Jeter Gets 10 Years In Federal Prison For Atmore Bank Robbery

October 15, 2011


An Atmore bank robbery suspect was sentenced Friday to 10 years in federal prison.

Chad Floyd Jeter pleaded guilty to charges of bank robbery with a weapon and use of a firearm in furtherance of a crime in violence in connection with the May 19, 2009, armed robbery of the First National Bank & Trust in downtown Atmore.

Federal Judge Kristi K. Dubose sentenced Jeter to 37 months for the bank robbery, followed by 84 months for using a .22 caliber rifle during the robbery. He was also ordered to pay $737 in restitution to the First National Bank and Trust, the portion of $6,829 taken during the holdup that was never recovered.

jeterchadfloydbaldwin.jpgIn May 2010, a government psychiatric evaluation determined Jeter was paranoid schizophrenic and not competent to stand trial. He was admitted to the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina for treatment and evaluation, with the examination determining that he was once again competent to stand trial.

An independent psychiatric exam was then arranged by Jeter’s attorney in February. In April, Steele ruled that Jeter was competent to stand trail.

Jeter allegedly robbed the Atmore bank using a .22 caliber rifle, taking about $6,289. He was arrested a few days after the robbery after a manhunt in Levy County, Florida, following an attack on a Levy County officer with a “ninja throwing star”. Levy County authorities dropped an attempted murder of police officer charge against Jeter after a psychological evaluation there found him to be incompetent to stand trial.

jetertruck.jpgJeter reportedly drove up to the downtown Atmore bank in a white pickup with a camper shell and entered the bank dressed in a dark colored trench coat and the rifle. He ordered bank employees to fill a U.S. Army backpack with cash, while he stood with the rifle pointed at the floor. He reportedly threatened a teller with the rifle during the crime.

Within a few hours of the robbery, investigators identified Jeter as their suspect. Officials searched his trailer on Highway 31 near Canoe. Inside, they found troubling evidence that Jeter might be planning to attack a military base. He said in letters and notes that he was being watched by helicopters that circled his home. Police found maps with the locations of several military bases circled, including Pensacola NAS, Eglin Air Force Base, Whiting Field and Alabama’s Ft. Rucker. The notes indicated that he planned to kill military personnel and police. Military bases were alerted to the possible threat.

jeterbank.jpgJeter’s burned-out camper shell was found in the woods after the McDavid Station of Escambia Fire Rescue responded to a brush fire on a secluded section of Pine Barren Road near Breastworks Road early on the morning after the robbery.

While on routine patrol at 4:15 Eastern time two days after the robbery, an Inglis (Fla.) Police Department officer, Tim Swigget, located a blue GMC pickup trucked parked backed into a wooded area near a Yankeetown, Florida, neighborhood. Inside the vehicle that was nearly 400 miles from Atmore, he found Jeter sleeping. After the officer determined that Jeter is wanted for the bank robbery, Jeter attacked the officer with a Ninja star.

A manhunt involving several agencies and the U.S. Coast Guard followed after Jeter fled the scene. Jeter was taken into custody in a swampy area and transported to the Levy County Jail.

Pictured top: Jeter after being taken into custody  in Levy County, Florida. Pictured top inset: Chad Floyd Jeter’s booking photo taken mid-January at the Baldwin County Corrections Center. Pictured middle inset: Jeter’s truck at the First National Bank & Trust in Atmore. Pictured lower inset: Surveillance video of the bank robbery in progress. Pictured bottom: Jeter’s truck is searched after he was found in Levy County, Florida. files photos, click to enlarge.



18 Responses to “Jeter Gets 10 Years In Federal Prison For Atmore Bank Robbery”

  1. David Huie Green on October 18th, 2011 5:28 am

    and my point is that armed robbery should be judged a BAD THING, not excused or made light of or treated as if it were okay as long as long as done by a friend or relative. I just don’t see how you could possibly be too quick to condemn threatening to kill a woman for her money. If a person’s crazy, he’s crazy but that still doesn’t excuse threatening the life of others.

    David for not calling a spade a heart

  2. schoolmate on October 17th, 2011 11:38 pm

    No jealousy her Mr. Green! I am a law abiding citizen and NO I haven’t had any of this to have to deal with and hope that I never. My point is people judge way to fast and if it were your child, grandchild etc…you sure wouldn’t be bashing! He is getting what is deserved so leave it at that.

  3. David Huie Green on October 17th, 2011 11:00 pm

    “you can read! Let me guess you must be one of the most outstanding citizens ever heard of”

    Sad when people jealously attack others for being literate and law abiding, praise criminals.

