Gulf Coast Congressmen Express Frustration Over BP Claims Process

October 28, 2011

Gulf Coast members of Congress expressed frustration Thursday at what some said were difficulties in getting rightful compensation from BP by people who were affected by last year’s Gulf oil spill.

In questioning Gulf Coast Claims Administrator Ken Feinberg, the House Natural Resources Committee urged him to be more aggressive in making sure those who lost money because of the spill last year.

“I’d have to say we’re frustrated, many of us feel frustrated in the whole process,” said Rep. Steven Palazzo, a Republican who represents the Gulf Coast area of Mississippi. “I’d also say we’re insulted.”

Members said they’re worried about the number of claims that aren’t being paid because of alleged fraud or lack of documentation.

“Is it not true that the burden you have placed on many of these individuals and businesses for additional info….that there has been a great inconsistency in the payment process,” asked Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Ala. Feinberg defended the work of the claims facility, which is paying compensation out of a $20 billion pot set aside by the British oil company.

“I point, with pride frankly, to the fact that overall there’s $6 billion that’s gone out in one year,” Feinberg said, adding that the claims facility is trying to make sure that all legitimate claims are paid.

The Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in April of last year, killing 11 and eventually spilling nearly five million barrels of oil into the Gulf. Feinberg also told the committee Thursday that he thinks the $20 billion BP has earmarked will be enough to pay all claims, but said “BP has made it clear that it it is not enough they will honor all claims.”

By The News Service of Florida


5 Responses to “Gulf Coast Congressmen Express Frustration Over BP Claims Process”

  1. Konrad Gill on November 10th, 2011 12:02 pm

    Delay, deny, defend. That’s the game they play. The goal is to frustrate the claimant into either taking less of a payment or just giving up. Now Fienberg is starting to close GCCF offices. I guess he feels that things are winding down.
    Don’t give up !!! Fight for what is rightfully yours.

  2. rms on October 31st, 2011 10:20 am

    let me tell you.if you dont keep trying you wont get nothing.thats what they want is for you to give up and go away.they offered my family money and wasnt a drop in the bucket so they turned it down and now its under review people dont give up cause thats what they want you to do.

  3. 429SCJ on October 31st, 2011 9:26 am

    Hello Rep Palazzo. Welcome to the NFL. Perhaps Mr Fienberg should go discuss this with Mr DeAngelo.

  4. Mike on October 30th, 2011 10:57 pm

    For 25 years I have made a living fishing and selling my seafood thru my small seafood shop on the coast. Nov 2010 I was denied help from GCCF after the fear of oily seafood crashed the seafood market in 2010. Dec the bank foreclosed on my familys house. GCCF called same month said to reaply. I sent them profit loss all bank statements pictures ads reciepts and moved into the back of my store to live. Next month will be a year since I first applied with no help whatsoever with just more requests for paperwork they already have or paperwork they originally said was not necessary. The bank started foreclosure on my store in July. From what I can see GCCF seems to want to pay as many small claims as possible to look good, but screw the business owners and larger claims regardless of their needs. Kill the small business’s you kill the jobs. They should look into this.

  5. bob on October 28th, 2011 9:06 pm

    This is so much of a joke,I have spent countless hours,running down requested documents,making countless trips to Pensacola to the claims facility,Only to be turned down on my claim not once but three different times.And today I recieve a letter from the gccf that says i can file a new claim..well dont that just kick bull snot in your face.You know i should just say to heck with it but that is what they want for us to do.I probably would but i have been on my job for 18 years and SEVERAL other employee”s got a check within 3 weeks of there claims being filed,in fact some have gotten two checks .So YESIR Mr.FEInBURG I will be refilling that claim but this time with help from a lawyer