Senate Looks At Limiting Landowner Liability For Hunting, Fishing

October 20, 2011

A Senate committee Wednesday began moving forward with a bill that would limit the legal liability of landowners who allow people to use their property for hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing.

Supporters said the bill, which is part of a package of legislative proposals by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, could help encourage more people to enjoy the outdoors.

“One of the things that keeps people from opening up their lands is they’re afraid of being sued,” said Sen. Steve Oelrich, R-Gainesville.

But the proposal also faced questions from some lawmakers and the Florida Justice Association, which represents trial lawyers.

Sen. Nancy Detert, R-Venice, questioned whether guests on the land would also have liability protections for damage they might unintentionally cause. “You just can’t have one side give up their rights and not the other side,” she said.

The Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee introduced the bill and will have to bring it up again before voting.

By The News Service of Florida


3 Responses to “Senate Looks At Limiting Landowner Liability For Hunting, Fishing”

  1. David Huie Green on October 22nd, 2011 11:39 am

    “the proposal also faced questions from some lawmakers and the Florida Justice Association, which represents trial lawyers.”

    “Sen. Nancy Detert, R-Venice, questioned whether guests on the land would also have liability protections for damage they might unintentionally cause. “You just can’t have one side give up their rights and not the other side,” she said.”

    Of course trial lawyers oppose it, where will they earn money if law suits are limited to reasonable cause?

    It is interesting that Nancy believes people should not be free from liability from allowing people access to their property unless those people were free from liability for what they did while enjoying that access.

    “Sure was nice of Farmer Jones to let us cross his land to get to the creek.”
    “Yeah, and while we’re at it, let’s shoot his cow.”

    Interesting attitude which would permit the first only if it permitted the second.

    David for those seeking reasonable protection
    to acts of kindness, not acts of evil

  2. 429SCJ on October 20th, 2011 8:20 pm

    I remember a time when landowners would allow public access to swimming holes. It seems as time passed the public evolved into an out of control bunch of hooligans, that would litter and destroy, and just cause trouble in general. They will injure themselves and attempt to sue the property owner, It is no wonder gates are up and locked.

  3. Big Bopper on October 20th, 2011 9:14 am

    Sen. Nancy Detert is wrong. Should people be so nice as to allow you
    to hunt their land and you shoot to close to the house and hit it. WHO in
    the heck does she think should pay for that DAMAGE?
    One is not the same as the other. THAT kind of stupid mentality by
    law makers is why we can never get anything done. THAT and the
    fact that Lawyers are just looking for someone to sue somebody
    because they get a third or better, that’s a real big incentive!