    David in an upside-down world

  4. classmate 97 on October 17th, 2011 1:55 pm

    Chad was not like this in school, he was a great guy, and somewhere along that way he lost who he was in life, he has a great family. I think sometimes people check out of life for a little while, not to say that I condone what was done, but I am saying that we have no clue what mental state he was in to do the horrible crime. I believe that if he was given a second chance he would be different, and not to say that he should not be punished for his crime, People often judge before that know the person or their mental state of mind, and I admit even I do this, but I also have a check myself and remember that our God is a just God.
    God bless the Jeter Family thinking of you, I know what it is like to have your loved one in prison, it is hard but everyday gets easier.

  5. Big Bopper on October 17th, 2011 10:49 am

    If you really think everyone has family who have robbed banks, murdered, done jail time, and so on., you better wise up. Just because your family acts like that doesn’t mean most do. I don’t know who you run with , but you all need to pick better friends.

  6. Schoolmate on October 16th, 2011 6:42 pm

    Good for you( patriot)…you can read! Let me guess you must be one of the most outstanding citizens ever heard of. No kids grand kids..etc
    I wish I had the “the PERFECT” family you portray yourself as having! EVERY family has skeletons!

  7. LynnDuffy on October 16th, 2011 1:14 pm

    He deserves everything he gets. People try to play the syatem and tell them that he should get off because he is CRAZY !! He knew exactlty what he was doing. Should have gotten a lot more !

  8. Wierd on October 16th, 2011 10:16 am


  9. another schoolmate on October 16th, 2011 8:54 am

    To all the people that went to school with Chad. Remember all the people he was friends with? Everyone of us has been in trouble for something at some point or another! The thing is that we also learned from what we did and got thru it. I just hope Chad gets the chance to do the same.
    On a side note @ who throws a ninja star? NINJAS DUH

  10. Sierra on October 16th, 2011 4:17 am

    I heard that he had some mental issues…I mean, who throws a ninja star???

  11. Linda on October 15th, 2011 7:14 pm

    I’m Chad’s cousin and I appreciate that some of you recognize he comes from good people. His middle name is that of our Grandpa Floyd Jeter who was an awesome grandpa … a hardworking farmer and carpenter. I don’t know what happened to Chad but we pray he gets the help he needs.

    Remember, a lot of people who commit a crime come from good decent people … you never know when you might hear on the news about your relative who got caught doing something hurtful or embarassing.

    To those who were hurt by his actions, I am truly sorry.

  12. Patriot on October 15th, 2011 5:03 pm

    In response to schoolmate; Read the entire article, he WAS found competent to stand trail for the robbery (and subsequently found guilty).
    I couldn’t care less what may have “traumatized” him, he robbed a bank, got caught, and now he’s going to prison.

  13. Schoolmate on October 15th, 2011 12:00 pm

    Get off of it people…it states he isn’t compitent to stand trial. You never know what has happened in his life that could have traumatized him. I knew him personally in school and was a good kid! Plz keep ugly comments to yourself. Never know what your family might have to go thru one day.

  14. livinmolino on October 15th, 2011 9:57 am

    Thankfully no one was hurt. Prayers for Chad’s family. I know they are hard working, good people. Hateful words on this site will only hurt a good family. Please be kind., this could have been your child.

  15. Molino-Anon on October 15th, 2011 9:07 am

    I’ll be praying for Chad and his family. Chad was a good kid growing up, just took a wrong direction in life, and it may very well be due to some chemical imbalance that needs to be addressed with medications. I know he comes from a hard working and respectable family. Thankfully no one was injured during all of this.

    Hopefully Chad will get the help he needs to live a productive life.

  16. Big Bopper on October 15th, 2011 8:32 am

    What about making him pay restitution to the tax payers for all the
    court charges and officers involved. How about the time he
    spends in prison that we pay. If I was the teller who he threatened
    or the officer that had to pursue him and he threw things at, I
    would be shocked at such a small sentence for armed robbery.
    This guy will probably be out in 3 years or so and be much worse then when
    he went in if that is possible.

    Then WE will have to deal with it all over again and next time
    he just may use that gun.

  17. PensacolaEd on October 15th, 2011 7:10 am

    5 years for Armed Robbery is a JOKE. The minimum in Florida for commiting a crime while using a firearm is 10 years, even that is not enough. These losers need to be sentenced and confined for 20 years for anything involving a gun.

  18. 429SCJ on October 15th, 2011 6:53 am

    Jeter is a bad fellow, but not a monster. I would have hoped that the Judge, would have sent him to one of those sling blade hospitals. Maybe they can place him at Saufley Field or Eglin. I do not think he is cut out for Lewisberg.