JV Football: Northview Beats West Florida

October 14, 2011

The junior varsity Northview Chiefs ended their season with a 36-32 thriller against West Florida High School Thursday night.

For a photo gallery from the game, click here.

West Florida jumped out to a 12-6 lead over the Chiefs in the second quarter. Then, with 2:18 in the half, freshman Jaron Myles was in for the Chiefs. A good two point conversion, and Northview held a 14-12 lead. But West Florida managed an 18-14 halftime lead with a touchdown with 1:15 to go in the second.

The Jags increased their lead to 26-14 in the third, then Myles scored again for the Chiefs to narrow the score to 26-22.

The last two minutes of the fourth quarter were worth the price of admission. With 1:41 to go in the game, Myles scored another TD for the Chiefs. Jeffrey Taylor was in on the two point conversion, and Northview held a 25-26 advantage.

West Florida regained the lead with 52.6 seconds to go in the game, 32-30 Jags. Then, with 34.7 seconds on the clock, Northview’s Myles struck again. A missed two point conversion, and Northview took the lead 36-32.

West Florida’s dash for the end zone ended with a Northview interception with 6.2 seconds in the game.

With the win, the JV Northview Chiefs ended their season at 4-1.

For a photo gallery from the game, click here.

Pictured top: Brannon Freeman gains yardage for the Northview Chiefs Thursday night against West Florida High School’s Jaguars. Pictured inset: Jaron Myles heads for a Chiefs touchdown. Pictured below: Kahlil Grice (#63) makes a stop for the Chiefs. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “JV Football: Northview Beats West Florida”

  1. Brian Healy (WF Dad) on October 19th, 2011 11:04 am

    My son is a football freshman at West FL. They stress academics. He has been pulled out of weightlifting and put in study hall if any grade drops below a B. I doubt many “city” schools do that. Recently our star 9th grade receiver (6′3″, fast, retired NBA father) was benched for academic issues despite leading the team in several categories. My job allows me to attend every practice, and with 11 years playing football at several levels, I know they are working to do the best with what they have. I am also impressed with what I see Northview doing given what alot of Pensacolians say. Good luck in your division

  2. WFHS Mom on October 16th, 2011 8:57 pm

    WFHS is completely a lottery school (if you meet the academic and disciplinary requirements). We can not and do not have players transferring to our school like other schools do, we just work hard with the players we have. Our program is young and has had their share of losing years, and I would hope the community could just be happy for a program in our area to do well. These young men (on all teams) deserve your respect and your support.

  3. fan on October 14th, 2011 1:55 pm

    NHS doesn’t have to recruit, we just play grown men!!! GO CHIEFS!!

  4. Chiefs Fan on October 14th, 2011 1:29 pm


    No, none of my kids ever gave West Florida any consideration. So no, my kid didn’t get rejected. However, I’d say it was the other way around because my kid rejected West Florida’s recruiting effort.

    Now you’re only kidding yourself if you think that WF is not recuriting players from all over the county. I’ve been at EWMS when NWE is playing on the weekend and a WF coach showed up trying to get the better 8th grade players to go there, which would be considered recruiting (IMO).

  5. FootballFan on October 14th, 2011 1:17 pm

    Chiefs Fan,
    You obviously have no idea what in the world you are talking about. Recruiting?? Um, they’re not PHS or Pine Forest. And way to go, you beat they’re JV team! Congrats. We’ll see how your Varsity does against their Varsity in the coming weeks… :-)

  6. 24/7 on October 14th, 2011 11:28 am

    Chiefs fan; why is it that you say that west tech is a recruiting school? They do not recruit. Don’t hate them because they are having a good year, They work as hard as anybody. Did your kid apply there and was rejected due to their strict requirements or what? Cheer for your team and respect the other programs.

  7. Just Saying on October 14th, 2011 11:07 am

    Chief Fan……… Why is it that if you or a school from Pensacola and play Northview that you or a recruiting school ? I know how to solve that problem DON’T play the schools from Pensacola !! CONGRATS Chiefs on a great win !!!!

  8. fan on October 14th, 2011 10:18 am

    They should be good with a 17 year old freshman running the ball!!! Go Chiefs!!!

  9. Chiefs Fan on October 14th, 2011 8:13 am

    Woot!! Way to go Chiefs! It good to see ya’ll beat that big, 5A, in-town, recruiting school.