Escambia Health Dept. Fees Changing For Some Medical Services, Other Permits

October 20, 2011

The cost is headed up for several services at the Escambia County Health Department, including some health services and permitting for septic tanks.

The fee changes by the Escambia County Health Department are consistent with fees imposed by surrounding counties and will generate additional revenue to offset the loss of discontinued fees and increased operational expenses for the period, according to the county.

The most notable changes in fees for health services are:

  • Intestinal  parasite test increase from $15 to $18
  • HIV test cost will be cut from $26 to $18
  • Sports and INS physicals increase from $90 to $111

Several permitting and inspection fees are also changing, including:

  • New septic tank fee will increase from $505 to $550.
  • Abandonment permit for a septic tank will increase from $90 to $100
  • Repair permit fee for septic tanks will increase from $225 to $350
  • The permit for a body piercing facility will decrease from $200 to $150.
  • Environmental health permits and inspections for pools will increase — for greater than 25,000 gallons from $328 to 418, and for less than 25,000 gallons from $154 to $204.

For a complete fee schedule, click here.


3 Responses to “Escambia Health Dept. Fees Changing For Some Medical Services, Other Permits”

  1. Jack on October 21st, 2011 1:18 pm

    Interesting how fees in adjacent areas are cited if they are higher while ignoring the areas that have lower fees.

  2. Bama on October 20th, 2011 9:38 pm

    Just had septic system in Escambia County, Alabama repaired. Permit $50, system repair $2200. Big difference between $50 permit for repair in Alabama and $350 in Florida. Even a new system in Alabama is $50 permit fee, but add $150 for soil test. Florida is ripping off their residents.

  3. tax payer on October 20th, 2011 4:23 am

    To get septic tank repaired 350. A new one 550. To run a body piercing facility will go down to 150. Something is wrong with this. I live in Escambia county. i can understand why everyone is moving to Alabama after children grow up. How is the average person suppose to afford this. A new septic tank cost on average five to six thousand dollars..