Molino Man Jailed For Sexual Assault On Underage Female

October 25, 2011

A Molino man has been charged with sexually assaulting an underage female.

Lance Dwayne Little, age 23 of Bet Raines Road, was booked in the Escambia County Jail on a felony charge  of lewd and lascivious behavior with a victim age 12-16.

Sunday night, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded  to disturbance. A woman told deputies that Little forced his way into her residence and continued to pursue an encounter with her. As the woman tried to gather her children that were in the house for protection, Little cornered the teen female in her bedroom and touched her inappropriately while soliciting her, according to an arrest report. The girl was able to escape the residence and call for help from two other people who forced Little to leave the residence.

Deputies caught up with Little in a nearby culvert. He was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $15,000.


32 Responses to “Molino Man Jailed For Sexual Assault On Underage Female”

  1. RKR on November 3rd, 2011 4:48 pm

    You people can sit in judgement on Lance when you dont know what truely happened. The so called 16 yr old girl and her mother has been telling a totally different story to people instead of the one that they told the police. WOW…imagine that. I agree that he should never have been in this place to begin with and just so you all know he was NOT hiding in the culvert but was walking home and got in the ditch and out of the road when he heard the sirens. He knew these people and was hanging out beside a bonfire with the husband. The husband left to go to work and he asked if he could sleep on the couch. She let him in and told him to sleep on the couch. There was no forcefull entry at all. This whole thing has been blown WAY out of proportion and he will have this mess following him for the rest of his life. I think that we all should realize how easy it is to make mistakes. What if this was your son that was accused. He did not have sex with anyone. Maybe you should sweep around your own back door before you go saying such awful things about someone that you dont even know.

  2. David Huie Green on October 29th, 2011 6:17 pm

    “he is loved by many great people and they will tell you the same”

    Which brings up the question: Why was such a wonderful person hanging around so many people who would accuse him of such crimes??????

    David for steering clear of trouble

  3. Blah on October 29th, 2011 5:30 pm

    Yea Im sure he will tell you the truth as of why he was HIDING IN A CULVERT!!!!!!
    maybe he was there looking for helpless stary kittens or puppies LOL

  4. ncp on October 28th, 2011 10:44 pm

    Yes let’s have a polygraph test and see who tells the truth I know they do not hold up in court but I know lance would tell the truth that he is not the monster he is potrayed to be . Everyone he is such a kind gentle man with a very big heart he is loved by many great people and they will tell you the same please don’t let the media brainwash you lance is a very amazing person and please everyone pray that he makes it through this I know I do and I will be here for him until the end

  5. click on October 28th, 2011 7:13 am

    if he forced his way in why wasn’t he charged with b&e as well

  6. dad on October 28th, 2011 6:23 am

    Milton Girl, what kind of behavior did you expect to see from him at work that would indicate he is capable of molesting a child? He was at work.
    There are people all around us that are capable of doing such things. Do you expect him to announce it on the job or anywhere else? Even family members. Do you expect them to announce it to you?

  7. Big Bopper on October 27th, 2011 8:11 am

    Give them all a polygraph and lets see who wins!

  8. Mrs. B on October 26th, 2011 10:44 pm

    Lance is one of the kindest, most respectful, and caring people I’ve ever known in the MANY years of my life. Forceful and aggresive are not his ways. What a story! The media can put it out there any way they want it perceived….guilty until proven innocent?. Doesn”t sound quite right to me. I believe in you Lance!

  9. milton girl on October 26th, 2011 6:52 pm

    i have worked with lance a couple of years back and never did i ever see any kind of behavior like that this is mind blowing to me because i know he has a child and would never hurt that child ever!!! i cannot pass judgement till the whole story is heard but i am praying for both families

  10. DJS on October 26th, 2011 4:52 pm

    $15,000 bond? Can you say stupid? Hope he doesn’t go out and around town since there is a picture of him online…..just sayin’!

