Overnight Delivery: UPS Moves Regional Facility To Pensacola

October 10, 2011

Shipper UPS announced Monday morning that they are moving their regional sorting facility from Mobile to the Pensacola airport.

“UPS is pleased to add Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport to our global logistics network,” said UPS Airlines President Mitch Nichols. “We look forward to providing excellent service to our Gulf Coast express shipping customers from this new gateway.”

The move will bring two daily cargo flights to the Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport beginning October 31. UPS will generate an estimated 30 jobs initially in Pensacola.

“This is the type of project that could have easily gone to some other airport, but because we were paying attention, running down every lead, and making economic development a priority, we’re going to have a major international shipper flying in and out of Pensacola,” said Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward.


8 Responses to “Overnight Delivery: UPS Moves Regional Facility To Pensacola”

  1. Wilson on October 17th, 2011 2:47 pm

    I agree with Kyle D. (posted: 10/11/11: 0936) – it’s about money and in this case, UPS saves money in the long run… the $25K incentive only helps this corporate decision. The politicians of Pensacola need to cut through the “small town” bureaucracy if the city is ever to grow beyond just a tourist revenue township. Money desperately needs to be placed into road architecture to permit business and residents/customer base access. More local government incentives need to be advertised to the business communities as well. The Pensacola economy is depressed… what will the elected officials do to CHANGE this sickness, other than continue to do what they have been… nothing!

  2. Kyle Dunlope on October 11th, 2011 9:36 am

    It’s a natural choice for UPS. Pensacola, unlike Mobile, has low-cost carriers and that helps in overflow cargo they sometimes send on passenger planes cargo bays. That, plus the $25,000 the airport agreed to give UPS as an incentive. Moving jobs from one place to the next is good for Pensacola, but doesn’t create net jobs in the economy as a whole.

  3. JimD on October 11th, 2011 9:34 am

    This is great news for the local economy. Thirty additional jobs in the sorting office, I believe will bring additional positions in the distrobution arm, unless these positions are coming from Mobile as well.

    The only problem is traffic. If there was direct access to I-10 from 9th Avenue, that would open up the airports cargo facilities…Will trucking have to go back to Davis Hwy for access to I-10?

    Now that more jobs will be added, city officals needs to look at infrastructure and access to something besides the beach.

  4. 429SCJ on October 11th, 2011 6:10 am

    Amen Scott. 30 jobs here, a few there, every job helps. I feel there is great potential for expansion and more jobs with the UPS facility. Good pay and benefits too.

  5. instigator on October 11th, 2011 5:32 am

    now lets see if we can get them to only hire people who have been out of work 2+ years and get our unemployable numbers down

  6. Scott Lowery on October 10th, 2011 7:24 pm

    This is the kind of thinking that need’s to be running this county. Finally someone has enough of a heart and enough power to do some good for a local community insted of a to big to fail bank . Perhaps the head of UPS Airlines President Mitch Nichols should consider running for office.

  7. Valerie on October 10th, 2011 7:09 pm

    About time Pensacola got some jobs that were not tourest related. We need more of these types of jobs in the area.

  8. Esme on October 10th, 2011 2:47 pm

    This is great news! Hopefully they can add hundreds more to the job roster! Thanks Ashton Hayward!