Escambia Residents Can ‘Go Green’, Take Advantage Of Free Recycling

October 3, 2011

North Escambia residents can “go green” and recycle.

The Escambia County Division of Solid Waste Management has drop-off recycling locations in or near each of the larger communities in North Escambia.  North of Nine Mile Road, recycling bins are located at:

  • Ashton Brosnaham Park, 10370 Ashton Brosnaham Drive
  • Billy G. Ward Courthouse, 7500 North Century Blvd., Century
  • Escambia County Extension Service, 3740 Stefani Road, Cantonment
  • John R. Jones Athletic Park, 555 E. Nine Mile Road
  • Molino Fire Department, 1459 Molino Road (behind fire station)
  • Oak Grove Citizen’s Convenience Center, 745 North Highway 99
  • Perdido Landfill, 13009 Beulah Road, Cantonment
  • UWF, John Martin Hall, 11000 University
  • UWF, ParkwayParking Lot #10, Campus Dr.

Items eligible for recycling at the drop-off locations are aluminum cans, steel cans, glass food and beverage containers, plastic containers (#1-#7), cardboard, junk mail, paper, magazines, and newspapers.

For more information on drop-off recycling in North Escambia, visit

ECUA offers free curbside recycling with their regular sanitation service. For complete information on the ECUA recycling program, click here or call (850) 476-0480.

Pictured top: The Escambia County drop-off recycling bin located at the Billy G. Ward Courthouse in Century. photo, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Escambia Residents Can ‘Go Green’, Take Advantage Of Free Recycling”

  1. Been askin' on October 7th, 2011 10:42 am

    Wow….we have re-cycling bins throughout the county, for the North end residents…and there isn’t one in Cantonment (proper)! I have been asking for a bin to be located at our local fire station….very convienent for most of the locals…still hasn’t happened….the closest one for some of us is Molino,which is North, 8 miles….next one? Stephani Rd, South, 12 miles away. It is the one I currently use, because I care to re-cycle. Some of the residents are on fixed incomes and very tight budgets…..sigh, government……

  2. Nathalie Bowers, ECUA Public Information Officer on October 5th, 2011 9:35 am

    leftout- yes, no longer from Bratt is correct. I was providing the information that you have free curbside pick-up services for recycling available to you from ECUA. These curbside recycling services are available to all ECUA customers as part of residential sanitaiton service. Our residential sanitation service includes all of Escambia County EXCEPT the City of Pensacola and the Town of Century, both of whom have their own sanitation collection departments.

    The drop-off recycling containers mentioned in the first part of the article are part of the Escambia County’s Division of Solid Waste recycling program, and have nothing to do with the ECUA. We are a separate agency– and we are both here to provide services to the residents of Escambia County.

  3. leftout on October 5th, 2011 7:53 am

    Re: Notagain

    Seriously! the first you list is in Beulah, look on a map. I know this is petty so I will just let it go. Poor Cantonment

  4. Mrs.DRR on October 4th, 2011 11:29 pm

    Let’s have some service in Davisville, Walnut Hill and Nokomis and yes I do mean the Nokomis in Northern Escambia Co FLORIDA. Talk about forgotten and left out! Cantonment is not North! it is the middle. Remember Esc. Co goes all the way to the Alabama State Line. We pay taxes too. By the way “us rednecks” have known for a long, long time that no one thinks we matter.

  5. winnon howard on October 4th, 2011 10:26 pm

    dont complain about not getting a dumpster i live in the cantonment area and have weekly pickup it includes bulk yard (grass and limbs ) recycles hazardous and i cant go to the dump each week for what it cost plus i dont have smelly garbage around my house waiting for me to go to the dump

  6. NotAgain on October 4th, 2011 3:52 pm

    There’re no recycling sties in Cantonment?

    Perdido Landfill, 13009 Beulah Road, Cantonment

    Escambia County Extension Service, 3740 Stefani Road, Cantonment

    Wait, it looks like there are some after all.

  7. no longer from Bratt on October 4th, 2011 2:13 pm

    leftout…I think Mr. Bowers is telling you that you have curbside recycle service. You don’t have to take your recycle anywhere….they will come pick it up from your curb.
    What are you complaining about?
    That Ensley and Molino have big green recycle dumpsters?
    Don’t fret the small stuff…
    Take your recycle out the curb in the recycle canister and be thankful that you don’t have to load it in your car to take it to the big green recyle dumpter.

  8. leftout on October 4th, 2011 8:39 am

    Re: Nathalie Bowers, ECUA Public Information Officer

    Do you understand it is about being bypassed all the time by not just your company but other county offices? Isn’t the same services you mentioned available in Molino and Ensley? If so why put recycling locations in those areas. I am just asking to throw us a bone every now and then. I have an idea, put the recycle in Cantonment and don’t put one in Ensley and let them drive to us, this is what you are asking us to do.

  9. Nathalie Bowers, ECUA Public Information Officer on October 3rd, 2011 3:17 pm

    Leftout- As an ECUA customer, free curbside recycling is incudedas part of your service. In addition, we offer free pickup of bulk waste (couches, appliances, etc) and Household hazardous waste (HHW) recycling as part of the recycling program. If you are not signed up for the recycling program, I urge you to do so.

    You can call our Customer Service line at 476-0480 or sign up online by emailing
    Details on all the recycling programs can be found at

    I hope this information is helpful.

  10. leftout on October 3rd, 2011 8:32 am

    Do you think the county will ever acknowledge Cantonment. Ok lets go to Molino or Ensley those red necks will never figure out we don’t think they matter! Seriously we are one of the fastest growing districts but get the least amount of respect.

  11. Jane on October 3rd, 2011 4:53 am

    I have been recycling for a very long time, most of which required that I take the glass, plastic, cans, etc. somewhere. Sometimes that was very time intensive, but well worth it! This is definitely a step in the right direction for those who don’t have it at the curb or if they don’t take some things there. Please recycle everything you can! If you think it isn’t worth it, watch “The Secret Life of Garbage” online or on TV if they show it. It will open your eyes to the damage we are causing the oceans and the environment!