  11. Blah on October 26th, 2011 1:27 pm

    They found the man in a culvert!!!! If he is so freakin innocent.. then what the heck was he hiding from?!?!?!?!?

  12. JJONES on October 26th, 2011 12:44 pm


  13. David Huie Green on October 26th, 2011 12:44 pm

    “his record is not bad just traffic violations mostly and no one on this Earth is perfect”

    I know these seem like little things to some people. They are, but little things are important too.

    Driving without a driver’s license shows disregard for the law and/or inability to show a professional the ability to drive in a safe manner. Driving while the license is suspended might show contempt for law enforcement and other lawful drivers.

    Driving at an unsafe speed certainly seems to show unwillingness to obey the rules of the road and definitely endangers those around him.

    Driving without a tag shows the intention to get by on other people’s money, letting them pay the fees which maintain the roads while not holding up his end of things. It usually also means he is driving without insurance and indicates an unwillingness to pay up for any harm done when an accident happens.

    Running red lights and stop signs is a small thing other than the fact that doing so killed somebody yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and . . .

    I know I’m putting the worst possible face on the charges and understand you know him and I don’t. If I accept your contention that he is a wonderful, harmless person who drives that way, I can imagine someone someday telling somebody, “At least you can be happy to know your child was just killed by a good person who only ignored traffic laws.”

    David for the little things
    and the little ones

  14. confusedinwalnuthill on October 26th, 2011 10:45 am

    Im a mom. I sure wouldnt have left my daughter in ther with him. I would have been on him with a broom or a pot or something. Im real protective of my children. I think i could have thought of something besides leaving her alone with him

  15. mamawasright on October 26th, 2011 10:44 am

    Here is what I read and comprehended from this article as written
    1. Suspect FORCED his way into the home.
    2. Suspect PURSUED mom for an “encounter”.
    3. Suspect CORNERED teen female in her bedroom.
    4. Suspect TOUCHED teen female inappropriately while soliciting her.
    5. Teen female ESCAPED and went for help.
    6 Two other people came and FORCED suspect to leave the home.
    7. Deputies CAUGHT suspect in a culvert.
    This is all according to the arrest report, which I would assume to be correct.

    If this suspect is the fine man who wouldn’t hurt a fly as some of you are representing him to be, maybe you don’t really know him at all. I’m sure most of us have a hidden dark side we don’t show to our friends…..just sayin’. While is it good that the suspect does have friends who will come to his aid and stand up for him, as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, my sympathies will naturally lie with the VICTIM, not the suspected ABUSER. Drugs, especially Meth, can make normal people do unspeakable things….but this idea was not addressed in the article.

  16. Big Bopper on October 26th, 2011 8:48 am

    There has been a line drawn in the sand of our laws to protect minors and
    the fact that they are ignorant.
    READ THIS: You absolutely can not mess with kids! It doesn’t matter
    if their naked and say yes a million times. They’re kids and you can’t
    touch them in any shape or form no matter what they say because
    the LAW SAYS NO for them!
    I agree some guy with just a bunch of traffic violations knows how to
    obey the laws and would never do anything, just ask his family.

  17. Jane on October 26th, 2011 4:33 am

    You can be sure there are sexual predators here and some are close to your homes. You can go to the sheriff’s website and find out where they are: ECSO, then look at where you are and where they are. Neighborhood Watch told us about this, and lots more.

  18. jcellops on October 25th, 2011 9:26 pm

    “a” mentioned “if he laid his hands on her in anyway deemed inappropriate or unwelcome, and was told no, then this is assualt”, referring to this 12-16 year old girl- well, for the sake of clarity (so that some unwitting individual doesnt get the wrong message), even if it WAS welcomed and she DID NOT say “no” it is STILL considered a sexual assult on a child/minor…she (or he) can say “yes” till the cows come home- doesnt matter…it seems like a hard lesson for some folks to learn, until its too late.

  19. me on October 25th, 2011 8:13 pm

    Its true he is wrongly accused of this and his record is not bad just traffic violations mostly and no one on this Earth is perfect but I know Lance and he wouldn’t hurt a fly. He is a wonderful person and is loved by many people.

