Report Cards Delayed For Escambia Students

October 31, 2011

Monday was scheduled to be report card day for Escambia County public school students, but a problem with a new software system delayed them.

Report cards were due to be sent home Tuesday, as problems with the Focus Gradebook software are resolved.

Parents can see most student grades online by using the “Focus Gradebook Parent Portal”. For information on how to register and view grades, online, click here for a previous story.


8 Responses to “Report Cards Delayed For Escambia Students”

  1. justcallmejoe on November 1st, 2011 7:18 pm

    It makes me sad to think that parents don’t automatically believe their kids. Of course, I know some kids lie. Praise God I raised a kid I could trust and believe.

  2. Tiffany on November 1st, 2011 9:12 am

    Susan, Did you make sure that you selected 1st quarter for the grades? I know on my childs grades they already have some posted for this nine weeks and some say not graded as well.

  3. ParentandTeacher on November 1st, 2011 9:10 am

    Perhaps you are looking at the 2nd quarter grades? Also, contact the principal and asst principal of the school where your children are about teachers not posting grades and returning phone calls. It’s those few that gives us a bad name. If you don’t get an answer, contact someone downtown.

  4. susan on November 1st, 2011 8:09 am

    I just checked the parent portal this morning at 8am and it is still not correct. I have a 10th and 11th grader. Each student has only 2 grades posted. The remainder of the classes say “not graded” for weeks now. Im sure part of this is the system error. However, I have had a problem with a couple of teachers not posting grades in anywhere near a timely manner, if at all. I fully realize how busy they are and understaffed. But it should not take a month or longer to enter grades. The schools want parents to be involved and know whats going on with the student and their grades; Im trying hard to but Ive left 2 messages for 2 particular teachers to call me when Ive had questions and have never recieved a call back. Ive asked the school twice about why grades are not being posted. I was told it would be checked in to but the problem is still not resolved. Ill be calling again today. Hopefully, I can get some information.

  5. Can't tell you! on October 31st, 2011 9:53 pm

    Yeah, my son tried this one on me yesterday (Sunday) and I thought, “yeah, right”. I already know his grades thanks to the new school website! My son is always joking around with me and I thought he was joking this time knowing he’ll be in trouble with this report card. And then when I awoke early this morning and saw it posted here on NorthEscambia, I knew then that he really was not joking and he knew what he was talking about.
    Thanks William for keeping us parents in the know!

  6. Valarie on October 31st, 2011 1:55 pm

    Wow are the grades that bad they are having to tweak them? Lol

  7. David on October 31st, 2011 11:31 am

    Ha Ha ha – Becky you are so right! Happy Halloween Kids!

  8. Becky on October 31st, 2011 10:21 am

    I am so glad you posted this……Frankly I have heard every excuse in the book from my child. I doubt I would have believed him.