Robertson Investigation Reqested; Gibbs To Be Removed As Equestrian Center Manager

October 21, 2011

The Escambia County Commission voted Thursday night to ask three state agencies to investigate if Commissioner Wilson Robertson broke any laws when he became involved in the hiring of manager at the county’s Equestrian Center.

On a motion made by Robertson, the commission voted 4-0, with Gene Valentino absent, to request an investigation by theĀ  State Attorney’s Office, the Florida Attorney General and the Florida Commission on Ethics into Robertson’s involvement in the process that led to the hiring of Forrest Gibbs as Equestrian Center boss.

“If they determine that any wrongdoing of any kind, illegal, took place, that I will live by their decision,” Robertson said Thursday night, “and let’s put this to rest.”

“I have done absolutely no wrong, either legally or morally,” Robertson said in a written statement released Tuesday. “I have, however, tried to do the right thing for the taxpaying citizens of Escambia County and the users of this fine facility and the mandate of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners.”

Robertson was accused of becoming overly involved Gibbs’ hiring, possibly influencing the process — which could be illegal. There have also been allegations made that Robertson was involved in getting Gibbs a salary that was higher than advertised $44,000.

Robertson said eight of about 60 applicants were selected an interviewed by the selection committee for the post. After the committee selected Gibbs, Robertson said he contacted Assistant County Administrator Larry Newsome and the county attorney “to remind them of the budget the county had created and approved, including the starting salary of $60,000.00 plus benefits per year.”

There was no attempt to to influence the candidate chosen for the position, Robertson said.

Gibbs will be removed from his position at the Equestrian Center, and the position will be advertised under the watchful eye of County Administrator Randy Oliver.

The commission also approved policies Thursday night that will prevent any commissioner from being as a job reference for a county job, and prevent commissioner from speaking to the human resource department or selection committee about an applicant until an offer is accepted.


19 Responses to “Robertson Investigation Reqested; Gibbs To Be Removed As Equestrian Center Manager”

  1. Everett on October 25th, 2011 3:28 am

    So what else is so new about this?

    Blah blah blah blah blah “I’m a politician” blah blah blah blah ” I’m in this to help out the citizens of the county” blah blah blah blah ” I would never do anything underhanded” blah blah blah blah blah.

  2. 429SCJ on October 24th, 2011 6:46 am

    I remember growing up in the EC. I thought this was normal business procedure for politicians and their friends. That was just the nature of things back then. I must say the Sunshine feels good. We should not be angry at Mr Robertson, he is what he is. Can the scorpion or the snake go against it’s nature. 429SCJ for accepting things for what they are.

  3. Mr. Reality on October 22nd, 2011 4:30 pm

    “The commission also approved policies Thursday night that will prevent any commissioner from being as a job reference for a county job, and prevent commissioner from speaking to the human resource department or selection committee about an applicant until an offer is accepted,”

    If he did nothing wrong or there is nothing wrong with what he did WHY THE RULES CHANGE? Hummmmmmm…One of the rules is ALREADY IN PLACE VIA STATE LAW…As far as I’m concerned this old dude is all dried up and should retire with some dignity instead of trying to prove he didn’t do anything wrong when STEVIE WONDER can see what he is doing isn’t legit. Maybe he can’t step down because he needs more millings? HUmmmmmm

  4. 429SCJ on October 22nd, 2011 7:59 am

    If Mr Roberson will just utter the incantation, I dont want to talk about it, his problems will just vanish. I have seen this work for another public offical.

  5. Bobby Singer on October 22nd, 2011 1:30 am

    If any of you think code enforcement is going to do anything about this, then you are sadly mistaken. That asphalt will not move! From the days of “King George and his Do Boy Charlie”, to the days of the “Engergizer Bunny and her Fearless leader”, nothing has changed nor will it ever change. Code enforcement in this county has been nothing but the county commissions own private police force.Once a citizen questions a county policy, i.e. the “the catfish pond” with dear old Roads Inc. You will then be placed on a list to be permanantly screwed with by dear old ESCAMbia county. Look at Jozeppy, he spoke up against the corruption and they had him locked up on bogus charges. County employees who spoke up about the corruption suddenly become harrassed by the boss, transfered or worse fired.