  20. David Huie Green on October 25th, 2011 5:49 pm

    I wish these practically perfect, yet wrongly accused people didn’t have such long records of encounters with law enforcement.

  21. cam on October 25th, 2011 1:35 pm

    that is not the true story lance would never do that to a child he has a daughter that he would kill for and would never harm a child lance we know the truth and are here for you!!!

  22. MolinoGirl on October 25th, 2011 10:30 am

    Say What? The report stated that 2 other people were called, not only the police. That should tell you that the mother and her children felt they were being subdued into a harmful situation. If you live in Molino then you should know that when you call the police here, it takes them a while to get to your house. Not only is the report brief but its not giving much detail.So don’t sit behind your monitor acting like you know everything about everything. Fact is you dont!!!!

  23. a on October 25th, 2011 10:27 am

    Well said Blah. Of course there is more to the story then what is reported. This is only a snipit of it, a reporting of it. But no matter if the MAN (not boy, at 23 he is a man) was invited or broke in it was not his home and I feel sure someone said no and leave. Its reported the GIRL(not woman but 12-16 is a GIRL) was assualted. If he laid his hands on her in any way deemed inappropriate or unwelcome and was told no, then this is assualt. That is very simple.

  24. jake on October 25th, 2011 9:39 am

    I don’t believe it … I know lance and he wouldn’t do this. There has to be more to it than that! !

  25. Say What? on October 25th, 2011 9:01 am

    JimD… I’ll tell you what I’m thinking – nobody lies to the police, right? NOT! This situation smells worse than the Cantonment paper mill and there has to be more than was told to the police.

  26. Blah on October 25th, 2011 8:51 am

    Why would people be asking such hideous questions? This is a breif article and clearly it doesnt paint a perfect picture as to what happened minute for minute. The police were called and so were 2 other people. Clearly the mother was concerned for her safety and her childrens safety. If she didnt feel the need to be concerned then why call anybody? How ridiculous some people can be.She had children in the home and the mothers main concern were here children. Did the report not say she was not trying to gather her children? It did not say how many children she has or where the children were in the residence at the time of the encounter or even what time the encounter had occurred. So stop being stupid and stop trying to be detectives when you dont have enough information to go by and stop trying to belittle the lady and her children.. MY GOD!.. poor family!

  27. JimD on October 25th, 2011 7:23 am

    Say What? What are you thinking? Say he was invited into the house, it doesn’t excuse his actions. The mother is not the teen girl. I can see the mother gathering her little children and getting them out of a house where someone was meaning to do harm, but she should have called the law on exiting the home.

    I am glad the girl was not physically harmed; I know there will be emotional problems at present. Perhaps help in resolving her issues can be obtained by castrating her attacker. I know it would make me feel better.

  28. mom on October 25th, 2011 7:15 am

    no….let the inmates do worse…teach him a real good lesson

  29. Angi B. on October 25th, 2011 7:03 am

    I say, “Leave his butt in jail, and let the inmates do to him; what he did to her!!!

  30. Say What? on October 25th, 2011 6:34 am

    Good to hear that the teen wasn’t physically injured during this so called home invasion.

    However critically thinking about what is written here, this story as given doesn’t pass the smell test. There has to be more to this, like he was already in the house as a visitor. I don’t know any mother who would abandon her child and not fight off an attacker with every means at her disposal. Why would Little force his way in to later be forced out by others after the teen fled? Another hard question in what was the time lapse from the 911 call and the police getting there, 5, 10, 15 minutes, or was it longer?

  31. 429SCJ on October 25th, 2011 4:55 am

    I am sorry for this familys terrifying experience. We could have used a guy with reproductive drives as strong as Mr Little’s, about a 100,000 years ago

  32. paul on October 25th, 2011 12:18 am

    If that would have happened on my street that punk would be busted up and suckin his lunch through a straw..