Florida Voters: Obama Doesn’t Deserve Second Term

October 3, 2011

Voters in Florida give President Obama a 57 percent disapproval rating in a new Quinnipiac University poll, the worst Q-poll result for the president in any of the states where it does surveys.

Obama would lose to Republican Mitt Romney 47-40 percent and is statistically tied with Rick Perry, the poll found.

The one small consolation for Democrats — while Romney could beat Obama in Florida today, and Perry is even with him, it’s Perry who leads the GOP field, with 28 percent to Romney’s 22 percent. Perry leads Romney comfortably at 31-22 percent if Sarah Palin stays out, the poll found – if Palin runs and splits the conservative votes with Perry, however, his lead is smaller at 46-38.

Florida voters say Obama doesn’t deserve a second term by a 53-41 percent margin.

“Gov. Rick Perry has the lead – and the momentum – among Florida Republicans, while former Gov. Mitt Romney can point to a better general election showing,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

By The News Service of Florida


32 Responses to “Florida Voters: Obama Doesn’t Deserve Second Term”

  1. 429SCJ on October 6th, 2011 2:44 pm

    The organized protest around the nation, are starting to echo the fact that it is Wall Street and the International Banker, not President Obama, that are to blame, for the economic collaspe. I noticed some of the ancient symbols on the protest banners, it would seem that the cattle are awakening, to their worldly master’s design and intent for them. I think Mr Bloomberg was correct when he predicted rioting in the streets. I believe that America and the world, is entering a period, the likes of which have not been seen in over 60 years. The Lord will guide his own, against that which opposes Christ. I would not want to be in those shoes.

  2. Told you so on October 6th, 2011 10:59 am

    Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined ..this came from CNN…you know one of the five networks that are liberial. And you people still blaming Bush.

  3. former coach on October 5th, 2011 12:20 pm

    How can they say Perry has the lead? Didn’t Herman Cain when the straw poll ? I know that I am tired of what Washington has to offer and ready for a real person thats not bound to any special intrest whom ever that may be.

  4. Shame on ME on October 5th, 2011 9:33 am

    To Shame on U:

    Who tossed him in to this mess? He spent megabucks on his campaign charming people like yourself & convincing those who voted for him that he was the man for this mess. He was not tossed in, he bought his way in. Now he is a puppet for those that backed him financially.

  5. ABC on October 5th, 2011 8:18 am

    LOL, Well Shame on You, Shame on you!

  6. mike on October 4th, 2011 9:10 pm

    LOL @ Shame on U

    Thanks for that comedy, I needed a good laugh!!

  7. Shame On U on October 4th, 2011 4:24 pm

    Ya know, It took 8 years for that dirt bag, BUSH to get this Country this shape and WOW you expect Obama to change all this mess in less than 4 years. You hypocrits! Also Florida shouldnt say anything since they voted for this jerk of a Governor….look where we are now. People make me so sick. Just shut up! At least he (Obama) is trying to do something with this mess he was tossed into.

  8. JW on October 4th, 2011 12:27 pm

    Herman Cain for President!

  9. Nan Johnson on October 4th, 2011 11:35 am

    Well David, you apparently do your homework, its so refreshing,

  10. Brian on October 4th, 2011 11:23 am

    Well said Nan. I personally don’t want anyone telling me how I should vote — I can decided that for myself after hearing the stances of the politicians on the important issues that face our Country at the particular time. I have a mind of my own and as the old public service announcement used to say “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” I am not just going to vote for someone because I like him or I like the way he speaks or because I think that he is going to give me a free handout. Nothing is free. If someone in political office gives you something free then he has taken it from someone else to give it to you.

  11. David Huie Green on October 4th, 2011 10:17 am

    “Nothing should be involved in the citizen electing the leader of our country, except the contenders capabilities, track record, former affiliations, (which is extremely important, as is their “votes” during their tenure in which ever office they held, “

    If a candidate is legally qualified for office, the voters can select based upon any criteria they wish. A very competent candidate who wants to lead the country down the wrong path should not get people’s vote just because he would do so efficiently.

    A candidate who can’t work with others will be unsuccessful if elected, so even if going the right way will be unable to get others to go along.

    Some of the decision making involves asking what kind of person is running. An effective politician who’s a known liar would likely continue to lie if elected (remember Vietnam). Ones who flip flop when the wind changes direction or never change their minds even when faced with new, pertinent facts would both be poor leaders. Ones who consider the Constitution just a scrap of paper would encourage lawlessness.

    The voters get to vote based on what seems important to the voters, not to me, not to thee.