  6. Mr. Reality on October 22nd, 2011 12:50 am

    The crazy thing is Robertson, his secretary’s husband and Gibbs had a pile of asphalt millings FROM WHERE? Hummmmm So Robertson and his partner own the land and they have GIBBS answering a phone selling the stuff. Someone needs to look into that. These clowns know how to work the system. I think he should be arrested for violation for sunshine laws. YOU DO NOT DISCUSS THE PUBLIC’S BUSINESS IN PRIVATE. How come these guys can’;t figure it out? Toss a few more in jail and it keeps all of them honest!

  7. molino jim on October 21st, 2011 8:18 pm

    The person who has to be looked up to is the code enforcement officer who more or less got some of this started. To issue a citation to a member of the BOCC takes a lot of nerve. Wilson has changed his story so many times there are some who do not trust him now. The question now is —did it happen and did Wilson cause it all out of friendship or for what ever reason?

  8. 429SCJ on October 21st, 2011 4:09 pm

    Hello CW. I wonder what Robertson recieved from Gibbs in exchange for the position and salary.? What is the relationship between these two ? Im no legal expert, but this thing is starting to yield the fumes of conspiracy. That is a nice job, I wonder what it’s price tag is ? Gov Scott is the last type of character we need in a mess like this.

  9. 429SCJ on October 21st, 2011 2:50 pm

    Amen RS. Lets wait and see what other facts are uncovered, before we summarize.

  10. RS on October 21st, 2011 2:36 pm

    Sounds like a of lench mobs has already tried and convicted him. Lets wait and find out what really took place before hanging this man.

  11. 429SCJ on October 21st, 2011 2:24 pm

    If This guy is smart, he will not do like WD. Childers, and drag it out. I would imagine if he resigns and goes quitely, the prosecutors office will let it ride, unless other crimminal acts come to light. Who knows what this investigation will uncover.

  12. c.w. on October 21st, 2011 11:12 am

    9SCJ on October 21st, 2011 4:29 am I am sure Mr Roberson will do the honorable thing and resign

    WR has no honor or ethics. He has let his true colors show and it ain,t pretty. The governor need to drop kick this thing and soon.

  13. Lee Middleton on October 21st, 2011 8:25 am

    Thanks to the people who brought this to the public’s attention. It stank to high Heaven from the moment we read about it. Talk about unfair hiring practices! Gracious!

  14. goinfishin on October 21st, 2011 7:26 am

    If ol Wilson has a lick of sense, he will resign quickly and run for the hills.

  15. c.w. on October 21st, 2011 6:42 am

    Poor old W.D.Roberson. He got caught playing with the tax payers money, again, and using the good ole boy card to help his “friend” get a job and more pay than was advertised. Just like the rooster, he thinks he ownes the county. He must go!

  16. Oversight on October 21st, 2011 6:38 am

    Come on, no influence? I thought there was going to be a presentation by county administrator Oliver on exactly how Robertson’s buddy, Gibbs, got hired, but there was probably too much incriminating evidence on how the process was corrupted to put it out into a public forum. To hire Gibbs as a manager / marketer with only a high school diploma and little if any experience and then pay him almost $80,000 including benefits, smacks of Good Old Boy politics. It even sounds as if the job was scripted for Gibbs from the start because of the limited education qualifier. Tell us that there was some other applicant, out of the 60 plus who applied, had a better resume. Sadly, none involved with this will ever be truthful in the matter and come forward with what really happened. Robertson should be removed from office by the governor, and Newsome, Oliver, along with all of the others who conspired to hire Gibbs should be terminated!

  17. Jane on October 21st, 2011 5:39 am

    I have suspected the “Good ol’ boys” have been doing this stuff for years…time for a change in Pensacola!

  18. 429SCJ on October 21st, 2011 4:29 am

    I am sure Mr Roberson will do the honorable thing and resign.

  19. rmd on October 21st, 2011 3:56 am

    he done no wrong,of course not. the county has no money until they want something to happen.unfair to county workers.they cant get a raise but they can hire and create a job for a buddy.he should be removed from his comissioner job to.if if do that what else will he do with our tax payer money.why didnt the other commisoners step up and say this is wrong? like i said before they should hire not rich people .they should hire the working man that knows what its like to get out and see whats its like to live paycheck to paycheck like we do.