Escambia County’s October Students Of The Month Named

October 27, 2011

Escambia County Students of the Month for October have been named by the Escambia Association for Administrators in Education. The awards are presented monthly to two or three students from participating schools.

The following students were named from participating North Escambia area schools:

  • Bratt: Justin Cruce, fifth grade; Zykuria Fountain, kindergarten.
  • Jim Allen: Christopher Daniel, fourth grade;  Austin Skipper, fourth grade.
  • Molino Park: Lillian Hatch, kindergarten; Brier Thompson, kindergarten.
  • Ernest Ward: Ashley Davis, seventh grade;  Bailee Hinote, sixth grade; Allison Woodfin, eighth grade.
  • Ransom: Maurice Hendricks, sixth grade;  Emma Jenkins, sixth grade.
  • Northview: Devon Cottrell, 11th grade;  Ashley Duncan, 11th grade.
  • Tate: Madison Bell, 11th grade; Isaac Heller, 11th grade.

Here is the complete list from across Escambia County:


  • Bellview: Marissa Balkum, kindergarten,  Zharius Mayes, third grade.
  • Beulah: Myah Harne, fourth grade; Kaitlin  Weeden, fourth grade.
  • Blue Angels: Brayden Miculka, first grade; Olivia Wells, first grade.
  • Bratt: Justin Cruce, fifth grade; Zykuria Fountain, kindergarten.
  • Brentwood: Jonathan Cook, first grade;  Drake Kelley, first grade.
  • Cordova Park: Joel Lett, fourth grade; Ashley Van Matre, fourth grade.
  • Ferry Pass: Ayden Bailey, first grade; Julianna Reagin, first grade.
  • Global Learning Academy: Joshua Jones,  kindergarten; Isaiah Turner, kindergarten.
  • Helen Caro: Jazlyn Caza, fourth grade;  Brianna Cox, fifth grade.
  • Holm: Everett Audorff, fifth grade; Michelle Luther, fifth grade.
  • Jim Allen: Christopher Daniel, fourth grade;  Austin Skipper, fourth grade.
  • Lipscomb: Maddison Harte, third grade; Railynn Hughes, second grade.
  • Longleaf: Kaetlen Hamlet, fourth grade; Tiera Robinson, fourth grade.
  • McArthur: Jacob Caldwell, fourth grade; Nicholas Piazza, third grade.
  • Molino Park: Lillian Hatch, kindergarten; Brier Thompson, kindergarten.
  • Montclair: Trevor Tucker, fourth grade; Charlize Wilson, fourth grade.
  • Myrtle Grove: Zachary Batten, fourth grade; Breanna Ellard, fourth grade.
  • Navy Point: Jada Johnson, fourth grade; Jeffrey Sinclair, first grade.
  • Oakcrest: Jasmyne Davis, fourth grade;  Jessica Jones, fourth grade.
  • Pine Meadow: Angelina Adams, first grade;  Skyler Matson, first grade.
  • Pleasant Grove: Emily Johnson, kindergarten; Alexander Mejia, kindergarten.
  • Semmes: Dilan Adams, fifth grade; Dajuan Thomas, fifth grade.
  • Sherwood: Isaiah Brown, fourth grade; Jaynessa Westfall, fourth grade.
  • Suter: Chloe Eads, fourth grade; Danielle Ward, fourth grade.
  • Warrington: Abrianna Skipper, third grade; Amayia White, third grade.
  • Weis: Teya Baldwin, fourth grade; Arianna Riley, fourth grade.
  • West Pensacola: Gabriela Guillen-Guillen, first grade; Joshua Smith, first grade.


  • Bailey: Jeffrey Nelson, seventh grade; Maya Woods, seventh grade.
  • Bellview: Kayla Knight, eighth grade; Joseph Milsteen, eighth grade.
  • Brown Barge: Thomas Cummins, eighth grade; Allyson McGuffin, seventh grade.
  • Ernest Ward: Ashley Davis, seventh grade;  Bailee Hinote, sixth grade; Allison Woodfin, eighth grade.
  • Ferry Pass: Allison Davies, seventh grade; Austin White, seventh grade.
  • Ransom: Maurice Hendricks, sixth grade;  Emma Jenkins, sixth grade.
  • Warrington: Cassandra Harrison, eighth grade; Ti’quilla Hosea, eighth grade.
  • Woodham: Da’shawn Clark, seventh grade;  Leslie Degraaf, seventh grade.
  • Workman: Maximilian Levesque, seventh grade; Lindsey Mitchell, seventh grade.


  • Northview: Devon Cottrell, 11th grade;  Ashley Duncan, 11th grade.
  • Pine Forest: Alyssa Enrile, 10th grade; Joseph Gammons, 12th grade.
  • Tate: Madison Bell, 11th grade; Isaac Heller, 11th grade.
  • Washington: Victor Nall, 11th grade.
  • West Florida: Joseph Clark, 12th grade;  Amber Reeves, 10th grade.

Pictured top left: Northview October Students of the Month Devon Cottrell and Ashley Duncan. Pictured top right: Ernest  Ward Students of the Month for October Bailee Highnote (standing), Allison Woodfin (left), and Ashley Davis. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Escambia County’s October Students Of The Month Named”

  1. Gary and Sharon Davis on October 29th, 2011 8:42 pm

    We are so proud of you, Ashley!!!
    Love, PawPaw and Grandma

  2. Michelle Hinote on October 28th, 2011 7:52 am

    We are so very proud of you!!! Keep working hard in school!!!!

    We love you,
    Mom, Dad and Gavin

  3. Betty Killam on October 27th, 2011 9:39 pm


    I am so pleased and proud of you.

    I love you lots!


  4. Rebecca Hatch on October 27th, 2011 9:28 pm

    Great job, Lilly! ~Love Mama & Daddy
    Way to go Allison & Ashley! ~Mrs. Hatch

  5. Rebecca Hatch on October 27th, 2011 9:09 pm

    Great job, Lilly, Allison, & Ashley! I am so proud of all of you:)

  6. Elizabeth on October 27th, 2011 2:59 pm

    Way to go Allison! Love you girlie!
    Mrs. Elizabeth <3

  7. Momma 2 on October 27th, 2011 2:40 pm

    We are proud of you Allison!

  8. Christy Davis on October 27th, 2011 12:54 pm

    Way to go Ashley! I am so proud of you!!!!! Keep up the good work!

  9. gail-cotton on October 27th, 2011 9:54 am

    I am sooooo proud of you.
    Love GIGI

  10. gail-cotton on October 27th, 2011 9:53 am

    Allison, I am soooo proud of you.

    Love you GIGI