Two Arrested After Toddler Severely Burned

October 11, 2011

An Escambia County couple was arrested after a 2-year old child suffered severe burns.

The young girl is undergoing treatment for third-degree burns at the University of Alabama Burn Center in Birmingham after she was taken to a local hospital Sunday with severe burns to her right foot and leg, her genitals, and buttocks. The child also had swelling in her lip and right cheek area of her face, police said.

Nidra Comonik Crowe, 31, and Shyheem Jacquel Spellman, 18, both of Ninth Avenue, have both been charged with child neglect causing great harm. Spellman was also charged with possession of marijuana under 20 grams after marijuana was found in his left sock.

Crowe, who is a relative of the child, told police she decided to take the child to the hospital around 10 a.m. Sunday because the skin had peeled off from her buttocks area. She gave police conflicting dates on when the burns could have occurred and initially said they might have been caused by a light that was found on the floor, by a hot bath or possibly bleach.

Spellman, who is Crowe’s boyfriend, said he gave the child a bath the previous Sunday because she had urinated on herself. He said Crowe had put her in the bathtub, started the water and went to the kitchen to cook. When the child started crying and stood up, he said he told her to sit down and be quiet. He also said he gave her a bath on Monday after she had wet the bed.

Crowe told police she noticed the burns on Wednesday, went to a store and bought burn cream to put on the areas. She said she had cleansed the areas, put cream on them and wrapped them in gauze during the week.


27 Responses to “Two Arrested After Toddler Severely Burned”

  1. Sonja Syria on October 12th, 2011 8:50 am

    So sad. You just can’t trust nobody these days. I’ll be praying for all involve.

  2. Julia Williams on October 12th, 2011 4:14 am

    What gets me is that they will never feel the pain they suffered upon this baby. It would be considered against thier cival rights. My prayers go up for the baby. I just wished I had a big enough of a home to bring her here and let her live a much better life then she has known so far. God loans us these wonderful babies. Our only requirement is take care of them, love and protect them. This little angel got none of that. I hope she will be adopted out to a family that will love, protect and care for her like she deserves.

  3. THE REAL MRS. HARTLEY on October 12th, 2011 1:56 am

    Terrible thing too happen to a child God only knows what happen forreal but, with that said the Lord heals all and punishs the wrong doers i hope they get what they deserve and the child gets a full recovery PRAYING FOR THAT PRECIOUS BABY

  4. Rhonda on October 12th, 2011 12:10 am

    How terrible and cruel. I hope justice is served here and this child recovers and goes to live with a nice, loving family !

  5. jcellops on October 11th, 2011 11:34 pm

    Lord only knows what really happened here…i will say, however, by reviewing the FB of ms crowe, you would be somewhat shocked to think that she had anything to do w/hurting this 2 year old…or any child, for that matter…doesnt seem to add up.

  6. DJS on October 11th, 2011 10:11 pm

    Sorry excuses as parents or relatives…..take both of them and put them in a bath of HOT water and make them set in it all day and see how it feels. I just pray that the child is not going back to them and that the Judge will do his job and help protect this child from any further harm from these idiots.

  7. David Huie Green on October 11th, 2011 5:27 pm

    “Nidra Comonik Crowe, 31, and Shyheem Jacquel Spellman, 18, – - – Spellman, who is Crowe’s boyfriend,- – -”

    Let’s see, she would have been thirteen when he was born.

    I wonder if she considers her young boyfriend’s companionship worth the harm done? I assume she picked the best she could get.

    David for decent, caring parents

  8. sunny on October 11th, 2011 4:21 pm

    Just sick. What sickens me the most is the mentioning of three possible causes. A light, hot water, or bleach would, I believe only from burns to myself, that each type of burn would be different. One would be a dry thermal burn vs a water scald vs a chemical burn. Yeah—burn these perpetrators with all 3. That would be the only true justice.

  9. Sadmommy on October 11th, 2011 1:05 pm

    I too am heartbroken over this incident. I pray right now for healing and comfort for that baby. How can anyone be so cruel to a helpless child? I pray that those people are punished severely and that child is placed in better hands.

    William, please update your readers with the condition of the child.

  10. AL on October 11th, 2011 12:46 pm

    A portion of the story reads “initially said they might have been caused by a light that was found on the floor, by a hot bath or possibly bleach.”

    I wonder if this means the poor child was exposed to all 3 at some point, and the idiot just didn’t remember which story she told? Or which might have caused the burns?

