Florida Gov’t Weekly Roundup: Mack Attack, Gambling

October 30, 2011

The Republican field for the U.S. Senate gained a well-known contender this week and lawmakers got their first glimpse of a controversial gambling measure that has already attracted the attention of casino fat cats and “The Mouse.”

While backers of resort gaming began testing the waters, a federal judge early this week ordered state officials to stop testing the water of applicants seeking temporary cash assistance from the feds in a battle pitting drug tests against federal protections from unnecessary searches.

But the judicial fireworks weren’t limited to the federal courts, as state circuit judges heard testimony on church/state separation and pension contributions from state employees.

U.S. Rep. Connie Mack (IV) entered an already crowded field of GOP hopefuls vying to challenge popular Democratic incumbent, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson. The Cape Coral Republican brings to the race a recognizable name that has so far eluded the field. Much of that is based on the fame of his father, a former U.S. senator, and his great-grandfather, a baseball manager for more than 50 years in the early 20 century.

http://www.northescambia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/floridaweeklly.jpgMack’s entry immediately brought attacks from contenders who already were arguing who is more outside the Washington establishment. It’s been a recurring theme in a tea party dominated primary season that even Pat Robertson worries is veering too far to the right.

“He knows first-hand from his many years working with the Washington establishment how broken our government is and I’m certain that voters will closely examine his record on job creation, immigration, and government spending,” said Mike McCalister, a candidate in that GOP primary who has never held elected public office.

Mack’s campaign responded that he is the most viable candidate to challenge his two-term Democrat Nelson, but he still faces tough odds. A late March survey of GOP voters by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic firm based in North Carolina that regularly polls Florida, found Mack leading the race with 28 percent to 14 percent for LeMieux and 4 percent for Adam Hasner. The candidate emerging from the field would still have to recoup a double digit gap with Nelson, though.


While many issues have yet to percolate up to the top of the legislative agenda, one sure bet took a step forward this week as backers of destination gambling showed their hand. A much anticipated bill permitting up to three luxury casinos was filed Wednesday, accelerating an intense lobbying war that will play a big role in the legislative session when it begins in January.

The 142-page bill (HB 487) allows the state to issue up to three resort casino permits in counties where voters have already passed or would pass referenda approving expanding gambling. So far, only Broward and Miami-Dade counties have done so, but the bill as written does not limit the resorts to those counties only.

These are not strip mall Internet cafes. The proposal limits successful bids to those able to put together a development eclipsing $2 billion, of which gambling comprises not more than 10 percent of the footprint.

It also creates more government. Modeled after similar regulatory agencies in New Jersey and Nevada, the proposed Department of Gaming Control would strictly regulate gambling in the state, from the pari-mutuel race track facilities, to Internet cafés.

The proposal faces opposition from at least one business group. The Florida Chamber of Commerce has said it will fight the move to expand gaming in Florida. The statewide friend of business joins Disney as an opponent. The mouse that roars fears the luxury venues could prompt would-be Disney visitors to choose black jack over Capt. Blackbeard.

The venues are being touted for their economic development potential. Meanwhile, state-backed efforts to lure businesses may not be getting as much bang for their taxpayer bucks.

The Department of Economic Opportunity released the names of six companies it says received state incentive money to create jobs but didn’t deliver as many jobs as promised.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel and Orlando Sentinel reported that nearly $40 million has been paid in incentives to companies that have fallen short of promised job creation by 3,600 jobs. Almost all of the incentive packages were negotiated a few years ago, when Charlie Crist was governor.

One company, Gartner, Inc., was paid $1.2 million from 2009 to 2011 to create 400 jobs, but appears not to have been credited with any, the Sentinel papers reported. The state is re-negotiating terms with the companies.


A federal judge on Monday barred the state from drug testing applicants for federal financial assistance until the lawsuit challenging the new law is resolved. U.S. District Court Judge Mary Scriven rejected the state’s arguments that the drug-testing program did not violate the U.S. Constitution’s ban on unreasonable searches and would instead ensnare thousands of would-be welfare recipients in an impermissible dragnet.

Meanwhile, a state circuit judge heard arguments this week on whether a proposed constitutional amendment making it easier for taxpayer funds to go to religious institutions should go on the ballot in November 2012. Circuit Judge Terry Lewis is being asked to throw out the proposal crafted by lawmakers earlier this year. A lawsuit filed by the Florida Education Association, says the ballot language is misleading.

STORY OF THE WEEK: Two: a federal judge in Miami issued an injunction, barring the state from enforcing its mandatory drug testing of federal cash assistance until a lawsuit challenging the law is resolved. And U.S. Rep. Connie Mack enters the U.S. Senate race, at least giving the Republican field a name more than a few people know.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “It’s going to get a lot more fun,” Jennifer Duffy, senior editor of the Cook Political Report on the entrance of Connie Mack into Florida’s Senate race.

By The News Service of Florida


5 Responses to “Florida Gov’t Weekly Roundup: Mack Attack, Gambling”

  1. David Huie Green on October 31st, 2011 7:00 pm

    “I see very few posts on the government weekly round up of what our state government is doing, yet I see a lot of posts for other things. Are people really that apathetic regarding our government?”

    Many of the things mentioned here have received comments in individual reports and a few have decided ” ‘nough said”.

    Only the winner of the Republican Primary will affect my final vote in the general election since I have no voice outside my own party. The fact that a dynasty is being attempted is interesting but currently in the hands of others and — who knows? — it might be a good dynasty anyway.

    Even so, interest is directly proportional to distance. Gambling in Miami or even Disney World is far away. Wrecks in Bluff Springs are a quarter of a mile away. Tax changes are as close as our pocketbooks.

    David who always votes
    and sometimes speaks

  2. David Huie Green on October 31st, 2011 6:52 pm

    ” – - would instead ensnare thousands of would-be welfare recipients in an impermissible dragnet. – - – ”

    So the judge believes thousands of people looking for assistance would test positive for illegal drug use and therefore shouldn’t have to be tested??


    David for helping the truly needy

  3. tallyho on October 31st, 2011 8:24 am

    Way to go Jane, I listen to people conplain about the Gov of the state and Federal gov. But do no vote. That is your right to vote are not to vote, but please do not complain when things are not going like you want them to.

  4. 429SCJ on October 31st, 2011 7:52 am

    Floridians took the gamble of a lifetime, with Gov Rick Scott. I dont think a roll of the bones is the solution to our problems, especially when all we can hit is snake eyes.

  5. Jane on October 31st, 2011 4:46 am

    I see very few posts on the government weekly round up of what our state government is doing, yet I see a lot of posts for other things. Are people really that apathetic regarding our government? If they are, no wonder washington does as it pleases and is as corrupt as it is! And that applies to our local government…apathy breeds corruption in government. I don’t care whether you are a democrat, republican or independent…be involved in your government!