Sheriff’s Office To Sweep Century

October 10, 2011

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and several other agencies will conduct an “Operation Clean Sweep” in Century next Monday.

The Sheriff’s Office and agencies including Escambia County Animal Control, Environmental Law Enforcement, and the United States Military will work to clean up neighborhoods of criminals and trash, while educating citizens on preventive measures to minimize crime.

The “Operation Clean Sweep” will take place Monday, October 17 primarily in the area bounded by East Pond Street to the south, North Century Boulevard to the west, Cottage Street to the north, and Jefferson Avenue and Old Flomaton Road to the west. graphic.


28 Responses to “Sheriff’s Office To Sweep Century”

  1. northendvoter on October 14th, 2011 8:23 pm

    429SCJ, you said Morgan is competent. Competence is not broadcasting when you are going to serve search warrants, and these clean sweeps. He has no experience when it comes to Law Enforcement. I applaud his service in the Air Force. But it does not measure up to real Law enforcement. It does not take much for someone to see that Morgan is doing the free photo-op snapshots. Why is our Sheriff in an old school in the city with a dust mask on. FREE PRESS thats why!!! Attention all Thugs in Century, The Sheriff’s Office is coming up there to pick up some trash. Serve 2 or 3 warrants. Have the the PNJ and Northescambia up there to snap some shots of Morgan on a Black Stallion saving the princess.

  2. Kirk on October 13th, 2011 4:33 pm

    Morgan is running for office again and he took the idea and timing of these sweeps from Mcnesby.

  3. Heartless on October 13th, 2011 12:54 pm

    Good!! Get them and then come back to Cantonment.

  4. just tired on October 11th, 2011 10:45 pm

    Some of the comments really makes me wonder about people. Please, if there’s a drug free area with residents LIVING in it, please let me know where this place is. If you think for one minute that drugs( whether it’s illegal drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol; yes, alcohol is a drug ,too; it alters your state of mind and body fuctions and should be illegal too) are not being used in your neighborhoods, then you are really naive. It may not be used or sold as openly as in some places, but believe me, it’s being used and it doesn’t matter what kind of family or background you come from. There are druggies in every class, race, religion, etc. So, get off your high horse and stop acting like Century is the worst place you could possibly live in. It has always been a rule of mine never to say what I wouldn’t do. It’s kind of funny but, somehow you always end up doing that very thing. Just saying!!!.

  5. DJS on October 11th, 2011 10:26 pm

    Why in the world would you want to publish where you are planning a clean sweep as you all call it…….to me that is stupid! Criminals it is now time for you to clean up and be ready or you will get caught….just thought I would let you know ahead of time! LOL!!

  6. Tired on October 11th, 2011 9:43 pm

    I thought the criminals were the TRASH……

  7. ArmyCptswife on October 11th, 2011 7:46 pm

    It’s so sad… The town has went down steadily especially since the late 80’s. I could never move back to Century. The amount of drugs being sold on most every street is ridiculous. It’s a shame too, because it use to be a nice town. I grew up in the historic district, and I would NOT even move close to it today!

  8. Big Bopper on October 11th, 2011 1:25 pm

    I don’t want to be a hero and I didn’t sign on for it and others have.
    Extremism is not what I had in mind.
    Stealth, reconn, 2 Hero’s who can keep a secret….that’s more what
    I had in mind.

  9. justpamela on October 11th, 2011 12:43 pm

    Why is it the Sheriff’s department advertises where they are going to do the sweep? That makes no sense to me. What happened to undercover and spring on them? I just don’t understand why you announce it.

  10. meemee on October 11th, 2011 12:11 pm

    dont forget the corner of pond and jefferson streets

  11. fishpole on October 11th, 2011 10:45 am

    is this the sheriff’s job. or the town of century’s job.they both get paid.there is so much drug’s in century.that just about every one is selling’s on every road you drive down.they ride there bike’s up and down the road.selling there’s time to put a stop to it .we need more streetlight that are bright at night and more people to get in vold.and call to turn them in.don’t be afride of them. come on.lett’s get our town back.and maybe some job’s will come in.the sheriff can’t do the job without help.if you see someone you don’t know.and it don’t look the’s time to stop it .

  12. 429SCJ on October 11th, 2011 10:29 am

    Big Bopper maybe you are that Hero we need? All you need to do is suspend the constitution, declare martial law, strap on your MACs and go to town. If you have an idea better than Clean Sweep, I would like to hear it. I would not worry about the Attorney General. Hope your barrels dont overheat.

