player on the team and they did not want anything to happen to that kid. However, the victim who was assualted has to pay the price? At what lengths are we willing to sacrifice our childrens safety? For love of the game? This is ridiculous. I know athletics have their place and I have played football, however, more emphasis needs to be placed on academics. Truly a shame if this turns out to be the truth!

  24. RD on October 4th, 2011 3:49 pm

    Pathetic…..think they need two new coaches that know how to deal with school kids and be impartial. Sounds like it all boils down to nothing being more important than “the game”.

  25. NotAgain on October 4th, 2011 3:49 pm

    I guess football is more important than discipline and student safety.

  26. Peter on October 4th, 2011 3:44 pm

    The only time they dont release pictures is if they are former Law enforcement, family of law enforcement or judges, or juvies right? Is there a judge Jansky? Hummmm