    David for good voters

  12. JimD on October 4th, 2011 10:13 am

    For all of you that keep talking about defense spending and bringing home the troops, what do you think will happen to them when they get back. We do not need millions of military members sitting on post/base/camps waiting for the next event. The government will release them from their service contracts into the civilian sector to get a job….what jobs…. There is always unemployment an food stamps for these young men and women, some with young families of their own to support.

    They can use their military experience and complete job applications and fill out resumes…How much is the starting wage for shooting a gun? Don’t get me wrong, I am 100% military supportive, being retired from the Air Force. What I was able to get out of the Air Force was career not a job.

    Most of these kids are being put in the field for one reason only, to shoot back at the enemy. With no enemy to shoot at the military will become a ripe target for gutting its infrastructure to pay for all types of social programs the democrates say we need just like the 1970’s all over again.

    This time, Ronald Regan will not come to the rescue to bring the military back from the brink of falling apart and the shame of being in a war where the battle was waged in Washington and not the mountains of Sourt West Asia.

    We need a stong President, one that is not afraid of international problems, that knows how to work for a leaving. Not sure if any of the canidates fit that model yet. Most of them were born to money and never had to work for a living or punch a clock to get a wage. One thing is for sure, the change most peopel wanted (not me), has almost crippled the United States. Not saying Obama did not inhierate some problems from Bush…but as President, when he took on the mantle of President, he took the responsibility as well.

  13. David Huie Green on October 4th, 2011 10:03 am

    “1) first time in history that we’ve bailed out insolvent corporations instead of the working man and small businesses (which are the backbone of this country)”

    Actually, no, it wasn’t the first time or even the second time. For one thing, the bail out of insolvent corporations lately happened under President Bush 2, so President Obama was too late to be first for that one. Further, a few years back Chrysler was bailed out by the federal government.

    So that would make President Obama third at the least. Others may remember other cases of such things.

    “this country and economy have steadily gone down since his election”

    Part of how he got elected was that folks thought the country was already going down. They campaigned against McCain pretending he would be just like GWB. (Which he wouldn’t, since McCain was far more liberal about disregarding the Constitution, hence McCain Feingold bill.)

    “if bush would never had stated a war with the wrong country just cus he wanted oil ”

    If President Bush had invaded Iraq for oil, wouldn’t he have gotten more oil? Since he didn’t get more oil, it seems likely he didn’t do it for oil, doesn’t it? Maybe he believed there were weapons of mass destruction as so many claimed, maybe he was just getting back at Saddam for trying to have his father killed, but oil just doesn’t seem to enter the picture other than in the minds of others who would fault him no matter what he did.

    David for good memory,
    rational thinking and perfect presidents

  14. Nan Johnson on October 4th, 2011 9:14 am

    Ladies and Gentleman, you all need to be more observant, “wolves come in sheeps clothing” continually, and if the voters of this nation actually took the time to seriusly investigate the candidates running in all parties, instead of sitting infront of the “boob box” and letting reporters, newscasters etc. tell the populace what the candidates have accomplished, and said in their speeches, perhaps our nation would be run by more compitent, politicians, Yes thats what they are “politicians”. Look the word up in the dictionary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Nothing should be involved in the citizen electing the leader of our country, except the contenders capabilities, track record, former affiliations, (which is extemely important, as is their “votes” during their tenur in which ever office they held,.,.,.,.,.,. All the information you could ever wish to gather is at your finger tips, yes it takes time, instead of listening to the media, friends etc. America gives you the right to “choose” for yourself, so why not make those choices yourself without letting media, friends and family influence choice, good grief, is as simple as being your own man or woman…………….

  15. jp on October 4th, 2011 8:49 am

    So many still want to blame President Bush. Almost half the maximum time, 8
    years, President Obama can serve has past. Not one problem has been cor-
    rected that existed when he was elected. If he improves his record in the next 5
    years and three months any at all, I’m sad to say, our nation will still be in a BIG
    mess. I do believe he will be reelected, however.

    Personally, and having lived through both administrations, I think the blame be-
    longs to LBJ and Jimmie Carter. Afterall, it is their programs and policies that
    have brought us to the place we are now.

  16. mike on October 4th, 2011 6:53 am

    If Obama had an “R” next to his name, you Republicans would love him. With all his illegal wars and assassinations of American citizens, I would think that’s right up your bloodthirsty alley. Obama has just been a third Bush term, and any Republican candidate (except for Ron Paul) would just be a fourth Bush term / second Obama term.