  13. Bobby on October 11th, 2011 10:05 am

    You shouldn’t be so hard on Sheriff Morgan. The county elected a man WITH NO EXPERIENCE IN CIVILLIAN LAW ENFORCEMENT. Seriously!?! Why would anyone expect anything more? It is not his fault either. It is your fault if you voted for him. You placed him in the position to fail.

  14. Big Bopper on October 11th, 2011 8:54 am

    It doesn’t really matter, some of the same people who organize and work
    this detail are the one’s who know who the criminals are and won’t do anything
    about it, so it doesn’t even surprise me that this is announced.

    As some people have said before, It IS just a Dog and Pony Show!
    Something I never wanted to believe!
    This is a very sorry thing considering all the violence and robbery we have
    from the criminals and druggies in this town, and it is not gettinhg better
    it is infact, getting a lot worse all the time.

    They can’t even run out the panhandlers in this town or the ladies of the
    evening you see come out at 5 pm all over this County, and here the children
    are still going down the roads at that time with their parents to dinner and

    Very Sorry Indeed! Will we ever get someone who will get the criminals
    off the street no matter who they are, and no matter what color they are,
    that is the $64,000,00 question?

    Sheriff I had believed in you, but you are letting us down, are you trying
    to fool us or are you really that naive? We need a HERO?
    FAKE it TELL you MAKE it doesn’t work here. Please get serious!

  15. William on October 10th, 2011 10:07 pm

    >>>Which politician leaked this?

    Nobody “leaked” the info. The Sheriff’s Office announces all of their “Clean Sweeps” in advance.

  16. century!!!! on October 10th, 2011 10:01 pm

    It’s 2011. They should have came and “SWEPT CENTURY” back in 1999!!!!!Aint nothing going on in Century now.They are waisting the tax payers money,gas money and time.:) So therfore what Im saying is “the same thing that happened last time is going to happen this time. Now the BIG QUESTION IS “WHAT ABOUT FRONT STREET???” Dont forget FRONT STREET!!!And another thing dont forget AURTHOR BROWN ROAD NEITHER!!!:)

  17. 429SCJ on October 10th, 2011 8:55 pm

    The Military personnel are for labor, dont expect to see any M113s or LAVs. The military personnel volunteer and get letters of appreciation from the Sheriffs Dept. It helps on their evaluations, thus helping on their promotions as well. A game if you will, with a reward. I recieved a humanitarian service medal for picking up limbs after a storm, get the picture. Dont expect the Marines to be kicking in doors or blasting away with a s.a.w.. Stay in your homes and remain calm.

  18. Scott Lowery on October 10th, 2011 7:31 pm

    I’m not fan of crime or the criminals who commit it, but doesn’t it seem suspicious about bringing in the US military to help the police do their job in a small local town called Century. I mean if things get out of hand they could declare martial law on this town which would start even more violence.

  19. nudo on October 10th, 2011 7:27 pm

    Same thing with the schools. They get a little heads up call, so the kids don’t bring there drugs to school that day. We don’t won’t people to really know what’s going on. Im feed up with all of it…

  20. nudo on October 10th, 2011 7:19 pm

    …..and anouncing this before is a brilliant idea. Will make Century look better. Which politician leaked this?

  21. Kosher Dave on October 10th, 2011 3:16 pm

    Another title for this would be. “Heads up criminals”
    This effort would have been a lot more successful if it wasn’t announced.

  22. 429SCJ on October 10th, 2011 12:24 pm

    No Northend Voter, I am no relation to Sheriff Morgan, I just appreciate competence. I am pleased that you put forth the effort to vote, keep up the good work.

  23. sam on October 10th, 2011 11:52 am

    advance notice, that’s great. let me guess what they will find? a waste of time and resources.

  24. sniper on October 10th, 2011 10:57 am

    dont forget POND STREET!!!!!!!

  25. SW on October 10th, 2011 9:26 am

    The military will be playing what role in this ‘operation?”

    Good point, Bopper.

  26. Big Bopper on October 10th, 2011 8:25 am

    How nice they announce this stuff so the criminals can be out of town
    and the druggies can get rid of their evidence. This is why we will never
    end the problems here, nobody is really serious.

    I used to believe, but I can’t listen to these fairy tales anymore.

  27. Northend Voter on October 10th, 2011 8:18 am

    429SCJ, You must be related to Morgan. You have to mention him in every one of your posts.

  28. 429SCJ on October 10th, 2011 7:18 am

    Good Stuff. I think this is a good effort on the part of Sheriff Morgan and the department. It certainly cannot hurt. Dont forget Pond Street.