    What a heartbreaking, infuriating story

  11. shae on October 11th, 2011 11:42 am

    Not only did they abuse this poor child, they let her suffer for days before getting her help, and we all know, nothing bought over the counter is going to help third degree burns! Jail time couldn’t be enough for these two! They need to feel the suffering this child has gone through, only then can they see the gravity of what they have done.

  12. 429SCJ on October 11th, 2011 10:14 am


  13. Samantha on October 11th, 2011 10:04 am

    Where are the child’s parents? It states that Crowe is a relative…not the mother and that Spellman is her boyfriend. They need to find the biological parents and charge them with neglect also…or has this child already been taken away for previous incidents like this?? It makes you wonder….I am praying for this child…may GOD be with her and watch over her!

  14. Big Bopper on October 11th, 2011 10:03 am

    How could any of us read this story without tears and shaking.
    You know they threw this child in scalding hot water for wetting
    herself. She probably wet herself every time this guy came near
    her – wouldn’t you? You know any one who could do this, then
    this was not the only thing he ever did. They probably never changed
    her or anyway. Can any of you imagine then wetting yourself after
    this guy burned you in your bathwater. It’s lucky the mother finally
    took her to the hospital before she was too infected in the burns.

    This day I have never wanted to HURT anyone so bad as I do this
    guy, I just keep thinking who is going to take this baby now and
    make it all up to her.

    Lord please help this little one and find the right people to love
    and support her in her life. Make the rest of her life righteous, pure,
    happy and above all pain free and full of love.
    For this I pray, Amen.

  15. Concerned citizen on October 11th, 2011 9:35 am

    Sounds like they were punishing the little girl for urinating on herself by putting her in hot water. This is simply two animals that don’t even have a third grade education, who will not work but put themselves ahead of a helpless child and buy dope for themselves. They certainly don’t care about the welfare of the child and probably hope that the state takes the child so they don’t have any burdens. Just look what this situation is going to cost the tax payers. Take them OUT OF SOCIETY!!!

  16. MW on October 11th, 2011 8:39 am

    I am grieved….Father heal the wounds and the souls.

  17. Tinia Hennington on October 11th, 2011 8:35 am

    Sad thing is….if “Neglect” is all they get charged with, they won’t spend much time, if any, behind bars.
    Makes me so sad to even think about the pain this baby is suffering.
    Where are the parents?

  18. just sayin on October 11th, 2011 8:34 am

    @Stacey……As a former foster parent it’s sad to say they will give this child back to these people. Florida is under the assumption biological is best. Not sure if that is her mother or not but until laws are changed she will go back to them, unless of course they are in jail. We need stricter laws when it comes to abused children. There are a few who actually get taken completely away from the abusers but not many. They give the parents chance after chance and then the kids are older and nobody wants to adopt them. It’s sad, sad, sad but so true.

  19. Concerned citizen on October 11th, 2011 8:25 am

    This very thing happened not too many years ago in molino . I hope these idiots never see the light of day ever again . That poor baby . What in the world is wrong with people these days ? Sounds like he was punishing her by having her sit in hot water cause she wet the bed and wet herself . I pray none of them ever have another peaceful day in their life ….

  20. Molino-Anon on October 11th, 2011 8:03 am

    These people deserve to be burned ALIVE!!! I say the U.S. should adopt a law that ANY parent abusing their poor defenseless child suffer the same fate they inflict upon that child… starvation, beatings, burning, etc. Until they succumb and die.

    I can not for the life of me understand why parents would do this, its your child! They look to you for protection and guidance… A story like this makes me cry because I put my children in this situation and I just couldn’t imagine doing that. I’m not a crying-type person either, but I can’t stand to hear/see a poor child suffer at the hands of someone so cruel.

  21. Janet on October 11th, 2011 7:47 am

    To Baldhead: I say let’s forget the cream!!!

  22. woooow!!! on October 11th, 2011 7:20 am

    can you say put them under the jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Carolyn Bramblett on October 11th, 2011 6:43 am

    Who are the baby’s parents?

  24. 429SCJ on October 11th, 2011 6:27 am

    Lord help that baby. Monsters, people like these desereve no compassion, no humanity or mercy. I could easily remove my mask for those two.

  25. baldhead on October 11th, 2011 5:29 am

    How about these two get burned and we will just put some cream on it! This is terrible!

  26. Stacey on October 11th, 2011 4:40 am

    This makes me sooooo very sad…praying this baby is never back in their custody. God bless her:(

  27. omg on October 11th, 2011 1:14 am

    This made me sick when I read this. =(