Century Woman Caught Dealing Lortab From Lakeview Center Van

October 4, 2011

Police say they arrested two people in a van from Lakeview Center in Century for dealing prescription narcotics Monday morning.

“We received information that Lortabs were being sold  from the Lakeview van,” said Flomaton Police Chief Geoff McGraw.

McGraw performed a traffic stop on a van registered to Lakeview Center, Inc. at a Highway 29 gas station in Flomaton about 10:30 Monday morning.  Driver Carol Brown, age 46 of Murphy Street  Brewton, and passenger Sue Johnson, age 47 of Highway 4 Century, were taken into custody at the time of the traffic stop.

McGraw said officers discovered that Brown, an employee of Lakeview Center,  had picked up Johnson in Century and transported her to Flomaton to sell Lortabs. In Flomaton, Johnson met with an unnamed subject and sold an undisclosed number of Lortab, according to police. After the sale was completed, Johnson and Brown began to travel back toward Century before being stopped by police.

Johnson was charged with unlawful distribution of a controlled substance and two counts of possession of a controlled substance.  Brown was charged with conspiracy to commit a controlled substance crime. Both were booked in the Escambia County Detention Center in Brewton.

McCraw said Brown had 38 Lortab pills in her possession at the time of the traffic stop.

The investigation was a  joint operation of the Flomaton Police Department and the Brewton Police Department Narcotics Division.


15 Responses to “Century Woman Caught Dealing Lortab From Lakeview Center Van”

  1. Concerned on October 5th, 2011 8:56 pm

    what is so sad is i work at an alf and i see the woman carol pick up 4 to 6 out our resident everyday and i never would have thought this. They desever what they get!

  2. cygie on October 4th, 2011 8:42 pm

    Job Security? Much like fire fighters lighting fires to appear the hero.

  3. Prior Lakeview employee on October 4th, 2011 4:19 pm

    Sadly, Lakeview is where people are sent that have addicitons to narcotics, yet they hire someone who deals them. Chances are slim that she has a professional position within Lakeview. If she was driving the van, she is more than likely a transporter. Hopefully these ladies get the help they need.

  4. Crackerjack on October 4th, 2011 4:18 pm

    Prayer is very much needed for these two offenders!!!!
    But letting them get off with counselling only?? How would that
    be “helping” them??? This is probably not the first dealing with drugs!!!! They need to be held accountable for a very harmful decision they made!!!
    It looks a lot like plain stupidity!!! People rarely do better if they get away with crime…..and believe me,this was a CRIME,to which they MUST answer for!!!!

  5. NotAgain on October 4th, 2011 3:50 pm

    Don’t be too hard on ‘em. They were just trying to make some “change” off of the “hope”, I mean dope.

  6. Bonnie on October 4th, 2011 1:17 pm

    It is people like this that are making it increasingly difficult for people with a legitimate need for medications such as this to obtain them. It is hard to be in pain and even harder when you are being treated like an addict becuse of people that do these things.

  7. Elizabeth on October 4th, 2011 12:06 pm

    Oh the irony.

  8. Interested on October 4th, 2011 11:52 am

    A mistake, I think not.
    This was a choice and drugs deal nothing but heart ache and death
    to the people who use them and buy. We all know what
    it does to the families and especially the children of these buyers.

    Look at all the escalation of crimes that involve drugs and every one
    of the parents and family will tell you their great fathers or kids, yet
    some have murdered. Some have even murdered their own children
    or wives. This is the harm that drugs do.

    These are two grown women who made a choice to do that much
    devastation and they know it, probably have witnessed more than
    you or I, but they don’t care.

  9. Alexis Jane on October 4th, 2011 10:29 am

    This is such a sad situation.
    It is even more sad to see that people are wishing for them to get the maximum amount of years. What we need to do is pray for them and counsel them, bc we have all fallen short before. No one who has commented has probably done right all their lives. Let’s help these women. They have families and even though they should have thought about that before, we ALL MAKE MISTAKES!

  10. Interested on October 4th, 2011 10:10 am

    Another fool looking for easy money, bites the dust.
    I am with Everett I hope they get the maximum, I am so very tired of crazy,
    lazy drug pushers and addicts.

  11. Frank on October 4th, 2011 7:33 am


  12. Molino Res on October 4th, 2011 6:43 am

    I wonder if the van was equipped an ice cream truck like speaker play a song to drawl all the pills heads out for a treat. Sad! Glad they are off the street!

  13. huh on October 4th, 2011 5:22 am

    Selling pills out of the crazy van! Ohhh the irony

  14. Everett on October 4th, 2011 3:59 am

    What makes this sad is Carol Brown works for an employer (Lakeview) that helps folks overcome drug addiction and other disorders. It doesn’t mention what she does for Lakeview. Hopefully not a counselor of any type. Where did she get the drugs? Were they hers or was she selling them on a percentage? If as a percentage I’m sure she will not snitch out her supplier. Also, how long has she been doing this? Traveling in a company van made for an easy sell I would guess. How many lortabs did she sell to the unamed person?

    Alabama has tough drug conviction laws. If convicted, a year for each pill sold and caught with. She would be looking at 38 years minimum just for what she had on her.
    Hope they get the maximum sentence.

  15. 429SCJ on October 4th, 2011 3:36 am

    Interstate trafficing of narcotics, conspiracy, Good work by the Flomaton PD Narcotics Division. I get the impression Chief McGraw is a man of several hats, within the department. Welcome to the big time ladies.