    WAKE UP AMERICAN, your government is no longer simply corrupt, immoral, and thieving, it is now overtly murderous.

  17. Jane on October 4th, 2011 6:36 am

    What we need is jobs in northwest Florida, what we want is a President who doesn’t waste money and who will encourage companies to locate here in the U.S. All I have seen from this administration is a lot of useless spending that has put us into debt. I think it is time to do away with all the goodies Congress gets…cut their pensions and health care to be even with ours. Give them 2 term limits. It is time to fix America!

  18. huh on October 4th, 2011 5:26 am

    Its funny how all this talk of running out of money, and being in debit is exactly what Osama Bin Laden said he wanted to happen. The wars drained us and we played right into his games. Im glad they caught the guy but it only took a few special groups to get him. We really didnt need a middle east land war .

    Defense spending cuts are never discussed ,but how about we stop the wars, bring home the troops and with the money saved invest in road projects and hire locals

  19. bigbill1961 on October 4th, 2011 12:56 am

    To quit hatin:


    1) first time in history that we’ve bailed out insolvent corporations instead of the working man and small businesses (which are the backbone of this country)

    2) first time in history that our president is ignoring the writing on the wall and STILL thinks he can spend his way out of debt (oh boy)

    Still happy?

  20. quit HATIN on October 3rd, 2011 8:54 pm

    What do you mean”when people want something real bad?”EXACTLY, FIRST TIME IN HISTORY AND WERE HAPPY……………………..GOD HAD THE LAST SAY SO AND WHAT GOD HAS FOR YOU IT IS FOR YOU.If he doesnt get re elected thats fine also but we’ll see who’s going to make a change if he doesnt:)

  21. so sad on October 3rd, 2011 7:41 pm

    u people r so quick to blame Obama for the mess that bush created u people are so sad thank about this if u can if bush would never had stated a war with the wrong country just cus he wanted oil then all of the young sodiers that died may not have never lost thier lives for bush cus he wanted oil not cus we lost over 4000 americans in the twin tower atacks and not to mention what that war coast the us lets not forget how and why we r in debt with other countrys people dont always look for someone to blame when u already know whos the blame and yes obama will get my vote

  22. RJay on October 3rd, 2011 7:37 pm

    Kind of an ironic play on words – “the people wanted something real bad”. I guess they got what they wanted – something real bad. I still have a hard time understanding how some people still blame Bush, but find absolutely no fault with anything that their beloved President Obama has done. Please, someone, tell me one thing that Obama has improved.

  23. James Broel on October 3rd, 2011 5:31 pm

    Well he’s got my vote…

  24. Would have been better off on October 3rd, 2011 5:31 pm

    It’s funny that you would throw McCain and Palin under the bus. You would have been so much better off if they had been elected. With a democratic controlled senate nothing would have ever been passed and we would not be in such a mess. But go ahead and blame Bush…McCain, Palin, or who ever. Joe Biden said it best..yes you have to blame the Obama admin. It was there job to make things better not worse.

  25. 429SCJ on October 3rd, 2011 2:20 pm

    Amen Huh.

  26. dad on October 3rd, 2011 12:11 pm

    Thank God we didn’t get McCain and Palin.

  27. huh on October 3rd, 2011 9:48 am

    I dont blame Obama for the mess that Bush left us in. Dont forget the Republicans were in power for 8 years and left us in such debt. I can agree that Obama and the bail outs were a terrible idea, but Bush was going to do the exact same but put it off until Obama was elected.

    Sadly they are all out of touch

  28. DJS on October 3rd, 2011 7:41 am


  29. sam on October 3rd, 2011 7:34 am

    this country and economy have steadily gone down since his election. we need to clean out congress also both liberal and conservative. they don’t care about the country, they just want to be re elected. anyone with a law degree need not apply.

  30. Told you so on October 3rd, 2011 7:32 am

    Now what happened to all them people that thought he could do no wrong.

    Oversight…your correct…just shows how easy it it to fool people.

  31. 429SCJ on October 3rd, 2011 6:19 am

    I dont think Mr Obama has much of a chance at getting reelected. Instead of giving all those bailouts to the banks and investment houses, he should have driven them out. I think he should have dissolved the talmudic federal reserve system, and focused on saving the Nation. I guess its easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. Mr Obama did get those alcadia heathens, got them but good.

  32. Oversight on October 3rd, 2011 6:04 am

    Deserve a second term? In my opinion, Obama shouldn’t have been elected in the first place. But you know how it is when people want something real bad, they usually get what they deserve – bad results.