Gulf Power Donates 7,800 Meals To Manna

October 15, 2011

Gulf Power donated 7,800 meals to Manna Food Pantries Friday to help the agency with their critical food supply shortage.

“After learning about Angel Food Ministries closing and that Manna only had a one-month supply of food on hand, we realized we had an opportunity to help our community,” said Jeff Rogers, Gulf Power communications supervisor.

Gulf Power delivered 10 pallets of MREs to the agency on Friday.

“As part of hurricane preparations we maintain supplies such as MREs to feed the many workers who help restore electricity after a hurricane,” said Rogers. “Thankfully, it doesn’t look like we will need these this year, so we are donating them to Manna. We hope these meals will help those less fortunate in our community.”


7 Responses to “Gulf Power Donates 7,800 Meals To Manna”

  1. SR_Resident on October 18th, 2011 9:04 am

    It’s amazing how people can always find a negetative in a positive story. Forget about the fact that 7800 meals were donated. Lets focus on how they were dontated and lets bash the company that made the donation. I for one am grateful that a company would make this donation. I certainly didnt hear of any other companies making this donation. And as for real?s comment regarding money, Gulf Power makes donations to the united way and communities caring at Chrismas, Cram the Van, habitat for hummanity and the Ronald McDonald house just to name a few.

  2. power man on October 17th, 2011 6:52 am

    Mike P is correct. Thanks to the GP CUSTOMERS for the meal donations. WE are the ones who paid for them.

    Amazing how GP publicity department manages to get all of these “news” stories into the local press. Get rid of the PR department and all the advertising GP, and pass the savings on to us. It’s not like I have a choice where I buy my power.

  3. Mike P. on October 16th, 2011 4:52 pm

    Thanks to all of the Gulf Power customers for making it possible for Gulf Power to donate these meals. Without the customers sending in payments every month this wouldn’t be possible.

  4. MQ on October 16th, 2011 12:21 pm

    I was upset with this at first. But, then realized that Gulf Power is doing something to help. Leftovers or not, MRE’s are far better than going hungry. And the tent people in Pensacola, will have an easier time eating these than trying to find storage and a refridgerator. But, there is a lot of trashe leftover from the mre’s, so hopefully it will be disposed of properly.

  5. Big Bopper on October 16th, 2011 8:36 am

    You have to be kidding me.
    These rations are good enough for our military when they are fighting
    for our nation, but you think it is too good for our poor.
    Let me tell you something, I think there should not be any poor in
    America, there are jobs out there. Americans just think they’re too good
    to do them. The farmers need all the help they can get right now and
    are willing to pay in Alabama. Get a tent and go work for your food if
    you don’t like the kindness of strangers.

  6. observer on October 15th, 2011 3:41 pm

    MRE’s are real food. I have heard they cost about $4.00/meal. They are good for in excess of 25 years. I ate WWII C-rations during Viet Nam and they were good. I have eaten many MRE’s and find them better than C-rats. I for one appreciate Gulf Power’s donation. I guess “for real” is upset about his/her power bill. Any donation of substance/love is never wasted.

  7. for real? on October 15th, 2011 1:26 pm

    For real? MREs? They donate what isn’t going to be used. Heaven forbid they actually donate money where actual food can be purchased.